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review 2019-08-06 03:45
Fletch Solves a Very Hollywood Murder in Key West
Fletch's Moxie - Gregory McDonald

This is about the audiobook edition, I'm just too lazy to add it to BookLIkes.


So in the last book, we met Moxie Mooney while Fletch was still a working journalist. They'd known each other for some time at this point, and it might have been just about the last time they saw each other until now, sometime following <b>Fletch's Fortune</b> (when his tax problems were taken care of and he could return to the States), although she had visited him in Italy shortly before this.


Moxie's decided she needs Fletch's help with something, she's got some sort of problem that needs investigating, and who better? When Fletch arrives on the movie set for her current project in Florida, he's just in time to help her with a brand-new problem. She's appearing on a (pre-taped, thankfully) TV interview with her business manager—the only people on the set (or near enough the set) are Moxie, her manager, and the interviewer. So when the manager is killed with a knife to the back, there aren't a whole lot of suspects.


Fletch jumps to action and gathers a lot of information (as only he can) before the police really even know what's going on, including an in-depth interview (that doesn't look like one) with the widow. He then whisks Moxie away to the home of a business associate in Key West, to keep her out of the spotlight while he can do some digging into both of her problems.


Great plan, that doesn't account for two things: 1. Moxie's father, the illustrious stage and film actor, Frederick Mooney—known more now for a constant state of drunkenness is visiting her, too, and has to come along; 2. Moxie tells the director and most of the cast where she's staying and they arrive, too. Having a cast of movie stars past and present staying in one house tends to attract a bit of attention—especially when they're associated with an unsolved murder.


One thing Fletch has done recently is buying enough stock in GCN (Global Cable News—a CNN-like entity) that executives take his phone call and pay attention to his news tips. This turns out to be pretty advantageous and helps with some of his research—this will prove fruitful for future books, too.


Fletch investigates the murder in the way he does best—by talking to people and interviewing them without their realizing it and making phone calls. I just love watching him work. It's an intricate problem and Fletch's solution is quite clever.


This particular book gives McDonald a chance to do two things—better explore Moxie's character (who might be a richer character than Fletch, but not one you could base a series on) and lampoon Hollywood and its approach to the art/business of movie-making. Almost everything he talks about in this 1982 book is still prevalent -- and maybe moreso.


I have nothing new to say about Dan John Miller—he's a really good narrator and perfect for the series. I assume at this point, I'll hear his voice in my head for at least part of the time I think about this character in the future.


This isn't my favorite Fletch book, but it's one of the best and a great showcase for both the character and McDonald. Amusing, insightful, smart and fun—hard to ask for more.

<a href="https://www.booksmoviesreviewsohmy.com/cloak-and-dagger-2019-sign-up/" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img class="aligncenter" src="http://www.hcnewton.com/irrreader/2019CloakDaggerSM.jpg" alt="2019 Cloak &amp; Dagger Challenge" /></a>

Source: irresponsiblereader.com/2019/08/05/fletchs-moxie-audiobook-by-gregory-mcdonald-dan-john-miller-fletch-solves-a-very-hollywood-murder-in-key-west
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text 2019-06-05 15:21
My May 2019
Moxie. Zeit, zurückzuschlagen - Jennifer Mathieu,Alice Jakubeit
 Elias & Laia - In den Fängen der Finsternis - Sabaa Tahir
Der Fluch des Titanen (Percy Jackson, #03) - Rick Riordan,Gabriele Haefs
Wie Schnee so weiß - Marissa Meyer,Astrid Becker
Moxie. Zeit, zurückzuschlagen - 5 stars
Elias & Laia - In den Fängen der Finsternis - 5 stars
Der Fluch des Titanen - 4.5 stars
Wie Schnee so weiß - 5 stars


Favorite book(s) of the month:



Books started this month but haven't finished yet:

Still, Tote Asche, Percy Jackson - Die Schlacht um das Labyrinth, Gläsernes Schwert


