Inspired by the true story of a teen who was killed at a railway crossing, the author weaves the tale of fourteen-year-old Paige, who, taking a shortcut alongside the tracks to avoid the school bullies, is tragically hit by a train and transported to a surreal world where she encounters Kim, who die...
Everyone makes mistakes and they live with them or they learn from them and most individuals move on. But the chance to have a do-over well, I myself would be pretty nervous going into that situation. Paige gets one week to have a do-over, one week to make everything okay. In that one week, Paige ca...
Review to come.
Due to copy and paste, formatting has been lost.From the cover, I thought that this was going to be some kind of paranormal. Even the title, Crush. Candy. Corpse. hints that there's going to be some made up creatures. I'm not sure what my final classification will be, but without a doubt, there was ...
My thoughts on Crush. Candy. Corpse. By Sylvia McNicollCrush. Candy. Corpse. Isn’t a typical young adult book. I was completely taken by surprise when I started reading it. But I have to make this perfectly clear…I loved it. I think everyone should read it.But don’t go into thinking it’s going to be...
This was definitely a hard topic to read about, at least for me. Alzheimer’s is one of the diseases that I fear most, but something in the blurb caught my interest. My feelings are still mixed after finishing the book but maybe that just reflects my unease about Alzheimer’s itself. I liked the way t...