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review 2017-02-08 00:00
So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish (Hitchhiker's Guide, #4)
So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish (Hitchhiker's Guide, #4) - Douglas Adams,Martin Freeman I think I missed the point somewhere... What was this installment even about? And why were there so many plot holes?!
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review 2016-11-22 00:00
Life, the Universe and Everything (The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, #3)
Life, the Universe and Everything (The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, #3) - Douglas Adams,Martin Freeman I didn't enjoy this as much as the previous books. I found it very choppy and all over the place. Multiple times I was confused as to where the hell I was or what the hell was going on... which might be because I was listening to this in traffic and did get a bit distracted every now and then... but still. It was just okay.
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review 2016-11-11 00:00
The Restaurant at the End of the Universe (The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, #2)
The Restaurant at the End of the Universe (The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, #2) - Douglas Adams,Martin Freeman Martin Freeman is certainly one of the wonders of the world! I absolutely loved listening to this on my daily work commute, and I didn't even notice traffic! The story itself is deceptively light and ridiculous, but he just made it so much better! Not only did he have a distinguishable "voice" for each character, he also held true to that voice for the entire duration of the book! His vocal abilities are amazing...

I also love the story, though. It touches on serious subjects, while making fun of how serious we always take ourselves when in the bigger picture, we are but a tiny molecule in a droplet of water in a never ending ocean. It definitely serves to help put things in perspective for me... although I don't have the ability right now to articulate how!
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review 2016-07-06 15:20
Sherlock: The Sign of Four - Arthur Conan Doyle,Martin Freeman

Skinuto pola zvezdice zbog plitko opisanog odnosa V. i Meri. Cela situacija deluje usiljeno i naglo. Tj. ili meni deluje, ili se u to vreme taj bracni posao tako zavrsavao.

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review 2013-02-24 00:00
Life, the Universe and Everything (Hitchhiker's Guide, #3)
Life, the Universe and Everything (Hitchhiker's Guide, #3) - Douglas Adams,Martin Freeman Just as good, if not better, than I remembered.
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