Random ramblings:

May wasn't my month. I felt overwhelmed at every corner in every situation I was in. Still, I'm really glad with what I have read or well, mostly listened to this month. Quality over quantity. Or something like that LOL

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review 2019-05-04 15:42
Moxie. Zeit, zurückzuschlagen - Jennifer Mathieu,Alice Jakubeit

reread thoughts: Still amazing. Still important. Still the best.


old review:


German and english review (spoilerfree)


Absolutes Lieblingsbuch diesen Monats, und wahrscheinlich auch für das ganze Jahr an sich. Hier hat einfach alles gestimmt. Ich hab das Buch als Hörbuch gehört und auch die Sprecherin hat einen richtig guten Job gemacht.


Inhalt: Vivian lebt in Texas und hat die Nase voll. Von den blöden Kommentaren der Jungs während des Unterrichts. Von den Lehrern, die nichts dagegen unternehmen. Von der absurden Kleiderordnung, die nur für Mädchen zu gelten scheint. Aber vor allem hat Vivian es satt, den Mund zu halten. Als sie einen alten Flyer ihrer Mutter, ein ehemaliges Punkrock-Riot-Grrrl, findet, beschließt sie, etwas gegen die Ungerechtigkeit zu tun. Heimlich gestaltet sie ihren eigenen Flyer, Moxie, und verteilt ihn an der Schule. Die Mädchen sind begeistert und tragen Vivians Botschaft weiter. Und auch Seth, der neue Junge an der Schule, ist schwer beeindruckt. Doch schon bald begreift Vivian, dass sie damit eine Revolution angestoßen hat, die ihre Leben ganz schön ins Wanken bringt …


Die Story an sich ist total frustrierend aber das muss sie auch sein. Das Thema ist wichtig. Das Thema ist nicht nur wichtig, es ist sogar real. Und das ist eigentlich das frustrierende an der ganzen Sache, dass sich die Autorin das nicht einfach nur so aus den Fingern gezogen hat, sondern, dass sich Mädchen jeden Tag solchen Problemen stellen müssen, und das ihnen niemand hilft.
Die Autorin hat wirklich wichtige Themen angesprochen und ist mir ihnen unglaublich gut umgegangen. Ich mochte den Schreibstil total und einfach die ganze Atmosphäre in dem Buch.


Vivian, Viv, als Hauptcharakter war einfach nur klasse. Ich fand es super schön mit anzusehen, wie sie sich durch das Buch hinweg entwickelt hat. Von einer stummen Betrachterin, die einfach alles so hingenommen hat, zu ihrem stillen Aufstand, als sie sich anonym mit ihren Flyern Gehör verschafft, und dann am Ende, als sie sich laut zu allem bekannt hat, im Kreise ihrer Moxie Girls, gegen den Schuldirektor und dem ganzen problematischen System, dass diese Schule darstellte.


Ich mochte die Beziehungen in dem Buch, Viv und ihre Mutter, und ihre Großeltern. Viv und Lucy (Lucy war mein absoluter Lieblingsnebencharakter!!!). Allgemein, mochte ich einfach die ganzen verschiedenen Freundschaften, die all die Mädels miteinandern verbunden hat und die sie stark gemacht haben. Und ich fand auch Viv mit Seth unheimlich süß, ich fand es toll, dass die Autorin aus ihm zwar einen richtig anständigen Kerl gemacht hat, aber ihn nicht perfekt geschrieben hat. Er konnte einige Dinge nicht verstehen und das war auch gut so, denn niemand ist perfekt, wir können alle beim Thema Feminismus noch dazu lernen, wichtig ist, dass man dafür offen bleibt.




Totally my favorite book this month, probably even for the whole year. Everything about this book is just amazing. I listened to the audiobook and the person reading it, did a really good job.


Summary: Vivian Carter is fed up. Fed up with her high school teachers who think the football team can do no wrong. Fed up with sexist dress codes, hallway harassment and gross comments from guys during class. But most of all, Viv Carter is fed up with always following the rules.

