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review 2022-12-29 16:42
Was mit Annies Schwester passiert ist
Café Leben - Jo Leevers

Im Jahr 1974 ist ihre Schwester aus ungeklärter Ursache ertrunken. Jetzt ist die unheilbare kranke Annie im Hospiz und weicht Fragen über ihre Vergangenheit aus. Die 32-jährige Henrietta Lockwood, die selbst von früheren Geschehnissen verfolgt wird, trifft auf die 66-jährige Krebskranke, um deren Geschichte für die Nachwelt festzuhalten. Wird sie das Rätsel lösen?


„Café Leben“ ist der Debütroman von Jo Leevers.


Meine Meinung:
Der Roman beginnt mit einem Prolog, dem 45 Kapitel folgen. Erzählt wird im Wechsel aus der Perspektive von Henrietta und Annie. Der Aufbau ist einfach, aber sinnvoll.


In sprachlicher Hinsicht ist der Roman unauffällig, gleichzeitig jedoch angemessen. Der anschauliche und bildhafte Schreibstil erzeugt einen angenehmen Lesefluss.


Annie und Henrietta stehen im Fokus der Geschichte. Die Ausgestaltung der Charaktere ist für mich nicht komplett gelungen, denn es fiel mir anfangs schwer, mit den Protagonistinnen warm zu werden. Ihre Gedanken und Gefühle werden allerdings sehr gut deutlich.


Thematisch werden die existenziellen Herausforderungen behandelt: Leben und Tod, Krankheit und Verlust, Schicksalsschläge und Traumata. Inhaltlich ist die Geschichte nicht besonders originell. Sie schafft aber viele Anknüpfungspunkte und bietet viel Stoff zum Nachdenken.


Gut gefallen hat mir, dass der Roman mich emotional berühren konnte und dabei auf kitschige Passagen verzichtet hat. Auf den rund 300 Seiten hält er Überraschungen bereit. Die Auflösung konnte mich ebenfalls überzeugen.


Der englischsprachige Originaltitel („Tell me how this ends“) ist aus meiner Sicht passender zum Inhalt. Auch das hübsche Cover ist ein wenig irreführend.


Mein Fazit:
Mit „Café Leben“ ist Jo Leevers ein unterhaltsamer und bewegender Roman gelungen. Ein empfehlenswertes Debüt.

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text 2022-07-20 12:24
Restaurants For Sale: A Comprehensive List

Owning a restaurant is a dream many aspiring restaurateurs have. But what are the benefits of owning your own business? This blog will answer that question in detail, by discussing the different types of Restaurants For Sale, what they are, and what you can expect from owning one. Additionally, this blog will provide you with a brief overview of the different types of restaurant ownership, along with tips on how to find a good restaurant for sale. So if you're interested in owning your own restaurant one day, read on!


The benefits of owning a restaurant for sale


The restaurant business is a lucrative and exciting one. If you're interested in owning your own business and making it your own, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First and foremost, consult with an experienced restaurateur before making any decisions. They can help you understand the business and potential opportunities, and guide you through the process of buying or starting a Cafe For Sale.


Once you have a good understanding of the business, it's time to start planning. Owning a restaurant for sale can be a profitable investment, and there are a variety of ways to monetize your property - from remodeling it to opening up a new location. The sky's the limit when it comes to what you can do with a restaurant property - from turning it into a successful franchise to making it your own personal empire!


Cafe For Sale


A brief overview of the different types of restaurants for sale


There's a restaurant for sale for everyone. Whether you're looking for a quick-service chain or a fine dining restaurant, the options are endless. Keep in mind the location, size, and amenities of the restaurant before making a purchase.


Additionally, factor in the price - it's important to find one that's financially feasible for you. You can find a variety of restaurants for sale, including quick-service, casual dining, and fine dining. Each type has its own benefits and drawbacks - be sure to research each before making a purchase. Buying a restaurant is a big investment, so make sure you're making the right decision.


What is a restaurant for sale?


