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text 2015-01-06 09:24
Talousarvio epäjärjestyksessä? Ottaa taloudellinen terveystarkastus Dyman Associates Insurance Group of Companies

Useimmat Australialaiset ei ole selvillä, missä taloutensa menossa, yritysten säädin on löytänyt.


Hotelliin ASIC tutkimuksen mukaan vain 38 prosenttia kertoi lyhyellä aikavälillä (kolmen ja viiden vuoden) rahoitussuunnitelman käytössä. Näistä 36 prosenttia oli ei valvota niiden edistymistä viimeisten 6 kuukauden aikana.


Vielä vähemmän – 22 prosenttia 1,379 vastaajista oli pitkällä aikavälillä, 15-20 vuoden suunnitelma paikallaan.


  • Ikääntyneiden työntekijöiden kohdata työttömien tulevaisuus
  • Hallituksen "lepakot kuluttajille" vastaan sopimattomia maksuja
  • Miten välttää joulu luottokortin krapula


"Monet Australialaiset kannattaisi ottaa pitkällä aikavälillä taloudelliset tavoitteet ja suunnittelu," sanoo ASIC MoneySmart ylimmän johdon Miles Larby, vaikka on "rohkaisevaa", että 90 prosenttia elatus jäljittää-lta rahansa "jotenkin" päivästä päivään.

AustralianSuper tiedottaja Dean Felton kertoo uudet Daily loma on täydellinen aika tehdä taloudellinen terveystarkastus.


"On syytä löytää aikaa ainakin kerran tai kahdesti vuodessa on tarkasti miten oman talouden seuranta. Useimmat ihmiset on muutaman päivän katkon jouluna, joten se on ihanteellinen tilaisuus tehdä se"Arvoisa Felton sanoo.


Tässä on lisää neuvoja miten suunnitella taloudellisesta tulevaisuudesta.


Hotellissa valpas


ASIC: n Miles Larby sanoo olevansa "aina hyvien käytäntöjen" pankki- ja tietojen tarkastamiseksi säännöllisesti.


Kuukausittain sovintoon, jos vertaat tulot menoihin, auttaa sinua löytämään ylihintaan ja vilpillisten liiketoimien Arvoisa Larby sanoo.


Pitää kuitit on kätevä, sinun sovinnon ja helpottaa vuosittain veroilmoitus.


"Meidän on suhtauduttava realistisesti sitä, mutta varmasti suuria tapahtumia, erityisesti niitä, joilla voi olla vaikutusta oman veroilmoituksessa on todella tärkeää säilyttää kuitit," Herra Larby sanoo.


Plan käyttää


Asettaminen talousarvio on "cornerstone" taloudellista kehitystä ME keskuspankin.


– Budjetointi on vain vuorenvarma tapa viettää vähemmän kuin ansaitset säännöllisesti, sanoo ME pankin tiedottaja.


ASIC tutkimuksessa yli kolmasosa (38 prosenttia) sanoi ne olisi talousarviota tai ei ole kiinni yksi.


ASIC MoneySmart-sivusto tarjoaa ilmainen online talousarvio planner, joka vie suurimman osan työstä ja kaikki matematiikka mikä budjetti.


AustralianSuper tiedottaja Dean Felton sanoi Australialaiset täytyy pitää silmällä niiden super Varmista, että se toimii heille.


Kolmasosa (30 prosenttia) kyselyyn ASIC tiennyt eläkkeellesiirtymis tasapainoa, ja kolmasosa (34 prosenttia) oli vain karkea käsitys.


"Ihmiset katsomassa vuotuinen tuotto, maksujen vertailussa he maksavat ja millainen investointeja vaihtoehtoja niiden rahasto tarjoaa heille. Jos niiden rahasto ei ole heidän tarpeistaan, he ovat velvollisia ostoksia noin,"Herra Felton sanoo.


Myös harkita vakauttamista super huomioon välttää turhia maksuja, ja säännölliset vapaaehtoiset osallistuvat hän ehdottaa.


"Kiitos pahentaa tuotto laskemisesta niin vähän kuin 50 dollaria kuukaudessa tilillesi nyt lisätä kymmeniä tuhansia dollareita eläkkeelle."


Säästää tulevaisuutta varten


Perustaa Automaattinen talletus arjen tililtäsi korkea korko säästötili voi olla "todella siisti tapa" pelastaa, arvoisa Larby sanoo.


"Et näe rahat tulevat ulos tililtäsi, joten et ole houkutusta käyttää sitä."


Vain 22 prosenttia sanoi ASIC niitä käyttää tätä menetelmää.


ASIC MoneySmart sivusto tarjoaa säästöjä tavoitteena Laskin ja vapaa app auttaa sinua saavuttamaan tavoitteesi.


Valmistautua odottamattomaan


Toinen "Hyvä vinkki" on sateinen päivä rahaston erillinen tavallinen tarpeeksi rahaa kattamaan kolmen kuukauden elinkustannukset hätätilanteessa, sanoo Herra Larby.


"Voi olla seuraavanlaisia talousarvio tarkasti ja sitten pesukone hajoaa ja se voi heittää sinut kokonaan, joten ajatus puskurin tai hätärahaston paikassa voi auttaa sinua saamaan läpi", hän sanoo.


Saatat myös haluta tarkistaa säännöllisesti oman vakuutusturvan. Tarkista, mitä tapahtuu rahat, palkka- ja omaisuutensa pahimpaan – kuten kuoleman, vahingon, Varkaus, petos ja tulonmenetyksiä.


"Vakuutus on erittäin tärkeää riskinhallintastrategia" Arvoisa Larby sanoo.

