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Search tags: COVER-REVEALS
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text 2014-03-24 21:14
Cover Reveal & Review Opportunity: Marked by Hades by Reese Monroe


Last week we posted that Booksniffer Review Tours is working with author Reese Monroe to celebrate the release of the second book in her Bound by Hades series, MARKED BY HADES, which releases on April 14th 2014!

We are looking to get 50+ reviews the first few days of the book's release, anytime from the 14th to 16th of April. We would love to have you join in the celebration!

**Book One, FORGED BY FATE, is also available if you need it to read and review Marked by Hades.**


Click the Button to
Today the cover for Marked by Hades has finally been revealed! Check it out below!
Pre-order on Amazon HERE
Add to Goodreads HERE
"Monroe delivers it all--Passion, suspense, and the ultimate fight between good and evil!" 
-Jaime Rush, New York Times bestselling author of THE HIDDEN
Source: booksnifferreviewtours.blogspot.com/2014/03/cover-reveal-review-opp-marked-by-hades.html
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text 2013-10-29 17:44
A new job- a new outlook!
Cornerstone - Kelly Walker
Discovery (Electi) - Brina Courtney
Waterproof - Amber Garr
Tempest - Holly Hook
The Girl (Guardians #1) - Lola St.Vil

Hey everyone! 


I want to share my wonderful news with you! I got a new job! I'm sure you guessed that by the title of the post ;) I am super excited! I am an assistant at Mark My Words Book Publicity. I get to work with Bloggers and awesome Indie authors and BOOKS! Every bookworms dream :D 


In the first few days of my new job I am out searching for AWESOME BLOGGERS. The ones who seriously LOVE books Who are not afraid to shout it from the rooftops. People who love cover reveals and Blitzes - there are some AWESOME Covers reveals soon, and some amazing stories releasing soon! 


If you want to be part of my team, or know someone who would want to- drop me a line at Michelle (at) markmywordsbookpublicity (dot) com! You do NOT have to be a blogger to help out. Sharing on facebook and twitter is wonderful as well! There will of course be giveaways and review opportunities as well ;) 


We actually have a couple Cover Reveals and Release day blitzes coming up quick that we need help with ! If you are interested PLEASE Email me and I will send you info! 


Feel free also to tell me what you do and do not want to see :) How can we make blitzes unique?  Should we have twitter parties? Do you follow Blog Tours?- What can we change about them. Any feedback is appreciated and WILL be taken into consideration! 


I'm really excited guys, and hope I get to work with some of you in the future!


michelle (at) markmywodsbookpublicity (dot) com

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