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review 2018-04-26 03:51
When an Urban Legend becomes Urban News
The Bone Keeper - Luca Veste
One, two, Freddy's coming for you
Three, four, better lock your door
Five, six, grab your crucifix
Seven, eight, gonna stay up late
Nine, ten, never sleep again

(that's not from this book, it's from The Nightmare on Elm Street movies -- but you're so clever, you probably didn't need me to say that)


I've never been a horror movie guy -- but I watched a couple of the Elm Street movies as a kid, mostly because my younger sister was obsessed by them. Still, if I sang this song, played a bit of either The Fat Boys or DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince's songs about the movies (the musical bit), she would get freaked out. Something about that song immediately tapped into the fear of that movie for her (and made it very easy for her older brother to torment her).


I mention that because the Bone Keeper -- an Urban Legend, a bogeyman story -- has his own song that kids throughout all of Liverpool know and have known for decades/generations. He's a supernatural being, living in the woods near/around the city who captures kids and adults, kills them and keeps their bones (hence the name). Clearly just a story to be told around campfires, etc. Right? One more way for older brothers, cousins, etc. to torment their younger friends and relations.


But when an injured, bleeding, and disoriented woman comes stumbling out of the woods singing that song, everyone (police, media, social media users) starts wondering -- is the Bone Keeper real after all?


DC Louise Henderson and DS Paul Slater are officially skeptical (okay, more than skeptical) about the Bone Keeper's involvement in the attack on the woman as they begin their investigation. Finding bodies in the area near where she was probably attacked (and inexplicably escaped), with strange symbols carved into nearby trees only fuels the speculation -- and perhaps gets at least one of the detectives thinking that maybe they were too quick to write off the "out of the box" suspect.


As the investigation continues, the options are (at least for the reader, even if Henderson and Slater can't think this way): there's a deranged serial killer out there taking advantage of the Bone Keeper legend to mask his crimes; there's a deranged serial killer out there that thinks he's a supernatural creature, killing people; or there's a supernatural being out there killing people. Veste writes this in such a way that every option is a valid conclusion up until the moment he has to make it clear just what's been going on.


Like the Elm Street movies, The Bone Keeper isn't my kind of book -- but I gave it a shot anyway. I'm so glad I did. It was gripping, it was addictive, there are many other adjectives I could use here, but they don't seem to be adequate. Let's say that it's the kind of book you read in the waiting room of your doctor's office and hope that he's running late (I was able to read enough to get to an acceptable stopping point so I didn't resent him being pretty much on time).


I cannot talk about this book the way I want to -- I'd ruin everything. I've deleted several sentences (or at least the beginnings of several sentences) already -- and I've not typed a few others. Take the premise above and imagine the best way to tell that story -- that's precisely what Veste has given us.


The opening chapter is one of the creepiest that I can remember reading -- and things only move quickly from there until the action-packed conclusion and almost-as-creepy coda. Haunted characters, haunted families, haunted woods -- in at least one sense. The Bone Keeper's characters and setting are rife with opportunity and material for Veste to use to tell his story of a literal walking nightmare. A police procedural that brushes up against the horror genre -- this is a thriller that'll stay with you for a while (I'm not sure how long it'll stay with me, but I can tell you I'm avoiding places rich with trees for the foreseeable future).

Source: irresponsiblereader.com/2018/04/25/the-bone-keeper-by-luca-veste-when-an-urban-legend-becomes-urban-news
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review 2018-01-30 03:01
Chilling, gripping, completely unexpected
The Dying Place - Luca Veste,Jonathan Keeble

this is for the text version of the book, BookLikes won't let me add the non-audio edition for some reason...



You can't choose the last words you ever say to your child -- and that's what they are, no matter what age -- as they leave the house. Off to school, off out with friends. Off to work, or on a date. You don't think of them as last words. Just another part of the ongoing conversation, the never-ending role as a parent.


But at some point, they will be the last words you say to your child, and for too many parents in these pages, those words come a lot sooner than anyone expected or wanted. Which is just part of what makes this novel so effective and devastating.


