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text 2019-08-27 23:39
Master Post for Bout of Books 26
Match of Wits, A (Ladies of Distinction Book #4) - Jen Turano
A Body on the Beach - Blythe Baker
The Secret of Seaside - Agatha Ball,Kate Danley

Grab button for Bout of Books


Goals for BoB 26:

4 Daily Challenges

4 IG Challenges

Participate in both chats due to new time zone

2500 pages


Monday, August 19th

Read: Nothing finished yet

Currently Reading: A Match of Wits (Ladies of Distinction #4) by Jen Turano

Reviewed: None

Daily Challenge: 

daily challenge #insixwords mom, blogger, runner, mid-west living, Leo
2:25 PM · Aug 19, 2019·Twitter Web App

IG Challenge: https://www.instagram.com/p/B1XF6OSnelc/

Chat: Participated

Pages Read: 60/2500


Tuesday, August 20th

Read: A Match of Wits; I finished the series.

Currently Reading: Started A Body on the Beach (Sunrise Island Mystery #1) by Blythe Baker

Reviewed: None.

Daily Challenge: Adaptions Aspirations http://melissasteinman7.booklikes.com/post/1938565/bob26-daily-challenge-day-2-adaptions-aspirations

IG Challenge: Favorite Books https://www.instagram.com/p/B1ZlwUzHobv/

Pages Read: 126/2500


Wednesday, August 21st

Read: A Body on the Beach

Currently Reading: Started The Secret of Seaside (Paige Comber Mystery #1) by Agatha Ball

Reviewed: Nothing

Daily Challenge: Skipped

IG Challenge: Skipped

Pages: 263/2500


Thursday, August 22nd

Read: Nothing finished

Currently Reading: The Secret of Seaside

Daily Challenge: If this, Then that


IG Challenge: Favorite Genre https://www.instagram.com/p/B1e4SQEncVT/

Pages: 263/2500


Friday, August 23rd

Read: Nothing

Currently Reading: The Secret of Seaside

Reviewed: Nothing

Daily Challenge: http://melissasteinman7.booklikes.com/post/1940338/bob26-daily-challenge-day-5-i-want-this-book

IG Challenge: None

Pages: 263/2500


Saturday, August 24th

Read: The Secret of Seaside

Currently Reading: Nothing

Reviewed: A Match of Wits 

Daily Challenge: Review of A Match of Wits

IG Challenge: Book you are looking forward to reading after BoB https://www.instagram.com/p/B1kcLarniYb/

Pages: 391/2500

Chat: Participated in the morning Twitter chat


Sunday, August 25th

Read: nothing

Currently Reading: nothing

Reviewed: nothing

Daily Challenge: None given

IG Challenge: None



Wrap Up

Didn't make my page goal (16%) but I did complete all the other goals. Sunday was a bust due to my being sick (my head issues kicked into overdrive Saturday night). Looking forward to January's cycle!


At this point I am ending my summer reading and will be prepping my blog for the Halloween Bingo and fall/winter reading.





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review 2019-08-25 03:30
A Match of Wits (Ladies of Distinction #4) by Jen Turano
Match of Wits, A (Ladies of Distinction Book #4) - Jen Turano

Date Published:

Format: NOOK

Source: Own copy

Date Read: August 5-20, 2019



After his departure from New York two years ago to meet up with his almost-fiancee, Zayne Beckett is the last person Agatha Watson wanted to stumble upon in her travels as a reporter with the New York Tribune. Quite pathetically bedraggled, he clearly needs to be taken in hand and sent back East to his family. Although she no longer has feelings for him, Agatha realizes--by hook or by crook--she'll have to be the one to get the obstinate man home.

Zayne has no desire to be taken anywhere and is prepared to drag his heels all the way home . . . until he finds himself slipping back into the familiar banter of his former friendship with Agatha. Once they arrive in New York, Zayne realizes Agatha's determined nose for news has earned her a few enemies, and he hopes to repay her help with some help of his own. When she rebuffs all his attempts to prove himself a knight in shining armor, the lengths to which they'll go to win this battle of wills lead to some memorable antics.

Everyone else may think them a match, but nothing could be further from the truth--until Agatha finds herself in real trouble. Have these two stubborn, too-smart-for-their-own-good people been meant for each other all along?