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text 2014-02-28 03:19
Auto Insurance Plan Would Reduce Rates, Dyman & Associates Insurance Group of Companies


The long fight to reform Michigan's no-fault auto insurance system might be coming to a head.


Republican leaders laid out a new proposal Thursday that would place a cap on the now-unlimited medical claims and force insurers to their rates for now.


House Speaker Jase Bolger, R-Marshall, announced the plan, citing the fact Michigan drivers pay some of the highest premiums on car insurance in the country.


"Our families are saying they can no longer afford their auto insurance, they're struggling to pay those bills," Bolger said.


The plan calls for a cap of $10 million on benefits and a reduction in premiums of at least 10 percent for at least the next two years, which would save the average driver about $10 per month.


"The goal of this cap is that it won't impact anyone, today there are only a couple of handfuls of claims that have exceeded 10 million dollars," Bolger said.


Also included in the proposal is an additional $25 per policy charge to cover unfunded Medicaid-related claims.


The Insurance Institute of Michigan has advocated for several of the elements included in the plan but officials wanted to hold off on reacting until they could analyze the proposal.


"We need to address how those costs are in our system and driving up the price because we have to have a product that not only provides benefits but people can afford," said Lori Conarton, communications director with the Insurance Institute of Michigan.


With this latest proposal, Republicans contend it's a compromise to last year's failed attempt.


"Every single opposition whether it was a Republican concern or a Democrat concerned has been addressed in this proposal," Bolger said.


But Josh Hovey, spokesperson with the Coalition Protecting Auto No-Fault, CPAN, argues the plan isn't much of a compromise.


"It's just not going to work, it's not going to work for Michigan drivers, it's not going to work for accident survivors, it's not going to work for healthcare providers," Hovey said.


Reductions in benefits coupled the the Medicaid tax amount to very little real savings for drivers, according to Hovey.


"In the long run we think there's some better proposals, some better policies that could be implemented," he said.


Instead the Coalition would like to see rates stop being based on credit scores and it wants the insurance commissioner given more power to approve rates to ensure fairness.

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text 2014-02-27 04:11
Dyman & Associates Insurance Group of Companies: The Rise in Insurance Fraud and How to combat it

Recently, members of a Florida ring accused of staging fires and floods to make fraudulent home insurance claims were arrested. The suspects are accused of bilking homeowners insurers out of $7 million. Paul Bermingham, executive director of Xchanging Claims Services, a $1 billion business processing, procurement and technology services provider for the global insurance industry , explains why the industry needs to adopt a more holistic approach by incorporating a range of different measures that take advantage of technology and demand cultural and behavioral changes.


  • How prevalent is insurance fraud in the U.S. compared to other countries?


According to the National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB), cases of suspected fraud in the U.S. rose 27 percent from 2010 through 2012, reaching more than 100,000 questionable claims. Fraud costs U.S. property and casualty insurers approximately $30 billion annually. Just look at the recent example that occurred in Miami, Florida in February. Twenty two people were charged in a major home insurance fraud ring totaling about $7.6 million in losses from various insurance companies. At least 17 fake home damage incidents such as fires and floods were staged and false claims were paid out to the fraudsters. This is just one example of many. In 2012, home insurance fraud in the U.S. was the second most popular type of fraud with 17,000 questionable claims made.


In the UK, the Association of British Insurers (ABI) cites that insurance fraud is currently more than a $1.6 billion a year industry with an average of 2,670 fraudulent claims made every week in the UK. The problem is also significant in Singapore as well, with the General Insurance Association of Singapore estimating that 20 percent of all automotive insurance claims paid (about $140 million) were fraudulent. Now, more than ever before, it is crucial for our entire industry – regardless of region – to protect itself and its honest policyholders.


  • What affect does fraud have on the industry?


Fraud has a negative effect both on insurance companies and consumers. Insurance companies are all too aware of its ability to grossly erode profit margins, not to mention the hours staff spend on efforts to combat the fraud, and consumers see their premiums rise.


  • What are the type five most common types of fraud in the US?


The NICB found that automotive fraud was most prevalent, followed by home, workers’ compensation and employers’ liability, commercial automotive, and commercial general liability.


Insurance companies have taken steps to improve the ability to identify and address fraudulent claims, but these efforts are typically fragmented. Because of the lack of a collective industry approach – most carriers work independently. In relation to technology, insurers sometimes lack the proper data mining system to help identify potential fraud and the business processes to follow up on flagged claims activity. Another major issue prohibiting the discouragement of fraud is consumers’ tolerant attitude toward insurance fraud. And finally, it’s a challenge because insurance lends itself well to many different types of fraud. While the vast majority of fraudulent acts relate to first party fraud (such as is the case with the Florida fraud ring), third party fraud is also quite prevalent.


  • Has there been a shift in consumers’ attitudes toward instances of fraud then?


Many consumers are surprisingly tolerant about the idea of defrauding their insurer. A 2008 survey by the Coalition Against Insurance Fraud found that one in five adults in the US – that’s around 45 million people – felt that it was acceptable to defraud insurance companies under certain circumstances. Many of this group would probably be horrified to be labeled as ‘fraudsters,’ but yet they still harbor the Robin Hood mentality.


  • What are insurance companies already doing to try to stem the tide?


As the number of fraudulent claims continues to rise, fraud management has moved higher on the priority list of senior management. Some companies have invested in improving data quality and adopting technology tools, but many still lack the business processes, workforce competencies, and organizational structure needed to act on the insights gained from data analysis. Other companies have worked to enhance their operating model, but have failed to develop a clear strategy of what they hope to achieve.

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