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text 2017-11-04 16:20
Was lange währt wird endlich gut.
Die Königin der Schatten: Roman (German Edition) - Kathrin Wolf,Erika Johansen

Es hat ja etwas gedauert bis ich mal wieder zum lesen gekommen bin. 

Dafür habe ich mir aber anscheinend das richtige Buch ausgesucht, es ließt sich flüssig durch und ist auch dauerhaft spannend. Da man als Leser auch nicht viel mehr erfährt als die unwissende Hauptfigur auch. 

Doch leider hat man am Ende das Gefühl" Wie und das war es jetzt schon?", nicht das schlechteste Gefühl aber schon ärgerlich, dass das Buch schon aufhört. 

Auch habe ich das Gefühl, dass die Autorin zwischendurch mit der Magie einen etwas billigen Ausweg aus schwierigen Situationen gewählt hat. 

Insgesamt würde ich aber auch ein zweites Buch zu der Königin von Tearling lesen.

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review 2017-07-26 16:28
Review of "The Fate of the Tearling" (The Queen of the Tearling #3) by Erika Johansen
The Fate of the Tearling: A Novel (The Queen of the Tearling Book 3) - Erika Johansen

Oh hell no what a weak ass, dumb ending.   Oh, I won't be specific in order to avoid spoilers.  If you haven't started this series yet, don't.  


[UPDATE:  quoting a note at end from the author about publication delay because did not want to turn in a "weak" final book -- IMHO she did.]


Basically, the reader was supposed to *poof* forget everything read before in these three books.  All the complex building of world, story and characters where by third book we were just dying to know how author could possibly resolve everything  ... answer = didn't.  


At this point I don't care if because possibly even wrote herself into a corner she did not have skill to resolve or possibly planned from the start.


No, it wasn't the worst series endings like a massive cliffhanger, kill everyone off of the " it was all a dream and now character woke up"... but dumb, weak, insulting way to end it.


Not even going to finish sharing highlights and reading progresses or rate this one that I enjoyed up until the ending.  I'm feeling duped and cranky  enough that I'm tempted to not onky rate this one a ½ star but go back and change my ratings on the other two books—the only reason I'm not is that at time I rated previous books the rating I did give my honest opinion of hem.


UPDATE:  Found this note from the author quoted in another review:


"Dear Tearling fans,


I wanted to apologize personally for the delay in publication of Book 3, The Fate of the Tearling. This delay is entirely my fault, not my publisher's or editor's. The publication schedule for the book simply proved too tight for my own creativity to match, and I felt that the original draft I turned in to meet my deadline wasn’t up to par. I am very proud of this series, and I don’t want to disappoint either myself or readers who care about this world by concluding with a weak book.


My publisher has been extremely understanding and accommodating of my request for more time, and I do believe the draft on which I am now working will meet the standard I tried to set with the first two novels. I ask for your patience as I work toward the new publication date, 11/29/16.


Thank you for your wonderful support for these books, as well as for your continued positive feedback, which has helped me every time my morale has flagged. I apologize again for the wait, but I hope the final installment will be worth it.



Erika Johansen"

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text 2017-07-25 18:07
Reading progress: 5%.
The Fate of the Tearling: A Novel (The Queen of the Tearling Book 3) - Erika Johansen

I actually had a great deal of trepidation starting this book.  Just because the last book of series left our heroine and her country in such dire straits (while also deciding she had to suddenly grow to be beautiful *blech* cuz YA I guess).


But ... I'm back into this world quite quickly.  

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text 2017-07-19 22:37
My Fairy Librarian just downloaded this from the waitlist
The Fate of the Tearling: A Novel (The Queen of the Tearling Book 3) - Erika Johansen

Just in time for the 24in48 readathon this weekend.


Looks like I've gone and developed an unplanned reading list of booklikes bookclub books and library finds for the readathon.  Which I may lighten with some quicker books to clear book hangovers.


The Fate of the Tearling is the third book in The Queen of the Tearling which has hooked me completely even while sometimes losing all patience with the main character.

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review 2017-06-30 16:39
The Queen of the Tearling (Queen of the Tearling #1) - Erika Johansen
The Queen of the Tearling - Erika Johansen

I hope the second one is better, because this one wasn't that great. The bad things first: It really annoyed me how much beauty was an important element to Kelsey and how ugly and plain she says/thinks she is. It was constant and it was very weird too, considering she was raised in a far away home in the middle of the woods with only her foster parents as company. How did she know she was plain or ugly if she had ever seen anyone else? It makes no sense. Also, how come her guards travel with her back to the castle, in secret, hiding from the assassins that want to kill Kelsey and yet every night they light a fire, they get drunk out of their wits and leave her tent unattended? Another bad thing is that I listened to this as an audiobook and on important scenes the narrator started to yell and that was quite unpleasant. It is possible to convey action or emotions without yelling, and I really wish the narrator understood that.

But leaving that aside, I liked most of the other things. I did appreciate the story and the world that was presented to us. I liked that we don't have many answers as to what happened before the Crossing of how come things came to be this way. Maybe it will be explained in other books or maybe not, but either way, it's good not to have everything clear all the time. I liked how Kelsey starts to feel more comfortable in her role as Queen and how she discovers what she can do. I even liked that she has a crush, because after all, this is a nineteen year old girl and it's only natural to find someone you like, especially after being isolated all your life. Also, I do think there were too many unnecessary descriptions but it didn't bother me that much because since I listened to this as an audiobook it wasn't tedious. The narrator also did great men's voices, so that was good. 

I have the feeling the series gets better as it advances, so I'll go on to the next one. Three stars.

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