I was disappointed in this book, the last installment in the Ladies of Distinction series. Agatha Watson and Zayne Beckett have had this push-pull thing going on since book one and I was so rooting for them. This book started off with promise, but it became a slog around the 30% mark. And to keep the conflict going to fill pages, it seems every character had to take leave of their senses and intelligence. Over a year and half of searching for Agatha's stalker/potential killer and no one thought to look into her co-workers at the newspaper? The humor that added so much fun in reading the previous books felt forced in this one and had me skimming scenes; little Violet was just too much to be realistic and was more of an annoyance. The last 20% of the book did a lot to improve the story in my opinion and I was glad to see all the couples one last time.

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text 2019-08-11 06:07
BL-opoly 2019 Wrap Up
Gentleman of Her Dreams - Jen Turano
A Change of Fortune - Jen Turano
A Talent for Trouble - Jen Turano
On Distant Shores - Sarah Sundin
In Perfect Time - Sarah Sundin
Very Strange Bedfellows: The Short and Unhappy Marriage of Richard Nixon & Spiro Agnew - Jules Witcover
All the President's Men - Carl Bernstein,Bob Woodward
The Dancing Lady: The Ninth Day - Mimi Milan
The Awkward Thoughts of W. Kamau Bell: Tales of a 6' 4", African American, Heterosexual, Cisgender, Left-Leaning, Asthmatic, Black and Proud Blerd, Mama's Boy, Dad, and Stand-Up Comedian - W. Kamau Bell
Rise of the Rocket Girls: The Women Who Propelled Us, from Missiles to the Moon to Mars - Nathalia Holt

First of all, to MM/MR and OB - 

Image result for thank you space

(I went with a space theme in honor of the 50th anniversary of the moon landing.)



Earned $75.00 and donated $3.00 to the bail fund

Landed on Race Car twice, The Cat once

Read 11 books

Read 5 historical romances (3 Gilded Ages, 2 European-set WWII era)

Read 1.5 contemporary romances (1 novel and 1 novella)

Read 4 nonfiction titles

Read 2 books off my Nixon Reading List

DNF 3 Books

Read 5 books by women authors

Read 3 books by male authors (1 book had 2 male authors)

Read 2 books by AoC (one woman and one man)

Authors who were read multiple times:

Jen Turano (2 novels and 1 novella)

Sarah Sundin (2 novels)

One series completed (Wings of the Nightingale trilogy)




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text 2019-08-05 06:41
TeaStitchRead's Booklikes-opoly Tracking Post - Roll #12
Match of Wits, A (Ladies of Distinction Book #4) - Jen Turano

Monday, August 5, 2019

1. Current Bank Value:$75.00

2a. Today's Roll


You rolled 2 dice:

3 5

Timestamp: 2019-08-05 05:18:36 UTC

2b. Space 28 - Summer Romance. I chose A Match of Wits (Ladies of Distinction #4) by Jen Turano because finishing it means I am complete on two series this BL-opoly (261 pages = $3.00).



Saturday, August 3, 2019

1. DNF'd London Belles at 26% mark = $1.00

    Read In Perfect Time (432 pages) = $4.00

    Read All the President's Men (336 pages) = $3.00

    Read All I Am (384) = $3.00

    Passed Go! 2x = $10.00

2. Current Bank Value: $72.00

3. Today's Roll

You rolled 2 dice:

2 5

Timestamp: 2019-08-04 03:21:06 UTC

4. Space 21 - The Cat. Since I can read anything for this space, I'm going to use the book I just finished today. The Awkward Thoughts of W. Kamau Bell by W. Kamau Bell is 340 pages long, adding another $3.00 to the bank. My next (and probably final) roll will be on Monday.

5. New Current Bank Value: $75.00 - this is the amount I was hoping to reach by the end of the game and a week early to boot!


Saturday, July 6, 2019

1. Finished A Talent for Trouble on June 30th; 264 = $3.00 to the bank

2. Current Bank Value: $51.00

3. Roll #10:  6+1 = 7 which lands me on Space 35 - Set in Europe. I choose London Belles (Article Row #1) by Annie Groves (292 pages); currently reading.

4. Fourth of July Rolls:

    1a) You rolled 2 dice:

         4 6

          Timestamp: 2019-07-06 23:42:21 UTC

    1b) Space 8 - Race Car. I decided to use the card and went around to Space 34 - When? in title or historical fiction. I choose In Perfect Time (Wings of the Nightingale #3) by Sarah Sundin so that I can finish the trilogy. 432 pages. +$5.00 for passing Go.

