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photo 2013-10-06 02:33
Steamed pudding (or as some of you know, "Spotted Dick")

Duarte Festival of Authors: Thank you to the organizers who were the most thoughtful and considerate I'd ever had the pleasure of working with, and Kate Danley would agree! Not only were we greeted with smooth registration and an incredible author's goodie bag (a tote bag, cookie, lunch container, pad o' paper, pencils, pen, and water), but a lunch voucher (meal + drink), from the food truck, assistance with unpacking the car, set-up, and the popping of my EZ Tent that I brought (!), timely panel summonings, volunteers to watch our tables, and AUTHOR ribbons!

The outdoor event was tree-covered, with good wind breakage from the Santa Ana winds. Attendance was mild (unlike past events, as some authors attested). I'm pretty sure book lovers were deterred by the forecast of high temps and high winds, so I really thank Duarte for such a well-organised effort. Am sleepy from my dose of sunshine and talking shop with Kate. Here's a pic of steamed pudding to celebrate a nicely done day!

Recipe, here:

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photo 2013-09-30 21:03
The Woodcutter - Kate Danley
Queen Mab - Kate Danley
A Spirited Manor (O'Hare House Mysteries, #1) - Kate Danley
Maggie for Hire - Kate Danley
Maggie Get Your Gun - Kate Danley
RISEN (Dark Victorian, Vol. 1) - Elizabeth Watasin
The Dark Victorian: Bones (Volume 2) - Elizabeth Watasin
Duarte Festival of Authors 2013! Come see us!

EVENT: Kate Danley (The Woodcutter, Queen Mab, Maggie MacKay: Magical Tracker series), and I will be at Duarte Festival of Authors 2013 this SAT with Books, boooooks! Come see us in the sunshine and watch me burst into flames! http://friendsoftheduartelibrary.com/festival.htm


Located just a bit past Pasadena, CA (USA), drop in by airship if you must, it will be my 2nd outdoors event so I've learned the lesson to *not* dress in full neo-Victorian in lovely Los Angeles weather. Dear Kate will be doing all the heavy lifting as I'm still Miz Hobble. She's just released two new titles, Queen Mab being the latest and my Sundark is still in the proofing stage (wah!). But I'll have me Dark Victorian books, so come SEE.


Childrens Activities Area, Panels, discussions, Talks, meet the authors, sunshine!

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photo 2013-06-16 03:16
RISEN (Dark Victorian, Vol. 1) - Elizabeth Watasin
The Dark Victorian: Bones - Elizabeth Watasin
On The Home Front - Ann Stalcup
Leo Politi, Artist of the Angels - Ann S... Leo Politi, Artist of the Angels - Ann Stalcup
Elizabeth Watasin's remaining 2013 appearances
Leo Politi: Artist of the Angels by Ann Stalcup

Hurrah! Confirmed for the 11th Annual Duarte Festival of Authors 2013, happening in October. Should be fun, it's a park event with a children's venue and a very book-loving crowd (or so I've heard from children's author, Ann Stalcup!). And I will put stock in her endorsement.


Here are 2 of Ann's books that I own:


"Ann's story is filled ... with the experiences all English people shared as a nation... This was not life in the ranks fighting the battles, but it was life on the home front - the every day life of a people at war."



by Ann Stalcup
Four Wnds Press
!SBN: 978-0-9725516-0-1
"For those who know and love Leo Politi's works, this book is a treasure. For those unfamiliar with his wonderful stories and paintings, this book will introduce them to a man whose love of children, nature, history, and cultural traditions shines through every word and illustration." - - Bonnie O'Brian, Head of Library Services, Retired, Los Angeles Unfied School District


The Leo Politi book is out of print and is a gorgeous hardcover art book with wrap around cover. When I saw it I had to have it, and it's too bad the Amazon listing doesn't have the cover art, so I've taken the one from the Getty Museum site. Do check it out, he was a beautiful illustrator!


Signed copies of "Leo Politi: Artist of the Angels" can be purchased directly from author Ann Stalcup at Four Winds Press. Contact Ann at: ann@annstalcup.com.

The Getty Museum carries LEO POLITI, ARTIST OF THE ANGELS at all three of their museum stores. The book is also available at the Huntington Gardens Gift Shop, the Norton Simon Museum Gift Shop, on Amazon, as well as through your local independent book seller.

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