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review 2019-03-30 15:11
Necessary Six Sigma Concepts and Tools

What Is Six Sigma?


Six Sigma is a standardized approach for eradicating errors. Six Sigma uses statistical methods to promote the quality by reducing variability in business processes, from manufacturing to engineering and buying. Six Sigma achieves its goal by using two Six Sigma Methods: DMAIC and DMADV.


Six Sigma DMAIC


In SKIL the Six Sigma DMAIC way is typically used to enhance an existing process. DMAIC is a phrase that stands for:

  • Define the problem and expected outcome
  • Measure the competence of the procedures
  • Analyze the data and analyze the root principle of variations (errors)
  • Improve or customize the process so that fewer variations (errors) are made
  • Control the process. Prohibit and correct variations before they result in errors

Six Sigma DMADV


Designing new procedures in SKIL, the Six Sigma DMADV is used. It is also called as DFSS (Design for Six Sigma). The DMADV phrase stands for:

  • Define design standards that adjusts with the product or process aims
  • Measure and identify aspects of the product or process that are demanding to quality
  • Analyze the data, and analyze possible sources of errors
  • Design changes that will eradicate the source of bugs or errors
  • Verify that the design will reach the requirements

Main Key for Six Sigma Principles


Six Sigma successes are mainly based on these key principles:

  • Targets on customer requirements
  • Using comprehensive measurement and statistical analysis to explain how work gets done and to identify the root cause of issues (variations)
  • Being proactive in eradicating variation and continually enhancing the process
  • Associating people in Six Sigma cross-functional teams
  • Being thorough and being extensible 



Six Sigma is about enhancing quality. The first step in that process is explaining what “quality” means, from the aspects of the people whose assessments matter most: the customers




After analyzing root causes, make changes to the process that will eradicate variation, and thus eliminate errors from the process. Collect data, talk with people, and study the data to check variations in the process that may have become popular.



Six Sigma comprises teams and leaders who take responsibility for the Six Sigma processes. The people on the teams required to be trained in Six Sigma's methods, consist of the Six Sigma measurement methods and development tools that will be used.




Six Sigma needs flexibility in various ways. The business’s management system wants to accept positive changes as well as allow changes. Employees should be motivated to modify the changes in Six Sigma Quality Management Tools includes of a  variety of tools can be used to support Six Sigma, including Value Stream Mapping (VSM), Capability Analysis, 5 Whys, Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA), and Statistical Process Control (SPC).


At SKIL, Six Sigma methodologies are pretty much clear, visual and effective communication that involves changes and requires effective on-going communication. Old habits required being broken and new habits are fixed. Graphic Products offers an array of supplies that can assist make Six Sigma successful.


Visit SKIL to know more about Six Sigma CertificationLean CertificationLean Six Sigma Green Belt, Project Management, Lean Six Sigma Black Belt etc.

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review 2019-03-24 13:31
Importance of a Lean Management System

We transform the organizations by creating new ways of working like setting up systems to drive continuous improvement and by engaging employees to meet the customer needs more effectively.


SKIL believes that lean is much more than just a “toolkit” or a methodology for removing the waste. We completely transform the way how companies operate, by focusing in particular on creating a culture of constant improvement and also a new leadership approach. We also instill new routines and behaviors to unleash the leadership capacity. A true lean management enterprise like SKIL feels like a very unique place to work:


  • Employees here at all levels understand the organization’s vision and translate it into actions every day, with a common motive toward common goals across the entire enterprise.
  • Managers also develop people with the expectation that everybody should have the opportunity to contribute to the best of their ability.
  • Everyone here sees problems as opportunities to make the business grow stronger.
  • Employees also understand their customers very well, and seek to meet their needs as efficiently as possible.

These “management disciplines” correlate to solid skills and ways of working that people and organizations can learn which, over the time, constitute a new company culture like how people behave and think.


How do we transform companies?


We have designed a transformation that makes sense for each organisation, based on the proven methods for attaining the right balance between deep and fast. Our impact also comes from building the capabilities of our employees to understand their customers, measure their performance, and fix problems that arise. A common challenge of bigger transformation programs are making sure change sticks over the time. We have also developed unique solutions to teach the capabilities required to sustain operational excellence:


Our tools also allows managers to track the progress on the routines and activities they are asked to perform in a lean way of working to receive upward feedback and the senior manager coaching on how they are doing.


Some visits allow the senior managers to learn from peers who are much more advanced in transforming their organisations. One-day visits across the world also create an unparalleled network to instill leaders with confidence and conviction in the new way of working.


We also have assessment of operational maturity which is embedded in all of our transformations. This methodology and the digital tools that support it offers an in built approach to drive continuous improvement by offering starting point, and by narrowing in on targets for their improvement.


We also have a set of two online learning modules, which can be taken individually or by teams. This content teaches all the basics of lean management and it also gives students the insight as to how a transformation will deploy and affect them, and also trains on the tools needed to sustain the transformation.


Capability building centers across the world use experiential and also other proven learning techniques to demonstrate the best practices to develop skills and also create executive commitment.


Visit SKIL to know more about Lean Certification, Six Sigma Certification, Lean Six Sigma Green Belt, Project Management, Lean Six Sigma Black Belt etc.