     2a) You rolled 2 dice:

           3 6

          Timestamp: 2019-07-06 23:50:17 UTC

     2b) Space 6 - Set in hometown, state, or country. I started reading All the President's Men by Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward after the game began but need to put more effort in reading it (I am at page 47 out of 336 reading pages). Here's my opportunity! +$5.00 for passing Go.

     3a) You rolled 2 dice:

           6 4

          Timestamp: 2019-07-07 00:10:17 UTC

    3b) Space 15 - Tree(s) on the cover or set in a mountain community. I choose All I Am (Farmers' Market Story #2) by Nicole Helm (384 pages).


Well, that should hold me over until my household goods arrive to our new house. Thanks MR for the extra rolls!


Tuesday, June 11th - Roll #9

1. DNF at a little over 17% (page 61) Hearts of Gold. Trigger Warning for violence and violence against women (on the page and a bit graphic). 80s romance didn't catch or keep my attention - I ended up cross stitching and binge watching season 11 of Big Bang Theory and season 3 of The Good Place rather than read the book.

2. Current Bank Value: $48.00

3. Roll #9

You rolled 2 dice:

1 5

Timestamp: 2019-06-11 16:13:35 UTC

4. Space 34 - When? Time Travel, Historical Fiction, or has When? in the title. I chose A Talent for Trouble (Ladies of Distinction #3) by Jen Turano (historical romance). I really enjoy the series thus far and can count on the author to give me a great and fast read. 264 pages = $3.00 book value


Sunday, June 9th - Roll #8

1. Finished Rise of the Rocket Girls today. 326 pages = $3 to the bank.

2. Current Bank Value: $42.00

3a. Roll #8

You rolled 2 dice:

3 3

Timestamp: 2019-06-09 17:16:13 UTC


You rolled 2 dice:

2 3

Timestamp: 2019-06-09 17:17:44 UTC


You rolled 2 dice:

3 5

Timestamp: 2019-06-09 17:21:25 UTC

4. So first roll, I landed on Space 32 - The Nordic Express. I have no books that fit the prompt. So I am skipping this space. Continuing on, I moved to the GO! square, pocketing $5.00. Continuing on, I move to Space 8, the Race Car and I decided to move to a space of my choosing, which is Space 28 - Summer Romance. I choose Hearts of Gold (The Hearts of California #1) by Phoebe Conn; 343 pages = $3 book value. The cover of my NOOK copy is not so 80s as the cover in BL's database. 


Wednesday, June 5th - Roll #7

1. Finished Very Strange Bedfellows last night. 365 pages = $3 to the bank.

2. Current Bank Value: $39.00

3. Roll #7

You rolled 2 dice:

2 4

Timestamp: 2019-06-05 07:22:28 UTC

4. Space 27 - that has a word related to space in the title, such as star, planet, rocket. I chose Rise of the Rocket Girls: The Women Who Propelled Us, From Missiles to the Moon to Mars by Nathalia Holt. 326 NOOK pages = $3 value.


Saturday, June 1st - Roll #6

1. Finished The Dancing Lady: The Ninth Day (The 12 Days of Christmas Mail Order Brides #9) by Mimi Milan; 158 pages = $2.00 to the bank

2. Current Bank Value: $36.00

3. Roll #6

You rolled 2 dice:

2 5

Timestamp: 2019-06-01 19:19:51 UTC

4. Space 21 - The cat: Be the cat. Read whatever the hell you want. So I chose Very Strange Bedfellows: The Short and Unhappy Marriage of Richard Nixon and Spiro Agnew by Jules Witcover. 365 pages (the rest is end notes and index) = $3.


Thursday, May 30 - Roll #5

1. Finished Gentleman of Her Dreams and Then Came You for a total of 239 pages and $3.00 to the bail fund.

2. Current Bank Value: $34.00

3. Roll #5

You rolled 2 dice:

4 5

Timestamp: 2019-05-30 10:43:33 UTC

4. Space 18 - Read a Western, a book set in the West, or by an author from the region

I chose The Dancing Lady: The Ninth Day (The 12 Days of Christmas Mail Order Bride Series) by Mimi Milan, set in Colorado in 1876. 158 pages = $3.00 value.


