Fuck it.
I've spent the last 25 days trying to figure out how to post about Luna Lovegood without posting about a Harry Potter book. I give up. The closest I could come up with was using Fox Mulder from a licensed X-Files comic and that doesn't really work very well. I think Fox Mulder is probably too rational and grounded for me to identify with. Besides, I want to use the character I really do relate to.
But Luna ... I don't just want to believe; I do believe. There are crumpled-horn snorcacks and nargles. There are mermaids and yetis and ghosts and fairies. I was often accused by my teachers of being too "dreamy" and I admit the world in my head is usually more fascinating to me than the world around me. I even share Luna' s fashion sense. My mom wasn't dead when I was a kid but she was not with us a lot. My dad was a bit of a crustaceans both of my parents were oddballs. Unlike Luna I do have an older sister, but everything else about her just felt, well, like reading about my witch doppelganger.
Luna first appears in Goblet of Fire but only briefly. When she showed up as a fleshed-out character in Order of the Phoenix I was so happy to meet a character I could really identify with. And I love her to little bits. :)
As an aside, I ship Neville/Luna. It's my only non-canon ship.