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review 2021-09-03 23:38
Revengeful Romeo (Cocky Hero Club) by: Ashley Bostock
Revengeful Romeo (Cocky Hero Club) - Ashley Bostock






Revengeful Romeo by Ashley Bostock

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Young love, adult heartache and a life that seems to be plagued with regret. Holden and Julie bring a haunting tale of a friendship gone wrong and a love story that never quite began. Bostock grabs the heart by the senses and sets about tempting the soul. Revengeful Romeo is a walk down memory lane that stirs up deep emotion. A second chance story with quite a few twists that will pull you under it's spell.

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review 2021-07-09 16:32
Review: Captivating Commander (Cocky Hero Club) by: Tiffany Carby
Captivating Commander (Cocky Hero Club) - Tiffany Carby




Captivating Commander by Tiffany Carby

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

There is so much more to Dawson. At first glance he comes across blase, but after tragedy threatens his world, his true depth is exposed. Captivating Commander is a journey of self examination. Carby takes a person that thrives on being an enigma and exposes the heartache within. Life gives this playboy a wake-up call. Out of tragedy comes a courageous story of love, hope and redemption. Dawson and Vixie stick to the heart by inspiring the soul.

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review 2021-06-23 14:52
Review: Broody Brit (Cocky Hero Club) by: Naima Simone
Broody Brit (Cocky Hero Club) - Naima Simone




Broody Brit by Naima Simone

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Axel and Zenobia refuse to be pushed aside. Broody Brit is a mesmerizing look at love through the the eyes of heartache. Simone holds the heart by it's strings and proceeds to bend it to her will. Lose yourself in a journey of new beginning that will break your heart, tempt your senses and inspire your soul.

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review 2020-12-20 20:23
Ex-Rated Gigolo: A Hero Club Novel (Cocky Hero Club) by: Kimberly Knight
Ex-Rated Gigolo: A Hero Club Novel (Cocky Hero Club) - Kimberly Knight




Ex-Rated Gigolo: A Hero Club Novel by Kimberly Knight

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Knight has dreamed up one of the naughtiest, what-if scenarios. Hot enough to set hormones on fire. Deep enough to crack away at the pieces of a heart. Ex-Rated Gigolo has the presence of mind to turn heartache into a taboo experience.

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review 2020-08-19 16:55
Der verschwundene Halbgott // The Lost Hero!!!
Der verschwundene Halbgott (Heroes of Olympus, #1) - Rick Riordan

german and english review

Inhalt: Jason erinnert sich an nichts mehr - nicht einmal an seinen Namen. Leo und Piper scheinen zwar seine Freunde zu sein, aber auch das kann er nicht mit Sicherheit sagen. Und als es die drei dann plötzlich ins Camp Half Blood verschlägt, wo angeblich nur Kinder von griechischen Göttern aufgenommen werden, versteht er gar nichts mehr ...
Allem Anschein nach gehören die drei Freunde tatsächlich zu den legendären sieben Halbgöttern, die den Olymp vor dem Untergang bewahren sollen. Kein Problem, los geht's -denn Leo treibt einen kaputten mechanischen Drachen als Transportmittel auf und macht ihn wieder flott!
Und dann gilt es auch noch einen seit längerem verschwundenen Halbgott zu finden, einen gewissen Percy Jackson ...

Meine Bewertung: Ich liebe es!!!

Oh Gott, es ist großartig wieder etwas in der Welt zu lesen, vor allem etwas Neues, nachdem ich ja immer nur die Percy Jackson Reihe gelesen habe. Ich wusste echt nicht in welche Richtung die Serie hier gehen würde und war vorher auch wirklich jedem einzelnen Spoiler aus dem Weg gegangen, was garnicht so einfach war.

Ich bin total begeistert. Von den Charakteren, der Story. ALLES.

Die drei neuen Hauptcharaktere sind schon jetzt meine Babies. Ich liebe Piper so sehr. Und Leo. Jason auch, nur nicht so sehr wie die anderen Beiden. Ooops. Ich finde aber seine Geschichte unheimlich spannend und interessant. Die Freundschaft der drei ist einfach alles. Sie sind noch nicht auf dem "Percy, Annabeth, Grover sind meine Babies" Level, aber ich hab ja noch einige Bücher übrig.

Ich bin wirklich auf den Rest der Serie gespannt und wo das alles hinführt.


Summary: JASON HAS A PROBLEM. He doesn’t remember anything before waking up in a bus full of kids on a field trip. Apparently he has a girlfriend named Piper, and his best friend is a guy named Leo. They’re all students at the Wilderness School, a boarding school for “bad kids," as Leo puts it. What did Jason do to end up here? And where is here, exactly? Jason doesn't know anything—except that everything seems very wrong.

PIPER HAS A SECRET. Her father has been missing for three days, ever since she had that terrifying nightmare about his being in trouble. Piper doesn’t understand her dream, or why her boyfriend suddenly doesn’t recognize her. When a freak storm hits during the school trip, unleashing strange creatures and whisking her, Jason, and Leo away to someplace called Camp Half-Blood, she has a feeling she’s going to find out, whether she wants to or not.

LEO HAS A WAY WITH TOOLS. When he sees his cabin at Camp Half-Blood, filled with power tools and machine parts, he feels right at home. But there’s weird stuff, too—like the curse everyone keeps talking about, and some camper who's gone missing. Weirdest of all, his bunkmates insist that each of them—including Leo—is related to a god. Does this have anything to do with Jason's amnesia, or the fact that Leo keeps seeing ghosts?

My review: I love it!!!

Oh god, it was just the greatest to be back into the world and to actually read something new than just rereading the Percy Jackson series. I didn't know what to expect from this series and I avoided every single spoiler, which wasn't that easy.

I'm totally excited about this. The characters, the story. EVERYTHING.

The three new characters are my babies already. I love Piper so much. And Leo. Jason, of course, not as much as the others but I like him. Ooops. But I find his story super interesting and just fascinating. The friendship between these three is everything. They aren't on the "Percy, Annabeth, Grover are my babies" level, but I still got a few more books left.

I'm just totally excited to read the rest of the series and I'm sooo looking forward to finding out where this will go.

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