Quetzalpetlatl is a Toltec princess whose life is turned upside-down when her father becomes the victim of a sinister plot after her brother is born to succeed him. Her life also becomes entwined with the feathered serpent god, Quetzalcoatl, with magical powers involved. This long novel deals with t...
I've read the first two of this author's Bone Flower trilogy, and I have really enjoyed those. I don't know of any other fantasy authors who write with the Aztec theme in their work. It has led me to read up some more on Aztec mythology, and I've come to the conclusion that it is really under appr...
Wow. Like the first book, there really is not a dull moment in here. A lot happened, and like in the first book, so much changed from beginning to end. I felt that there was a great deal more character development in this one, which I had hoped for. I felt like I got to know Citlallotoc and Topi...
This book manages to be very different from what I usually prefer to read, and also very much what I do tend to read. It had elements of high fantasy, with a great deal of magic, although also far more intervention from the gods than in anything else I've read, with the exception of perhaps the Mal...
Book provided by the author for review. trigger warnings: incest, self-harm, human sacrifice, violence The first book of this series was hard to read - not because it wasn't good, quite on the contrary! - but because it dealt with issues that are culturally taboo to me, namely incest. It makes f...
DNF at 30%TW: INCEST, RAPE, VICTIM BLAMINGArc provided by netgalleyUnfortunately this wasn't able to convince me...The narrator's voice, that starts out as a seven year old, Quetzalpetltl, sounded very inconsistent. One minute she would be very childish, and then completely grown up.This story stron...
This is one of those books for which I did not read the synopsis. I had no idea what I was getting myself into. In the beginning it reads like a young adult fantasy novel. Characters' motivations are dumbed down. Resolutions to problems feel sudden and a little too convenient. There is even a rom...
A mix of stories that gives shocks, tears and laughter. Here are the ones that stood out for me.T.L. Morganfield's Music Box the rated R version of Toy Story. Snowflake the stitched up bear has seen better days but he is the toy bully. "An eye for an eye"Mulligan Stew by Brian Rosenberger a short po...
Please see my in-depth review at Casual Debris.The publication is quite diverse in content (featuring interviews and reviews) and in the style of its fiction. The overall fiction seems to prefer some element of fantasy, and all but two stories function on the basis of a strong fantastical element. D...