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review 2019-12-04 03:59
Catch-Up Quick Takes: Best. State. Ever.; Live Right and Find Happiness; You Can Date Boys When You're Forty (Audiobooks) by Dave Barry, Dick Hill
Live Right and Find Happiness (Although Beer is Much Faster): Life Lessons and Other Ravings from Dave Barry - Dave Barry
Best. State. Ever.: A Florida Man Defends His Homeland - Dave Barry

I've mentioned before here that I think that Dave Barry is just about the funniest writer around—I used to gobble up his stuff in the newspaper and bookstore as quickly as it came out. I'm not sure what changed, but there are a handful of books by him that I haven't gotten to yet. Thankfully, my Library had a few of them available to listen to last month. Here are a few thoughts about each of them. Quick reminder: the point of these quick takes post to catch up on my "To Write About" stack—emphasizing pithiness, not thoroughness.

Best. State. EverBest. State. Ever.: A Florida Man Defends His Homeland

by Dave Barry, Dick Hill (Narrator)
Unabridged Audiobook, 4 hrs., and 47 mins.
Recorded Books, 2016
Read: November 21-22, 2019

(the official blurb)

The best parts of this one for me were the introduction (explaining some of the phenomena behind the widespread mockery of Florida) and the chapter giving a history of the state. I chuckled a lot at both of those.


When he moved onto looking at various tourist attractions and or locations in the state, it lost a little bit for me. There was something in each chapter to make me grinmaybe even laugh. But not as much as I'm used to from Barry. The Key West chapter came close, but even that stumbled. I do think if I'd ever been in the state to get a feel for some of these places it might have been better.


The biggest revelation for me from this is just how funny Dick Hill can be. No offense intended, but the voice of Jack Reacher and other thrillers is just not what you think of when it comes to silliness. But man, he was really, really good at this.

3 Stars



Live Right and Find HappinessLive Right and Find Happiness (Although Beer is Much Faster): Life Lessons and Other Ravings from Dave Barry

by Dave Barry
Unabridged Audiobook, 3 hrs., and 39 mins.
Recorded Books, 2015
Read: November 26, 2019

(the official blurb)

This is more like it: pieces of wisdom (and other things) Barry's passing on to his daughter and grandson. The driving tips for his daughter were fantastic (not just because my daughter is in the process of getting her license right now). The letter to his infant grandson was funny and touching.


Barry also looks at his parents' generation (the Mad Men generation) and their ability to party, Google Glass, and a trip to Brazil for the World Cup (not being a sports guy, I didn't think that last one would do much for me, but it was really funny). Oh, yeah, then he talks in-depth about a trip that he and Ridley Pearson took to Russia to talk about writing.


As much as I liked Dick Hill, Barry's a better narrator of his own stuff.

3.5 Stars



You Can Date Boys When You're FortyYou Can Date Boys When You're Forty: Dave Barry on Parenting and Other Topics He Knows Very Little About

by Dave Barry
Unabridged Audiobook, 3 hrs., and 22 mins.
Penguin Audio, 2014
Read: November 8, 2019

(the official blurb)

This one ticked all the right boxes for methe stuff about his daughter dating was the kind of thing that fathers everywhere can relate to and second; taking his daughter to a Bieber concert was even better. It was probably not a good idea for me to listen to his chapter about Fifty Shades of Grey at work, thankfully no one asked me why I was laughing (I did not want to have to explain that). Oh, and his funeral instructions were priceless.


Something I wasn't prepared for was a long piece about a trip his family took to Israel. Listening to Barry juggle travel humor (searching for A/C and Wi-Fi in the midst of historic/cultural wonders), sensitive political discussions, and even getting close to the spiritual was fantastic. It's not the kind of writing that you often see from Barry, and it's easy to forget he can be really effective doing things that aren't just verbal slapstick.


This is probably one of my favorite collections from someone I've been reading for decades. This is just great.
4 Stars

2019 Library Love ChallengeHumor Reading Challenge 2019

Source: irresponsiblereader.com/2019/12/03/catch-up-quick-takes-best-state-ever-live-right-and-find-happiness-you-can-date-boys-when-youre-forty-audiobooks-by-dave-barry-dick-hill
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review 2019-05-03 18:05
It Was Okay
Lessons From Lucy: The Simple Joys of an Old, Happy Dog - Dave Barry

While I liked the lessons from Lucy, she is a wise girl, I didn't get much from the inbetween stories. Dave Barry has something to say, there was inspiration and some chuckling moments there but they were dulled by filler stories. I don't know him, have never heard of him before, perhaps it I had a history with him I would have gotten more out of it. For a short book it felt long to me.

