Copyright of Night Owl Reviews
Happiness is not determined by what a person has, but who they are inside. Knox is a man who has more money than he needs, yet he still feels empty. Lexi has nothing to offer, but herself. Dirty Bastard may seem cliched, but some of the best life lessons are. Clare pours out the desires of the heart while speaking to an ingrained sense of humanity. Beauty comes in simple heartfelt packaging.
Copyright of Night Owl Reviews
I adore figure skating and I liked the previous 2 entries in this series. I ended up disappointed. The inaccuracies bothered me (triple axel anyone?) when it came to Zara and her skating. While what she did at the Olympics was funny, it also would be something unlikely to happen. Then not getting a second chance later? (If she was doing the triple axel, she would still have been very competitive). That aside, I liked Zara. Ty? Not really. I didn't like him. I didn't like his whiny-ass at the beginning. I didn't like how he thought it was okay to get into bed with Zara without asking. (Hey, he was drunk, so I guess he gets a pass? Yeah, no). That ruined the whole romance for me. And I could not get on board.
Now, I liked how the show played out. And I liked the ending. I was pleasantly surprised. Zara does get some respect and redemption.