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text 2016-01-24 20:53
Who was...
Who Was Ben Franklin? - Dennis Brindell Fradin,John O'Brien,John O'Brien,Nancy Harrison

This could go along with the other ideas for the Who is Series. You could have one student per person and they could do a short report or even act out parts of the characters lives.

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text 2016-01-24 20:45
Who was...
Who Was Abraham Lincoln? - Janet B. Pascal,Nancy Harrison,John O'Brien

This would be a great book to read through when you teach about presidents. This book has interesting facts about Lincoln and his life. You could use this book as a prop to start conversations, class projects or a mini class play and have students act out different stages of Lincolns life.

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review 2015-10-22 00:00
A New World: Chaos
A New World: Chaos - John O'Brien This was a very fun book, though I didn't hear a mention of any zombies until a quarter way through the book.

PROS: Fun action, kinda OK story, line explains certain ability's of certain..."Things."

CONS: Main character is the worlds best leader, he says it, they do it.
He is always right, never wrong.
The military "chagrin" is very very annoying, and I ended up just speed reading past all it, along with the flash backs....Just lots of "background noise" that I dont want to read, nor care to read.

I didn't mind it that much, wast the best, seems to be based of off I am a Legend for those of you who know what it is. It even in the prologue sounds like there is gonna be the a Alpha zombie fight off with the main character. Kinda cliché. Its a good book other wise, wouldn't mind reading it again. (if every other zombie book in the world is gone:)
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text 2015-07-02 17:07
every detail
Chicago Heist - Edward Baumann,John O'Brien

I have had a hard time putting this book down, I am hanging on every detail

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review 2015-06-25 17:49
British history? Yes please!
Castles, Customs, and Kings: True Tales by English Historical Fiction Authors - Anne O'Brien,Nancy Bilyeau,Margaret Skea,John B. Campbell,Mike Rendell,Carol McGrath,Jenny Barden,Philippa Jane Keyworth,Susanna Calkins,Sam Thomas,Paula Lofting,Diane Scott Lewis,Maria Grace,J.A. Beard,Peter St. John,Deborah Swift,Barbara Gaskell Denv

Castles, Customs and Kings edited by Debra Brown and the late M.M. Bennetts and has essays from such historical fiction authors such as Katherine Ashe, Gillian Bagwell, Nancy Bilyeau, Sandra Byrd, Stephanie Cowell, Christy English, Barbara Kyle just to name a few, go here to read more about these authors and their work. These essays all come from these authors writing for the English Historical Fiction Authors Blog that was established by Debra Brown September 23rd 2011 of which I have been a fan of since its inception.


At the beginning of the book you will find a list of contributing authors, lists of the novels that the authors have written, I found this extensive list to be extremely helpful in finding a good book to read. Each section has different periods in English history ie. Roman Britain and early Medieval period, Late Medieval period, Tudor period, Stuart period, Early Georgian period, Late Georgian period and Regency era, Victorian era. Another section has a bit about the twentieth century which includes Downton Abbey, lost houses of England, Ellis Island and British immigrants. Last but not least, the last chapter has historical tidbits across the ages. Wow, that is a huge huge amount of information, but all fascinating. 


I do have the book in print and was offered the audio book for review by Debra Brown and since the print book is a bit big and bulky to take along to the gym, hard to hold on the treadmill, the audio book was perfect for me. I lot of the essays had material that I had read about and knew, my favorite period is the Tudor era, but I also learned a bit more on other topics such as medieval feasts, some of the famous and infamous people that are a huge part of English history. 


So my thoughts? This has to be one of the best and concise book about English history that I have ever had the pleasure to read and it was not boring like some history books can be. Told by the best authors out there, if you are a fan of British history like I am, then you absolutely have to have this book, in whatever format you want. I loved it! I look forward to the next one! 



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