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review 2019-03-22 07:27
How to Find a Best Lean Consultant

What is lean consulting?


Lean Consulting is defined as the activity of consulting a company by applying Lean methodologies. Lean Consulting is also a business activity where an expert uses his tools, knowledge and expertise to advise and guide the organisation or company to perform better in a defined area or to resolve a problem.


A lean consultant helps an organisation to implement Lean in it.


SKIL’s Six Sigma / Lean consultants provide Lean education, training, and consulting for Lean tools such as process mapping and value stream mapping to help you understand and uncover waste in your processes.


Our Lean consultants also help you to design standardized work, SMED, implement of 5S and other Six Sigma / Lean tools that will improve the material, information, and processes that flows within your facility.  SKIL’s Lean Solutions combines with thoroughness of Six Sigma to eliminate wasteful business processes, increase productivity and also help your manufacturing/ service organisation to improve its profitability.


Our Lean Consultants at SKIL also focus specifically on implementing the tools and principles of lean manufacturing within your business model. This is not only focusing purely on process improvement but a full culture change that will also involve every stakeholder in improving business performance. If you like to go beyond low return process improvements and reap the rewards of implementing lean manufacturing process throughout your business then the following benefits will appeal to you.


The typical areas we cover are

  • We help increase your bottom line with improvement of projects directly linked to your growth plan.
  • Understand true customer value and how to communicate value throughout your business to improve its performance.
  • Exceed your previous external feedback with internal targets that are directly linked to satisfy the customers.
  • Create a vision and strategy that will maximize the returns from your current resources.
  • Make sure all your staff are trained and coached to adopt the appropriate techniques that will impact their own area.
  • Gain buy in from all your staff members during the change process.
  • Create a culture where all the staff are driven to reduce the amount of time and effort wasted.
  • Create more space with more efficient layouts and establish an organized workplace.
  • Increase visibility of performances and the change progress with visual management.
  • Help Reduce the risk of health and safety issues within your business.
  •  Develop a stronger relationship with your suppliers with new stock control methods.

Having our Lean Consultants on site also help you to manage the change process that will maximize the returns based on your investment and will ensure that the progress does not stand still. We all would need someone over our shoulder at times to give us a prod and our Lean Consultants at SKIL are experts at prodding without causing offense.


We establish the necessary momentum to sustain the company gains by incorporating the associates' ideas into daily operating procedures. We also understand how to motivate the associates and energize their confidence so they will want to be part of a culture that embraces continuous improvement.


Visit SKIL to know more about Six Sigma CertificationLean Certification, Project Management, Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Certification, Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Certification etc.

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review 2019-03-21 07:33
A Brief Introduction Lean Six Sigma

Lean is all about speed and efficiency. The Six Sigma is all about understanding your customer, by gathering data, and analyzing the given data to address the root cause of an issue. Combined together, they are the best practice methodology for continuous improvement of any business.


Our experienced team at SKIL will work with you to customize the approach that drives significant results to the bottom line and fits with the culture of the business.


We also offer a full suite of Lean Six Sigma service, for the large scale deployment or for smaller business which are looking to get started. We also help clients with assessments, opportunity, and identification with selection, deployment planning, Black Belt and Green Belt training and certification, project mentoring, with leading significant projects.


Our Lean Six Sigma Services


  • Facilitation: For custom engagements to meet your needs.
  • Lean Six Sigma transformations: This group also provides with the necessities for successful transformations. We bring you all the lean six sigma philosophies including mentoring, facilitating and training.
  • Strategy Deployment: It allows you to know how to set the priorities effectively and deploy resources and help you stay focused.
  • Value Stream improvements: Improves all the interrelated and connected processes that deliver value to the customers
  •  Focused and targeted improvements: We facilitate improvements in specific targeted areas and processes.
  •  Assessments: A facilitated process that allows you to see where you are and what is required to take your organisation to the next level.



  • Lean Six Sigma overview or basics: Provides a high level orientation of Lean Six Sigma concepts with simulations to reinforce the concepts
  • Lean manufacturing tools Specific tools for your needs Blended Learning Lean Six Sigma Green Belt A flexible effective method for robust training.
  • Blended Learning Lean Six Sigma Black Belt A flexible effective method for robust training
  • Extending Lean Six Sigma into your supply base: Learn best practices for extending Lean Six Sigma into your supply chain and also learn how to use value stream across organizations and companies.

Skil offers Improved Customer Loyalty through lean six sigma as many business wants to retain its customers. There is also a significant factor in determining the success of firm. Time Management employing using lean six sigma methodology at your business can help employees manage their time very effectively, resulting in a more efficient business and more productive employees. This is done by looking at three key areas; learning, fulfillment and performance.


Reduced Cycle Time: By using Six Sigma, a business can set up a team of experienced employees from all levels within the organisation and from every functional department. These teams are then given the task of identifying factors that could negatively affect the project leading to long cycle times.


Employee Motivation Every business, if destined to succeed needs its employees to act in the right way - but for employees to do so there must be sufficient motivation. Indeed, organizations who are willing to fully engage with employees have consistently demonstrated 25 - 50 per cent increases in productivity.