So often (arguably, too often) in books about mass killers, the killers are depicted as geniuses, psychopaths, sociopaths, or a combination of thereof. The villains of this book (without giving too much away, I think) are regular people -- people you pass by every day, see in stores, say hi to walking down the hall at work, or maybe even chat with a bit by the coffee pot. They're hard-working, responsible adults -- vote, pay taxes, help their neighbors, maybe raised a few kids. But life has dealt them one too many band hands and they make some horrible choices in response. And then things spiral out of control.


The victims aren't the easiest to sympathize with -- at least on the surface -- they're young men, technically adults, but kids really. Petty criminals -- felons-in-training, on the whole -- loiterers, drug users, public drunks, vandals. Not the kind of criminal you stay awake at night worried about, but you certainly don't want your kids turning out like them or your daughters dating them. On the whole, men who could profit from a good mentor, like the folks in the previous paragraph.


That's more spoiler-y than I tend to go around here, but that's just the first 50 pages. One of these ne'er-do-wells shows up dead on the steps of a church, bringing Murphy and Rossi into the story, investigating this murder and eventually understanding that there's more going on. This particular murder victim has been missing for months, but given his frequent delinquency, no one other than his mother, took his disappearance as anything to be concerned about. The reader, by this time, knows that he'd been kidnapped by our fine, upstanding citizens for the purpose of (re)educating him and redirecting his life -- up until it was ended, and he wasn't the only one being (re)educated in this fashion. The question is, will Murphy and Rossi catch up to the reader's information in time to stop them before another young man is killed?


Pretty much at this point, the reader can plot the rest of the book and do a pretty good job of it. What the reader won't be able to do is pace it like Veste does -- it seems like he breaks several Basic Thriller 101 rules on that front. More than once I muttered, "What, he's doing that now? Already?" (and once or twice the opposite -- "he finally got around to this?"). He may have broken pacing rules, but he did so in a way that worked. Which is really all that matters, right?


It's the characterizations that bring this home -- Murphy and Rossi dealing with their demons as well as the mystery surrounding the missing and then murdered victim; the kidnapped men/boys; as well as the kidnappers. He doesn't dive too deeply into the various kidnapper's frame-of-minds, just enough that we understand what they did and why -- and how they reacted to the chain of events they set in motion. We get a little deeper when it comes to the victims -- which allows us to empathize with them.


But Veste also makes us looks at what the people around these victims thought of them and their families (mostly their mothers) both before and after these boys became victims. It's at this point that society at large fails. Veste doesn't fall into the trap of trying to fix societal ills, but man, he makes you think long and hard about your attitudes about some people. The fact that he does that while telling a chilling crime story is all the better.


There's more to be said about some of this, it's a very ambitious work -- I have many more notes about things I intended to talk about, but I think I'm going to stop here so the focus stays on the vital stuff. Veste tapped into something powerful here, and that overshadows a lot of the nuances I could talk about (and outweighs the few nits I want to pick). From the wrenching opening pages to the guy-punch of a conclusion, The Dying Place is a gripping police procedural featuring characters you can't help but like and root for, even while the world around them comes apart at the seams.

Source: irresponsiblereader.com/2018/01/29/the-dying-place-by-luca-veste
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review 2017-03-01 01:58
A hunt for a serial killer in Liverpool makes for a heckuva series debut.
Dead Gone - Luca Veste

They say you get used to it. One victim becomes another. An endless array of body parts lit up, wounds, scars blood. If you deal with death all the time, you develop a gallows humour, dark jokes passed around.

Murphy knew differently. When it was bad as this, there was no levity to be found. You got on with the job, and hoped to catch whoever did it before it happened again

In most series, we'd meet DS Laura Rossi as she joins the detectives, probably partners up with DI David Murphy (who we might have known for a book o more already), we get to know her as she gets to know the job and Murphy. Murphy's a good detective with some interesting choices in his personal life, she's an eager (and educated) rookie tied to her family in ways she wouldn't prefer. Then in the next book, we see a mix of tragedy, crime and bad timing wreak havoc on Murphy's personal life and it spills over to his career. Now, in Dead Gone, he's trying to put his life back on track, recovering from whatever career setbacks he's stumbled into with the help of his sometimes partner and boss.


