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review 2022-05-14 08:19
Review: Kiss My Giraffe (Boys of the Bayou Gone Wild): a friends-to-enemies-to-lovers small town rom com by: Erin Nicholas
Kiss My Giraffe (Boys of the Bayou Gone Wild): a friends-to-enemies-to-lovers small town rom com - Erin Nicholas





Kiss My Giraffe by Erin Nicholas

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Nicholas finds adorable in the chaos. From heartwarming to downright frustrating, Kiss My Giraffe does a wonderful job of making unpredictable, irresistible. Fiona and Knox bring order to a less than ideal situation. With an overwhelming sense of humor and an ever evolving depth of emotion, Nicholas creates tempting.

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review 2021-01-18 11:20
Review: Gimme S'more (Hot Cakes #6) by Erin Nicholas
Gimme S'More (Hot Cakes) - Erin Nicholas





Gimme S'more by Erin Nicholas

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Sweet and sour collide to give the heart a delicious treat. Ollie and Piper are the love story I've waited six books and ten couples for. Nicholas made sure it well worth the wait. Gimme S' More is a sexy laughfest that will tug at the heart even as it tempts readers with humor. Ollie is my favorite, Erin Nicholas character. He's not afraid to be clueless and that's why he's so endearing. Piper is the perfect woman to bring him to his knees. She knows what she wants and is not above the risky business of getting her heart's desire. Temptation becomes down right addictive.

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review 2020-06-28 01:46
Making Whoopie (Hot Cakes #3) by: Erin Nicholas
Making Whoopie (Hot Cakes #3) - Erin Nicholas





Making Whoopie by Erin Nicholas

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

When life becomes a smidge inconvenient count on the heart to show you the way. Making Whoopie is a sugary leap into some spicy territory. Nicholas brings on the smiles with a hint of naughty that tends to feel quite nice. Josie and Grant get off to a slow start, but once they get going, it's full steam ahead. Nicholas serves up the sweetest kind of dessert. With a spoon of romance and a pinch of humor, Making Whoopie puts delicious on the menu and scores five stars.

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review 2020-05-06 21:55
Forking Around (Hot Cakes #2) by: Erin Nicholas
Forking Around (Hot Cakes #2) - Erin Nicholas





Nicholas is notorious for getting under the skin by hitting straight at the heart. Bring on the Kleenex, because there will be a few tears. Whether from laughter or emotional hiccups is something only the reader can decide. Forking Around is as powerful as it is flirty. Hidden within the tempting attraction and hilarious comebacks is a heartbreaker that means to leave it's mark. Step inside of a fairytale that proves captivating does not always have to be beautiful, but memorable lasts forever.

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review 2020-03-12 18:05
Sugarcoated (Hot Cakes #1) by: Erin Nicholas
Sugarcoated (Hot Cakes #1) - Erin Nicholas




Sugarcoated is the sweetest kind of addiction. Nicholas serves up a delicious, confection of heart, humor and hormones that will leave emotions yearning for so much more. Aiden and Zoe have history that pulls you in from beginning to end.  He's the keeper of her heart. She's his greatest temptation.  Will their love prove to be written in the stars or destined for everlasting heartbreak?  Love is on the menu and has never tasted so good.

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