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text 2019-05-01 23:20
Reading progress update: I've read 25 out of 208 pages.
Lessons From Lucy: The Simple Joys of an Old, Happy Dog - Dave Barry

Phew, that was a long introduction. I've never heard or read this guys stuff before but I like him already. I'm in the mood for fun with dogs

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review 2019-05-01 00:00
Peter and the Starcatchers
Peter and the Starcatchers - Greg Call,Ridley Pearson,Dave Barry 4.5 stars
I’ve a thing for this sort of books and Peter’s story always strings a cord in my heart with all the sadness of never growing up while seeing all the others around you do.
This book was about how Peter became Peter and how got to be in Neverland and I really liked it.
(See reading activity for more thoughts while reading it, because it felt a little slow for me, for some reason)
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review 2018-07-20 22:52
America's Funniest Human Tries to Learn a Few New Tricks from an Old Dog
Lessons From Lucy: The Simple Joys of an Old, Happy Dog - Dave Barry

Before I say anything else, Barry has set up an Instagram page (well, probably not him, actually -- he states in the book he doesn't understand Instagram) for his dog, Lucy. You should absolutely check it out and then come back to read what I have to say about the book. Dog Pictures > my blog. Pretty near always.


With that out of the way . . . Dave Barry has been a dog person for most of his life, one of the many reasons I like him. I distinctly, and fondly, remember columns and/or references to Earnest and Zippy (the emergency backup dog) years ago. Those two make a brief appearance in this book, but they aren't the focus. The focus (if you can't tell from the title) is his dog, Lucy. At the time of writing, Barry and Lucy are the same age -- 70 (or 7 times 10 in her case), which means that both of them have many fewer days ahead of them than behind -- which sounds awfully morbid for Dave Barry to talk about, but he does so frequently and purposefully.


As they're at similar stages in life, Barry notices a huge difference between the two -- Lucy is far happier and seemingly better adjusted than he is. So he sets out to try to learn a few lessons about life from her, which he passes on to his readers. Things like Pay Attention to the People You Love; Don't Let Your Happiness Depend on Things; and Don't Stop Having Fun. None of these, Barry knows, are original or ground-breaking -- they're pretty much common sense. Yet, they're the kind of common sense things that he (like many/most humans) doesn't actually do a great job at.


The result is a mixture of a Self-Help book and a Humor book -- humor about himself, his life, as well as dogs. Sometimes the swing between the two genres can be jarring, but that's pretty rare. For the most part, he moves easily between the two, taking the readers along with him on this ride. I can't tell you how many times I went from grinning, chuckling or laughing out loud to getting misty-eyed within a couple of pages. It seems that Barry has learned a little bit about writing over the decades.


I've loved Barry's humor longer than either of us would probably care to admit. One of his strengths is finding a way to take an old joke, or at least a joke everyone's made before -- like, say, I dunno, dogs sniffing each other's hind-quarters -- and make it feel fresh and new. More importantly, funny. He's also able to make jumps from premise to punchline that no one expects. There is, for example, a Hugh Hefner joke where one doesn't even come close to belonging -- and it works perfectly. Even knowing that, you won't see it coming until you're snickering at it.


As for the heart-felt material? It works pretty well, too. I don't think anyone will walk away from this book thinking "Wow! That was insightful. I never would have thought of it on my own!" Nor do I think Barry was trying for it. But, readers will appreciate the reminders to live like Lucy (or their own dog), and the way Barry phrases things might add some freshness to the concept. Which is all anyone can really ask.


I really don't know if this is Barry's best -- but it's up there. The ratio of Attempted Joke to Funny Joke is pretty high, I'm not sure if I can think of a higher one in his ouvre. Lessons From Lucy is, without a doubt, his most mature, thoughtful and touching work (that's a pretty low bar, I realize -- a bar he's worked hard to keep low, too). Couple that with me being a sucker for a Dog Book -- even if it is a semi-Self Help book -- and I can't help but give it 5 Stars. This is a winner, no matter what.

Disclaimer: I received this eARC from Simon & Schuster via NetGalley in exchange for this post -- which is my honest opinion and pleasure to give -- thanks to both for this.

Source: irresponsiblereader.com/2018/07/20/lessons-from-lucy-by-dave-barry-americas-funniest-human-tries-to-learn-a-few-new-tricks-from-an-old-dog
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