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review 2017-07-25 03:11
Slow Pace
Exploited: A Zero Day Romance - A. Mered... Exploited: A Zero Day Romance - A. Meredith Walters

This story had so much potential and I'll admit, when I read the preface, I was all kinds of excited about it. That small introduction pulled me in and I was ready to be wowed. It is very well written and Walters has a great writing style. Unfortunately, it didn't take long for the story to fizzle after the preface. 

The book is rather lengthy, which isn't a problem for me as long as the story keeps a good pace and holds my interest. While the book does have a steady pace for the most part, it's almost agonizingly slow and even a bit repetitive at times, to the point that I found my interest waning. 

The story is suspenseful and Hannah's crimes were intriguing, but it would've benefited from a faster pace. I did expect more of a romantic element, but honestly, I didn't feel the romance with this one. Hannah comes across as cold and calculating through much of the story and while we're told on the page that she's falling for Mason, I didn't feel that. 

Mason could've been a truly great character, but he has to be the most gullible agent in the history of fictional FBI agents. Not only does he accept Hannah's excuses for her lies, but he justifies them in his head. There were so many red flags waved in his face that it became eye-rollingly frustrating. 

The cliffy at the end was a big one, but between Hannah's coldness and Mason's gullibility, I wasn't left with enough curiosity to read to the conclusion to this tale. 

The author is talented and I would read other books by her, but this one just wasn't for me. 

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review 2015-11-13 19:58
Butterfly Dreams
Butterfly Dreams - A. Meredith Walters

She knows she’s sick, she just hasn’t found the right diagnosis yet for all the symptoms she seems to be experiencing. Its’ all these illnesses, there are so many and just reading about them, Corin seems to be suffering from them all and no one can explain why. Beckett’s life was turned around in his mid twenties when he experienced a heart attack. He was a perfectly healthy man, stricken by something festering inside him; it was just waiting for the perfect conditions to make itself know. Beckett’s life will never be the same, he can no longer live his life on the edge, his relationships have changed and so has his outlook on life. It takes time but Beckett finally grabs life and realizes what he still has to offer. It’s his enthusiasm for life that makes his character enjoyable. His new outlook on life, this positive energy and spice for life might be just what he needs to make the most of his life.   As Beckett and Corin stumble upon each other, I start to realize what an unlikely pair they make. I praised Beckett for taking the high road and trying to maintain a positive attitude for his health issues. Corin, the more I read about her and her history, the more I wondered how Beckett would handle the truth about her. Would it anger him that she played this card or would he see that it is also a health issue and have patience with her? The novel had a few interesting moments that I did not see coming as I read. I really enjoyed the novel and the only issue I had was with the butterflies.   I didn’t feel that adding this feature to the novel added anything to it. The story was excellent without them. 4 stars

Thank you Random House Publishing and NetGalley for providing me a copy of this novel in exchange for an honest review.

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review 2015-07-24 00:00
The Missing- Volume I- Illusions
The Missing- Volume I- Illusions - A. Meredith Walters,A.M. Irvin This was dark! Sad and dark. I love that combo. I remember reading [b:Find You in the Dark|16081754|Find You in the Dark (Find You in the Dark, #1)|A. Meredith Walters|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1359627731s/16081754.jpg|21881113] thinking the same thing. I really FELT for Nora. Her life is just so dismal. There doesn't seem to be anything good going on, I want her to find happiness...terribly!! I want to find her and be her friend, show her kindness she seems to need so bad! I am definitely intrigued by this book and will def continue on.
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review 2015-04-10 00:00
The Contradiction of Solitude
The Contradiction of Solitude - A. Meredith Walters This book is not a romance at all. So when I say it has dark themes, I don't mean sexually. This novel deals more with the darkness of a soul. Before reading it, I was told these facts so I definitely want to convey the point. This story is not a love story.

I can't give many details of the actual plot without ruining it so I'm sorry if my points seem vague. I love psychology. So many aspects of it are present here. The book is a psychological thriller. Psychology is used on the reader, and some of the characters suffer from psychological disorders. Because of the fact that the story involves a serial killer, bloody murder scenes do play a part. The narrative switches between two characters points of view. It is mostly told in present tense with some flashbacks.

Much of the first is build up. I think the author really wants to put the reader in a certain state of mind. There's so much introspection from the characters that I started to feel like the storyline was just spinning it's wheels. I was ready to move to the action. That is the only fault that I have, and it's just a personal issue. If the story wouldn't have moved at a slower pace during some parts, it may have given the rest less impact.

As for when things start happening, I was super into it. Whether you are surprised by the direction the story takes or not, you will still feel the effects. Excellent storytelling, marvelous. This book definitely put the fear into me. I think I'll never leave my house again. It's too dangerous out there in the world.

If you're looking for a feel good read, this probably isn't for you. If you want to try something different to get your blood pumping, something quite chilling and twisted, you may have just found it.

***Copy given in exchange for an honest review***

FULL REVIEW CAN BE FOUND AT http://fangirlmomentsandmytwocents.blogspot.com/2015/04/the-contradiction-of-solitude-by.html
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review 2014-09-05 14:45
Reclaiming the Sand
Reclaiming the Sand - A. Meredith Walters 3.75. A heartwarming read.
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