When I got into reading one of the first espionage series that I got into was the Scot Harvath series by Brad Thor. Backlash is the 19th book in the series and if the bro-mance spy thriller type books are your bag, as Austin Power's would say, then "this should be in your bag, baby".
Without getting into the story, this is your typical Scot Harvath story, told by Armand Schultz. Backlash picks up where Spymaster ends, and finds Scot in hot water in a very cold place. The story is good, and every Scot Harvath fan should be happy when finished.
Picking up the picture, and his glass, he headed outside. The sun was almost low enough to touch the water. He wanted to watch it disappear. Then he wanted to start thinking about what he was going to do next.
Cue the contemplating music.