Omg ! I really don't know where to start with this one as this book was one emotional roller coaster for us!The story was exciting and intense and riveting and the characters just captivated me especially Reap/Marcus he was one seriously dark and dangerous man and a whole lot of mind -ffed."The stor...
We loved Blue and Darby's story.I have to say this story started out with a bang and a whopping surprise.The story was heart felt and was about creating life and getting to experience your one true wish in life before your times up and by experiencing that wish that you made come true you are breath...
Let's start off by saying this is a fairly new author for us and we really enjoyed our second read by them .The only thing we disliked is we wish that the author had written and Epilogue. I strongly dislike authors that end books just like this author did as we love seeing a glimpse into the future ...
Title: Anguished Series: Crimson Elite #2 Author: T.L. Smith Genre: Romance (standalone) File Size: 4501 KB Print Length: 204 pages Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited Publication Date: February 19, 2019 Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC Language: English ASIN: B07MK1TF4H Reviewed by Angels ...