Tuesday, May 28 - Updates and Roll #4

1. Finished reading A Change of Fortune ($3.00) and On Distant Shores ($5.00); DNF Summerset Abbey at the 25% mark (pg. 70) and taking my $1.00 + $5.00 for passing GO

2. Current Bank Value: $34.00

3. Roll #4

You rolled 2 dice:

1 2

Timestamp: 2019-05-28 16:14:04 UTC

4. Just Visiting Space - read enough for $3.00 donation to bail fund. I'm reading Gentleman of Her Dreams (Ladies of Distinction #0.5) by Jen Turano (81 pages) and Then Came You (Bradford Sisters #0.5) by Becky Wade (158 pages).


Friday, May 24 - Memorial Day Rolls

A. Current Bank Value: $20.00

B. Used Random Dice Generator for roll #1

You rolled 2 dice:


Timestamp: 2019-05-24 20:20:44 UTC

C. Space 35 - We Took the Ferry to France, Crossing the English Channel

I chose On Distant Shores (Wings of the Nightingale #2) by Sarah Sundin (433 pages). It takes place in Sicily in 1943. 

D. Used Random Dice Generator for roll #2

You rolled 2 dice:

3 6

Timestamp: 2019-05-24 20:27:36 UTC

E. Space 7 - Read a book with a house on the cover

Passed GO, so when I finish this book I will add the $5.00. I chose Summerset Abbey (Summerset Abbey #1) by TJ Brown (322 pages).


Sunday, May 19th/Monday, May 20th: Day 1 of Game!

A. Current Bank Value: $20.00

B. Used Random Dice Generator

You rolled 2 dice:

3 5

Timestamp: 2019-05-19 20:28:45 UTC (yeah, I finally figured out how to do this image thingy)

C. Space 8 - The Race Car - sped along the game board until I came to the Summer Romance region. I picked Space 28 and I chose A Change in Fortune (Ladies of Distinction #1) by Jen Turano. 






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review 2019-07-07 21:58
A Talent for Trouble (Ladies of Distinction #3) by Jen Turano
A Talent for Trouble - Jen Turano

Date Published: October 1, 2013

Format: Ebook

Sourced: Own Copy

Date Read: June 11 - 30, 2019

Read for BL-opoly 2019 and COYER Summer 2019



For years, Miss Felicia Murdock's every thought and action have been in pursuit of becoming a minister's wife. When the minister she'd set her sights on has other ideas, she decides something in her life needs to change--and soon--before she wastes any more time pretending to be someone she's not. If that means spreading her wings and embracing a more lively way of life, who's to say nay?

Grayson Sumner, Lord Sefton, has had his fill of spreading his wings and only hopes to settle into the life of a respectable New York gentleman. Prompted by friends to lift the spirits of the disappointed-in-love Miss Murdock, he is surprised to encounter an adventurous young lady with an unfortunate knack for stumbling into troublesome situations.

Just as Grayson decides he's had quite enough of her antics, his past comes back to haunt him and his presence in Felicia's life endangers her. As they work together to extricate themselves from this latest complication, will Grayson and Felicia decide they want to spend the rest of their lives keeping each other out of trouble?



Felicia is friends with the girl gang aka heroines from the first 2 novels and 1 prequel (Charlotte, Agatha, Arabella, Eliza). At 24, she is upset and confused as the supposed "love of her life" marries someone else - someone he actually has a relationship with. Felicia was under the impression that since she prayed to God four years ago to bring "The One" and the new minister showed up the next day, so that must be the man God wanted her to marry. Even though she had to change everything about her (clothes, manner, etc) and be the epitome of a charitable and subdued minister's wife. When that minister ended up marrying someone more suited to him, Felicia was left wondering just go God had in store for her.


Enter Grayson, Lord Sefton and Eliza's brother. Grayson lived a life of danger and excitement and saw Felicia for the spirited woman she was but also for the natural charitable woman that she was - giving her clothing away to the local theater group and to sex workers (clothes she originally bought to impress minister). She helped old men and young children alike, whenever she saw they were in need of help. Grayson appreciated Felicia for who she was without the piety and artifice. And he showed her a world of adventure, including Chinese opium smuggling, warring drug families, reuniting Ming with her real parents, and the adventure of being an adoptive mom and new countess. 


As usual, I loved the banter and quick wit of the dialogue. This is a fast paced story once Felicia gets over "losing" the minister; the long time reading this was because I was busy with the move. 

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