Restaurants for sale are a business that has failed and needs to be closed down. They come in all shapes and sizes, and can be an excellent investment opportunity if the property has good bones. Before purchasing or investing in a restaurant for sale, do your research first and make sure it's the right fit for you. There are many factors to consider, such as location, the state of the business, and the equipment and inventory. Once you have a good idea of what you're looking for, contact a restaurant broker to find out more.



How to find a good restaurant for sale?


There are a few ways to find a good restaurant for sale. The most straightforward way is to search for restaurants that are up for sale on various websites. This can be a time-consuming task, so be prepared to wade through a lot of irrelevant results. Another option is to attend food shows in your area.


These events usually happen once or twice a year, and offer a great opportunity to meet with various restaurateurs and inspect their facilities firsthand. Another way is to contact restaurants directly and ask about their availability. Be sure to prepare a business case that highlights the benefits of purchasing their business. The last option is to do an online search, which will bring up many results. Choose the restaurant that best meets your needs and make an offer.




Owning a restaurant is a great business opportunity, but it can be difficult to find the right restaurant for you. In this blog post, we have listed a comprehensive list of restaurants for sale that are perfect for anyone interested in starting or expanding their restaurant business. Make sure to read through the list to find the perfect restaurant for you!


Source - https://businessvaluationaus.blogspot.com/2022/07/restaurants-for-sale-comprehensive-list.html

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text 2020-01-30 09:42
Why are Cafe Umbrellas just the thing to jazz up your décor?

Umbrellas, along with providing aesthetic uplift to your restaurant, café, garden courtyard, patio, and dining areas, are also ingenious branding opportunity. These commercial café umbrellas come in different shapes, sizes and designs, suited to your every need. Here are a few reasons why you should consider getting branded café umbrellas for your outdoor space:



1. Never out of style: 


Outdoor café umbrellas fit into the décor of any outdoor space with the utmost ease. Be it a pool, a park, an entertainment venue, or an outdoor café; commercial cafe umbrellas are sure to sway visitors your way. Also, when deployed at a height, they provide excellent lighting opportunities to increase the overall luminosity of the place.


2. Your canopy sunscreen: 


Apart from their pretty evident aesthetic appeal, cafe umbrellas go a long way of fulfilling their primary purpose, which is protecting you from harmful rays of the sun. These canopies are designed in a manner to keep you fresh and safe from the scorching summer heat. During monsoon, they also protect you from the pouring rains, which comes as an added bonus.


3. Branding opportunities: 


The appearance or detailing of an outdoor café umbrella is ever so significant because it provides your potential customers with an insight into your brand. Also given their all-weather appeal, they are sure to lure in crowds in search of respite from the scorching heat or pouring rains.


4. Extends your space: 


An umbrella practically occupies zero surface area and adding them in your atrium or at the back of your lawn provides you with added space which you could use for a variety of purposes like barbecuing, play area etc.


5. Privacy: 


At some point or the other, we all suffer because of nosey neighbours having nothing better to do than continually stalking your vacant space. With professional outdoor café umbrellas that come with articulated arm, you can cordon off the view to any angle you want.


6. Podium for pets: 


Having a large outdoor umbrella in your backyard provides your pet with space to cool-off outdoors. Studies have shown that animals have an even lesser threshold for harmful UV light unless if you are sheltering reptiles.


Why you should only go for commercial café umbrellas:


Despite all the weather adversities they face, branded cafe umbrellas are your best bet for longevity and durability. It is important to note that commercial cafe umbrellas may look similar on the outside to the domestic ones. Still, commercial cafe umbrellas come are made of higher quality material which makes them more durable and sturdier. Industrial cafe umbrella manufacturers provide a central pole and easily replaceable parts to facilitate your ease of setting up an umbrella.


So if you feel like jazzing up the décor of your restaurant, café, garden courtyard, patio etc. with an umbrella, make sure you visit https://www.extreme-marquees.com.au./buy-online/cafe-umbrellas/ or call 1300 850 532 for the best deals.