But Veste jumps us right into book 3 without the foundation work -- we get hints (and eventually more than hints) to put it all together -- especially as it Murphy's life becomes fodder for the killer's taunting of the police. Honestly, I liked that approach. Other writers might not be as successful with it, but Veste pulled it off. You get the idea that Murphy was a really good detective, and if he can get his head back in the game, he will be one again. Rossi is well on the way to being a good one -- but she might have hitched her wagon to the wrong mentor.


Oh, yeah, the killer -- bodies are starting to show up in Liverpool. Death by multiple means, but left in similar conditions -- and with letters attached making references to classic psychology studies -- many of which couldn't be replicated today with contemporary ethical standards. But the killer seems to be taking them further than the original studies. And, well, he's a serial killer, so ethical research methods aren't at the height of his concern.


I could've used a bit more of Rossi, I liked her as a character, but I enjoyed what we got. I understand that Murphy's the star of the show, but hopefully she gets a bit more of the focus later on. The rest of the squad is pretty much what you get in any police procedural -- I'd be happy if I don't have to see Det. Bannon ever again, but hopefully he gets what's coming to him -- or a healthy dose of character growth -- soon.


Murphy is dealing with a whole mess of personal issues as he's leading the investigation -- but it doesn't really distract from his work, maybe it even helps it. This is tightly plotted, moves at a good pace -- Veste doesn't waste anything, there's no fluff, no fat to this prose. Probably because I know there's another 3 books so far in the series, I didn't worry about the danger posed to our heroes at any point, but the tension was real. The terror visited upon the victims was more than real -- Veste does an outstanding job of getting into the heads of some of the victims without getting exploitative. Too often in serial killer novels the victims are just corpses (or something that'll be a corpse soon), so no need to really care about them. Not here -- and what a nice change of pace that is -- they're people, not props.


This really isn't a whodunit kind of novel -- Veste pretty much gives it away pretty early on. Not that this stops him from dragging a large red herring across the reader's path. Yeah, it's pretty obviously a red herring -- but he uses it well as such -- and then . . . well, let's just leave it as I didn't see what he'd do with that particular forage fish after it was clear that the killer they're hunting for is someone else.


I literally lost sleep staying up to finish this one -- dragged myself through the next day at work, leaning on coffee just to seem passably competent. And it was worth it. I will be grabbing the next installment, The Dying Place, very soon.

Source: irresponsiblereader.com/2017/02/28/dead-gone-by-luca-veste
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review 2017-01-10 03:50
Dead Gone - Luca Veste

This debut author is definitely using a new kind of serial killer in that he is using different techniques and experiments in which to kill his victims. It's something that I've never read before and definitely different. I found myself intrigued, mesmerized and I just could not put the book down. I think all thriller readers will be engaged and entertained with this one. Thanks Pegasus Books and Net Galley for the opportunity to read and review this book in exchange for an honest review. 

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review 2015-02-08 17:53
Dead Gone
DEAD GONE - Jonathan Keeble,Luca Veste

I have had Dead Gone sat on my bookshelf for a while now and after seeing so many good reviews for the follow up I decided I needed to read it as soon as possible. It doesn't disappoint. Being set in one of my favourite cities in the UK, Liverpool, was a definite plus point. I always enjoy reading book when I know the area involved.
The detective duo Murphy and Rossi make a good pairing. Murphy, the cop with the (very) tragic past and Rossi the Italian graduate are both very likeable and I hope that we see plenty of this partnership in future novels.
They are investigating a series of increasingly violent murders. Throughout the novel, we have flashbacks to the tragedy in Murphy's past and also narrative from a young women who is abducted at the start.
I thought I had guessed the killer, but like all good crime novels there was a twist.
I won't be leaving it very long before I read the second book in what I hope is a long series.

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