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quote 2015-11-24 03:47
The best part of a Mr. Goodbar is not the wrapper, is it? No, and the best part of a Coke is not the can. On those nights when you lie awake, either man or boy, wondering about yourself, peeling away one layer of oddness after another, you should remember and always be grateful that the woefully imperfect person that you are, with all your contradictions and unworthy desires, is not the best of you, any more than the wrapper is the best part of a Mr. Goodbar.
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quote 2013-09-23 02:09
"Life...it's like gettin' a blueberry muffin in a coffeeshop when what you ordered was the apriocot-nut. There aren't any apricots or nuts in it, and you can get tied up in knots just thinkin' about what you're missin', when the smarter thing to do is realize that blueberries ave a nice taste, too."
Cold Fire - Dean Koontz

Tommy Weeks

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quote 2013-09-22 15:45
It was unnerving to have allies who struck you as goofy; it made your own opinions seem suspect.
Cold Fire - Dean Koontz

page 10

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