Visit SKIL to know more about Six Sigma Certification, Lean Certification, Lean Six Sigma Green Belt, Project Management, Lean Six Sigma Black Belt etc.

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review 2019-03-02 06:30
5 Steps To Behavioral Change

Ok, you as Organization Head decided to go for improvement projects. So what will be your biggest challenge in the success of this project? Is it identifying improvement opportunities, influencing stakeholders, subordinates to accept, getting the right resources to execute the project, expected ROI? From our experience, it is none of those. What we have consistently seen in our work is the foremost challenges organizations face when they want to go with Lean & Six-Sigma is in changing behavior of their employees to accept new ways of working. Continuous improvement programs are not a one-time event. It requires the significant change in practices of employees who follow and has to drive from the top leadership. But just exercising command- control or authoritative leadership won’t help in changing behavior.




Can we learn from other fields such as Healthcare or Environmental psychology about behavior change? I would like to explain same here, as a large number of interventions, are based on attitude models such as the Theory of planned behavior.


This model suggests that intentional behaviors are influenced by attitudes towards that behavior, perceived subjective norms (what others think) and perceptions of behavioral control. The assumption is that making improvements in everyday behaviors are voluntary, planned behaviors and that providing employees with the right kind of information will allow them to make more informed (i.e. more sustainable) choices.


But, there is a range of reasons why employees may not act upon their attitudes even though they have the required kind information. Let us explore the idea that behavior change is a process, not an event. Changing behavior, even under ideal circumstances, may require more effort than is often presumed. One factor that plays a significant role is the habit. Many of the things we do, we do without thinking. When we start looking for improvements, we rarely look things which are set and working for many years. It is not until we find some customer starts reporting issues that we (have to) consider alternatives on how to add more quality checks, an additional process for reviews etc. With repetition and a stable context, habits can develop. When behavior is habitual it takes place without much thinking or conscious planning, and in this case information provision about best practices is relatively pointless. Behavior change interventions are likely effective when organizations go through a major change such as loss of big customer, huge demand drop or increased competition. These new situations make it necessary to reconsider the existing choices. Moreover, in such situations, employees are more likely to act in line with important values.


Behaviour change is a process


The stages of change model (more commonly employed in health psychology), may be useful to help tackle continuous improvement projects in the organization. Let us explore how this model can be used in organizations. According to this model, change is not an event but a process where people move through different stages.



 Different interventions are needed for people in different stages, and without significant intervention, people can move not only towards maintenance but also in the opposite direction. Raising awareness of the operational costs, losing to competitors or to becoming N0.1 organization may help move employees from pre-contemplation to contemplation.


So to initiate a continuous improvement in the organization, you have to start the process with 5 steps


Pre-Contemplation: Organizations at this stage do not intend to start the change in the near future, and may be unaware of the need to change. Organizations or employees here learn more about new practices: they are encouraged to think about the pros of changing their old practices and to feel emotions about the effects of their negative effects on the organization. This is the stage where you have to sit with the audience and contemplate on why the change or improvement is necessary. If this is not bought by everyone involved, it is very difficult to move to the next stage.


Contemplation: At this stage, participants are intending to start the best practices. While they are now usually more aware of the pros of changing, their cons are about equal to their Pros. This ambivalence about changing can cause them to keep putting off taking action. Employees here learn about the kind of person or organization they could build or effects it will bring if they follow best practices and learn more from employees who are doing in new ways. Others can influence and help effectively at this stage by encouraging them to work at reducing the bad practices. Here at this stage, you are evaluating different options and decide on what is the best way to change. You as a leader along with many of your key subordinates consider the changes.


Ready to Taking Action: Employees at this stage are ready to start taking action soon. They take small steps that they believe can help them make the better workplace. For example, they tell their co-workers and team members that how the new changes are helping to improve. Employees at this stage should be encouraged to seek support from managers, team members they trust. Their number one concern is: when they act, will they fail? They learn that the better prepared they are, the more likely they are to keep progressing. You as a leader have to identify key steps required for change and incorporate the same and positively influence the team.


Action: Employees at this stage have already incorporated new practices and working on a new methodology. They need to keep working to move ahead. These participants need to learn how to strengthen their commitment to change and to fight urges to revert to old habits. Employees in this stage progress by being taught techniques for keeping up their commitments such as substituting activities related to the bad practices with best practices, rewarding them for taking steps toward changing. As a Leader, you have to reward employees who are advancing in this stage and motivate others to join.


Maintenance (monitoring): Employees at this stage have accepted new practices. It is important at this stage to be aware of situations that may tempt them to old practices into doing the particularly stressful situations. Need to develop tools and technique and proper feedback mechanism which prevents older practices and rewards the best practices.


Finally, Continuous Improvement projects require a longer term vision and it is not a onetime event. Behavior change of employees is an important aspect of this process. The good news is ones successfully adopted, the rewards are long lasting. Your comments are always welcome.


Visit SKIL to know more about Six Sigma Certification, Lean Certification, Lean Six Sigma Green Belt, Project Management, Lean Six Sigma Black Belt etc.

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