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"Cry Me a River" is a book I've long admired, and recently had a chance to re-read. In this story, Pearson demonstrates that he is the master at the top of his form: it contains subtle humor, broad jokes, scatalogical situations, powerfully sympathetic characters and an interesting plot -- all of wh...
So I've been having this fifteen year affair that just came to end last Thursday night. Maybe you've heard of my paramour, Must See TV. I didn't discover my love obsession hobby of watching TV like it was my job until I discovered Must See TV in the spring of 1998, when I accidentally caught a Frien...
An oral history of NBC's prime years in the mid-late 90s, told by various execs and creative folk. I'd give it three and a half stars, if I could. It's interesting for sure -- I am a huge television nerd with a mean nostalgic streak, so this is right up my alley. It read quickly and I definitely enj...
Entertaining mystery but not as suspenseful as some and not as impressive a read as most of what I've been reading lately. Has a great bad guy, though.
This book was an utter revelation. There are two storylines here: one following cousin Ray who has just been hired as a sheriff deputy in a small town off the Appalachian trail and one following cousin Paul who lives in Virginia but travels to New York City to identify the body of his murdered son....