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url 2018-10-08 10:25
Car rental Agencies in Orlando: Peculiarities & Special Offers
Open Road Summer - Emery Lord
Two-Way Street - Lauren Barnholdt
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Once Upon an Ever After (Once Upon a Road Trip Book 2) - Angela N. Blount
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A trip to Florida by car is a dream journey! Thanks to the developed network of highways, the state is ideally suited for traveling by car. Anyway, if you decided to travel on a rented car, there are some important moments of car rental you should know for sure.


Car rental Companies

There are several car rental agencies in Orlando Airport. And unlike European countries, it is often more advantageous to take the car out of the office in the city, namely at the airport. In any case, it is better to book a car in advance via the Internet. The choice of rental companies in Orlando is quite large: international (Dollar, Thrifty, Hertz, Alamo, Enterprise, Budget, Avis, National, Sixt and NU Car rental), as well as many regional ones. Among the local distributors in Orlando, there are Green Motion, Routes, Payless and Fox rent-a-car.


International or local company?

In both cases, there are advantages and disadvantages. Local companies tend to have slightly lower prices, but on such cars, you can travel only inside the region and return it to where you took it. The international company prices are slightly higher, but you can easily take the car in one place and return in another. Well, and if something happened to the car, then you will be given a help much faster, as there is found a more developed network of hire.



The cost of car rental in Florida varies in different companies. For example, in Florida, take Kia Ria with automatic transmission and air conditioning for rent for a week will cost you from $25 per day. Please note that it is included in the chosen rate: taxes, insurance, franchise size, mileage, and navigator. Often the cost of 5 days of rent is equal to the cost of 7 days. In addition, companies periodically hold promotions and offer discounts on rentals. So look for promotional codes.


What documents are needed?

Documents for renting a car in the US are as follows:

  • passport (foreign);
  • driver's license;
  • bankcard;
  • insurance.


Basic insurance, as a rule, includes a franchise, the amount of which can vary from 200 to 2000 dollars. Nevertheless, at any point of rental you will be offered to take full coverage of the franchise. In the event that you have booked a car without full coverage – we advise you to arrange it. This will save you from unnecessary worries in unforeseen situations.


Who can take a car?

Requirements for age and driving experience of the client in the US are standard. In some companies of car rental in Orlando, the hire is possible from the age of 18, others – only from 21 years, in the third – for drivers under 25 years there is a special young driver fee.


Offers for young drivers

Hertz offers for young drivers aged 21-24 an additional car fee of $15 for a car of economy class. For other cars (crossovers, intermediate, standard, except exclusive) – $25. Drivers from 18-21 years old must pay $41 extra per day of rent.


In Alamo, Dollar and National car rental companies there are so-called "golden packages for young drivers" – but on the websites of the rental offices about this there is not a word – they are available only through the dispatchers.


Advice! Before taking a car at any car rental, it is necessary to inspect the chosen car carefully, ask for additional equipment or other important questions, read every line in the lease contract. It is better to download GPS navigator into your phone or simple Google Maps and think of the rout beforehand!

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review 2015-10-18 13:28
Two Way Street/ Lauren Barnholdt
Two-Way Street - Lauren Barnholdt

2 stars 


Let's just say- I didn't finish this book in 2 days because I liked it. 

Okay, so I promised myself I wouldn't focus only on the negative so here are the few things I did like- first of all, the writing was clear and I didn't get confused at all by the P.O.V changes and all the flashbacks. I guess Lauren tried her best to show us how teenagers' emotion can go crazy fast, but it just felt a little fake and silly.


I didn't like the main character at all. Although I understand how the things that happened to her throughout the story affected her feelings and actions, but still, too often I thought she was either being a drama queen, rude, selfish, or a hypocrite. 


At first I thought I liked Jordan a little better because he explained why he did the things he did, but then I realized he was no better than her, trying to save his own ass and thinking only about himself and not caring who he hurt in the process. 


Not to mention, the characters were in love with themselves and extremely shallow- a terribly annoying stereotype about teenagers. 


To sum up, I didn't completely enjoy this book, but it is definitely up to you to decide for yourself- this is just my opinion- maybe I expected too much. 


Read it and let me know what YOU think, 

Georgie xxxx

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review 2015-08-23 00:00
From This Moment
From This Moment - Lauren Barnholdt kind of just read this whole book today.
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review 2015-05-19 00:00
Heat of the Moment (The Moment of Truth)
Heat of the Moment (The Moment of Truth) - Lauren Barnholdt Fun and dramatic. I don't usually think drama is fun, but this book was so realistic that it just worked. Authentic teenage voice with complicated relationship issues that a lot of teen girl readers will be able to relate to.
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review 2015-02-14 00:00
Die verrückteste Nacht meines Lebens (Taschenbuch)
Die verrückteste Nacht meines Lebens (Taschenbuch) - Lauren Barnholdt Meinung zum Buch

Am Anfang war ich wirklich skeptisch. Ich hätte Eliza am liebsten in den Hintern getreten für so viel Dämlichkeit, aber was will man machen. Ich hab weiter gelesen und mich Stellenweiße gewundert.

Doch im Laufe des Buches sind mir Eliza und ihre Freundinnen doch ans Herz gewachsen und ich konnte sie verstehen, konnte nachvollziehen, warum Eliza all diese Aufgaben hinter sich bringt. Es ist erstaunlich wie sehr sie sich in manchen Bereichen ihrer Persönlichkeit und ihres Lebens verändert und wie wenig sie es in anderen Bereichen tut. Es gab auch später noch Moment, wo ich mir am liebsten das Buch gegen den Kopf geschlagen hätte, doch ich habe es bleiben lassen.

Eliza ist eine wirklich nette, aufrichtige und vielleicht etwas verwirrte Person. Zusammen mit ihren beiden Freundinnen meistert sie die Aufgaben mehr oder weniger gut und am Ende wartet natürlich der Prinz, wie sollte es anderes sein.

Trotz ihrer teilweise doch sehr ärgerlichen Unbeholfenheit hat mich Eliza als Figur sehr angesprochen. Sie verkörpert ein „normales“ Mädchen, das auf der Jagd nach ihren Ängsten ist, die sie in einem geheimen Tagebuch aufgeschrieben hat. Verzweifelt und doch mutig stürzt sie sich in jede Aufgabe und vermittelt so die Botschaft, dass man sich seinen Ängsten stellen muss, weil sonst das Leben nur halb so schön ist.

In dem letzten Punkt kann man sich wirklich ein Beispiel an ihr nehmen. Sie schreckt vor keiner der Aufgaben zurück, auch wenn sie Angst hat. Eliza besiegt diese und wächst mit den Aufgaben.

Mir hat das Buch sehr gut gefallen. Ich musste schmunzeln, mich ärgern, lachen, fast weinen und mitfühlen. Der Schreibstil der Autorin ist locker und leicht. Er trägt den Leser durchs Buch und man ist fast schon überrascht, wenn es denn zu Ende ist. Zu diesem muss man allerdings sagen, dass es selbst für dieses Genre sehr vorhersehbar war, was etwas schade gewesen ist.

Am Geeignetsten wird es wohl für liebeskranke Teenager und hormongesteuerte Frauen sein, also für eine Großzahl der weiblichen Spezies. Allerdings sollte man sich bewusst sein, dass es nicht für jeden etwas ist.

Wertung (4/5)
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