Source: www.extreme-marquees.com.au
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text 2019-11-01 07:53
Explore the World through Words

Wanderlust! It is not just an in-vogue word but an emotion for many. There are a lot of people who want to travel and explore the world. But, not many get to live this dream. Physical, financial and other concerns related to responsibilities make it difficult to travel and explore the world. However, it is often said that the world can be lived in words too. The way we read novels and live the life of our favorite characters, we can now live life and travel the world with our favorite bloggers. These blogging platforms not just offer information, but also make sure that we get to experience the many wonders of the world. From the best themed cafe Tokyo to the must explore things in India and more, you can get to know and feel everything that the writer has done in life.

Other than fulfilling our travel fantasies that are not possible, these platforms act as a guide as well. Someone said that you cannot live may lives at once, but if you read a lot you can achieve that. But poorly written content does not incite that level of excitement or interest. The writing should be appealing and lucrative. If the writer enjoyed the experience at say, a particular historical monument, simply saying “had fun” wouldn’t suffice. Instead, if the writer says something aesthetically pleasing and creates an imagery in mind like, “enjoyed exploring the many aspects of history in a monument that speaks not just volumes about the era in which it was built but also the culture that prevailed”, the reader can form an image in mind.

To get this level of information, offered with the best details and in a manner that incites interest, you can visit Leighton Travels. Leighton is an Englishman born in the rainy island who wanted to explore the world. And that is what he does. He explores the world and takes his readers along on a journey that is both entertaining and enriching. Also, he reviews albums and movies and shares anecdotes about his travel to the far off lands. In one of his blogs titled The Beatles experience Liverpool, the way he offers details about everything is simply incredible and all the Beatles fans out there can live each moment of his adventures in Liverpool.

About Leighton Travels:

Leighton Travels is an effort by Leighton to explore every country, one at a time and take his readers along. Read about his Liverpool and the Beatles experience and other anecdotes on the website

To know more, visit https://leightontravels.com

Original Source: https://bit.ly/2C3bsEq

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text 2019-11-01 07:53
Explore the World through Words

Wanderlust! It is not just an in-vogue word but an emotion for many. There are a lot of people who want to travel and explore the world. But, not many get to live this dream. Physical, financial and other concerns related to responsibilities make it difficult to travel and explore the world. However, it is often said that the world can be lived in words too. The way we read novels and live the life of our favorite characters, we can now live life and travel the world with our favorite bloggers. These blogging platforms not just offer information, but also make sure that we get to experience the many wonders of the world. From the best themed cafe Tokyo to the must explore things in India and more, you can get to know and feel everything that the writer has done in life.

Other than fulfilling our travel fantasies that are not possible, these platforms act as a guide as well. Someone said that you cannot live may lives at once, but if you read a lot you can achieve that. But poorly written content does not incite that level of excitement or interest. The writing should be appealing and lucrative. If the writer enjoyed the experience at say, a particular historical monument, simply saying “had fun” wouldn’t suffice. Instead, if the writer says something aesthetically pleasing and creates an imagery in mind like, “enjoyed exploring the many aspects of history in a monument that speaks not just volumes about the era in which it was built but also the culture that prevailed”, the reader can form an image in mind.

To get this level of information, offered with the best details and in a manner that incites interest, you can visit Leighton Travels. Leighton is an Englishman born in the rainy island who wanted to explore the world. And that is what he does. He explores the world and takes his readers along on a journey that is both entertaining and enriching. Also, he reviews albums and movies and shares anecdotes about his travel to the far off lands. In one of his blogs titled The Beatles experience Liverpool, the way he offers details about everything is simply incredible and all the Beatles fans out there can live each moment of his adventures in Liverpool.

About Leighton Travels:

Leighton Travels is an effort by Leighton to explore every country, one at a time and take his readers along. Read about his Liverpool and the Beatles experience and other anecdotes on the website

To know more, visit https://leightontravels.com

Original Source: https://bit.ly/2C3bsEq

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