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review 2017-04-07 23:53
Domina. No. No no.
Maestra 02. Domina - LS HILTON

I was one of the fans of Maestra, for which I gave 5* and a good review, because Maestra, for all its faults, was one of the most fun books I read last year and had a main protagonist who I really engaged with, the murderous, witty, sexy Judith.

Well now Judith is living under an alias and for me in Domina lost all her pizzazz. It was relatively dull in places and the story this time didn't, for me anyway, have that edginess and full on feeling that Maestra had provided. I kind of enjoyed it in a very peripheral way but by the time I was heading into the last portions I was really just reading to find out where Ms Hilton would leave things prior to the finale. TO BE CONCLUDED screams the ending, granted in a way that will indeed ensure that I read the next book, but I'm hoping the author brings back the intense sparkle of the original.

If you liked Maestra you may well like Domina - it has the name dropping, sex scene thing going on that is going to be this series trademark but again the life in that seemed dulled to me too - the character doubted herself, maybe to try and add some layers, but that didn't work terribly well in my honest opinion.

The last novel felt sprawling, jet setting, maybe not completely original but loads of fun and frolics - whereas Domina for me had chronic second book syndrome - I didn't hate it and the writing is just as it was, its not a sudden drain of ability - but the plotting was annoyingly convoluted on occasion, Judith didn't engage me as she did before and I doubt I'll remember much about it moving forward apart from that very last moment.

I'll be very interested to see where the author takes book 3. The end here suggests that perhaps Judith will go out with a bang (yes yes had to be done) - I hope so. But sorry Domina just didn't have "it"

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text 2017-03-02 12:06
Domina - Barbara Wood

Dziś cofnijmy się do czasów, kiedy dwie trzecie Amerykanów mieszkało na farmach lub w wiejskich posiadłościach. Kanalizacja w domach należała do rzadkości, a mieszkania ogrzewano przy pomocy dymiących pieców, w których spalano drewno, zaś zamiast elektryczności używano lamp naftowych. Praca w gospodarstwach była naprawdę ciężka i bardzo często dochodziło do wypadków. Występowały również poważne choroby, takie jak cholera, żółta febra, dur brzuszny, błonica, malaria czy gruźlica. Te trudne warunki dodatkowo potęgował fakt, że nie było wtedy jeszcze szczepionek, nie prowadzono badań laboratoryjnych, a także nie było wielu skutecznych leków, aby ówcześni lekarze mogli wyleczyć wspomniane choroby. Taki wiejski lekarz był jednak w stanie wyleczyć niektóre dolegliwości. Potrafił nastawić złamane kości, zaradzić trudno gojącym się ranom, czy też ostrym objawom niektórych chorób. Kiedy nie można było uniknąć interwencji chirurgicznej, wówczas operacje często odbywały się albo w domach pacjentów, albo w szpitalach.


Z kolei niewielkie zabiegi przeprowadzano niemalże wyłącznie w domach pacjentów. Pod koniec XIX wieku jeszcze tak niedawno popularne puszczanie krwi uważane za główną metodę leczenia, zupełnie przestało być brane pod uwagę przez większość medyków. Od tej chwili proces leczenia odbywał się w większości przypadków w oparciu o dostępne specyfiki w połączeniu z odpoczynkiem i odpowiednią dietą. Zalecano zatem spożywanie bulionu, kaszy oraz ciepłych lub zimnych napojów. Powszechne było także stosowanie ciepłych kąpieli, okładów i płukanek. Każdy lek, który zostawał podany pacjentowi był nanoszony miejscowo na dotknięty chorobą obszar ciała lub rozpuszczany w cieczy, na przykład w herbacie. Dopóki lekarze nie nauczyli się przygotowywać sterylnych roztworów, nie robiono pacjentom zastrzyków. Z kolei przygotowanie wszelkiego rodzaju tabletek było trudne i czasochłonne. W małych miejscowościach, gdzie brakowało apteki, leki często były przygotowywane przez lekarza.




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review 2015-05-23 00:00
The Duke and The Domina : Warrick The Ruination of Grayson Danforth (Lords of Time #3
The Duke and The Domina : Warrick The Ru... The Duke and The Domina : Warrick The Ruination of Grayson Danforth (Lords of Time #3 - Jenn LeBlanc This is the second book in the "Lords of Time" series by Jenn Leblanc. This is the first book I have read by this author. So to me this is also a stand alone book if you are like me reading them out of order. I must say to that I have never read time travel book and a BDSM type book together. I found that I liked the book a lot even with those two things together. It also had a slight paranormal fell to it. I am not sure I can say enough about this book and the joy I had to be given this chance to read it. Both characters I liked a lot. The heroine, Lulu thought she was dreaming but still went through the experience. The hero, Grayson Locke Danforth "Gray" was a very likeable character and it was something to "watch" how he grew to care for Lulu and her ways. I glad to have read this and hope other enjoy it too!
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review 2014-09-08 00:00
Cuckolding Her Sissy Husband
Cuckolding Her Sissy Husband - Domina Dixon I'm addicted to reading this theme when I'm stress out at work. Not sure exactly why I cleave to this genre during my times of need...

I do like Ms. Dixon's stories. This one is of poor Richard and his cunt wife. I didn't like her. She is a complete cunt and gives Dommes a bad name. The sex part of this was decent. The pegging was a bit short. The humiliation was more telling than showing. The hints of what happened to Richard with his wife's friends and ex-coworkers is exciting. It's not graphic enough though. It would be nice to expand upon a time when Richard treated Karen poorly. And now, more thorough scenes with Karen punishing Richard would be nice.

The cuckold scene was sexually satisfying if emotionally a bit ill at ease. The problem for me is that Richard keeps not enjoying it but still feeling like he likes it. This blurring of lines always causes difficulty for me to fully enjoy it. Still, the scene is decent if a bit fast.

There is no character development which is fine because it's not what I'm looking for in this story. What I am looking for is more graphic sex. More humiliation and definitely more thoughts/emotions from Richard. Still, as a fantasy nasty bitch wife cuckold story, this hits the spot. Recommended for those who enjoy the depraved fantasies sans any bit of love.
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