Viv's mum was a tough-as-nails, punk rock Riot Grrrl in the '90s, and now Viv takes a page from her mother's past and creates Moxie, a feminist zine that she distributes anonymously to her classmates. She's just blowing off steam, but other girls respond and spread the Moxie message. As Viv forges friendships with other young women across the divides of cliques and popularity rankings, she realises that what she has started is nothing short of a girl revolution.



The story itself is is freaking frustrating but it has to be. The topic is important, it's not just important, it's also so very real. And that's what makes this whole thing so frustrating, the author didn't just make these things up, it's happening, it's problems girls have to deal with every day of there life, and no one is helping them.
The author talked about some serious topics and she dealt with them so perfectly. I loved her writing and the whole atmosphere she created in the book.


Vivian, Viv, as a main character is amazing. I thought it was just beautiful to see her grew throughout the book. From a shy and silent observer, who kinda accepted everything around her, to her silent riot with her zines, and then towards the end when she and all her Moxie Girls protested very loudly against the principal and the whole problematic system that this school was.


I also loved all the relationships in the book. Viv and her mom, and her grandparents. Viv and Lucy (she was totally my favorite side character!!!). Overall I truly loved all the different friendships between all these girls, they were all so beautiful and made each girl so much stronger. And I also really loved Viv and Seth, they were just the cutest. I loved that even though the author wrote him as one of the few good guys, he wasn't perfect. He just couldn't understand some of the things and that was totally fine, cause nobody is perfect, we all can always learn a few more things when it comes to feminism, it's just important to stay open for that.

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review 2019-03-22 11:53
Moxie by Jennifer Mathieu
Moxie: A Novel - Jennifer Mathieu

This review can also be found at Carole's Random Life in Books.

I really ended up enjoying this book! This was a review book that completely slipped through the cracks and was left to sit somewhat forgotten. By the time I pulled it out of the pile, I didn't completely remember why I had been drawn to it in the first place. I wasn't too far into the book when I realized just how good this story really was and I had a fantastic time with it.

It has been a long time since I was a teenager or went to high school. A very long time. My youngest daughter is currently finishing up her final year of high school and my oldest is a young adult so I have lived with teenagers for quite a few years so I feel like I know what they are like and I thought that this book was filled with realistic teenagers which is one of the things that I really really enjoyed about it.

I wish that the things that happen at Vivian's high school during the course of this book didn't happen. I know that they happened when I was in school and I don't think it is too much of a stretch to think that they still happen quite often in certain areas. I was mad. I was disappointed. And I was disappointed. How could the adults let these things happen and not speak up? How was it that none of the parents of daughters from the school were demanding change? The one thing that I would have loved to see happen in this book would be for Vivian, or one of her friends, to tell the adult in their life exactly what was going on. 

These girls didn't let others fight their battles though. Vivian sparks a movement that eventually works its way across her school. I was so happy to see these girls stand up and fight the things that were wrong together. It was a very uplifting message about how change can happen if you get enough people to stand up with you. 

I listened to the audiobook version of this book which turned out to be a fantastic choice because Suzy Jackson did a wonderful job with the story. She really was the voice of Vivian and I thought that she did was able to bring this story to life. All of the character voices were really well done and I had no problems listening to this book for hours at a time.

I would recommend this book to others. I had a great time watching this wonderful group of characters fight for a cause that was easy to get behind. I look forward to reading more of Jennifer Mathieu's work in the future.

I received a digital review copy of this book from Macmillan Children's Publishing Group via NetGalley and borrowed a copy of the audiobook from my local library.

Initial Thoughts
Such a good story! This was a story about girls standing up for themselves, for what is right, and for each other. It makes me mad that we live in a world where treating certain people differently than others still happens but I love the fact that people are working to make a change. I listened to the audiobook and thought that the narrator did a fantastic job with the story.

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text 2018-12-11 00:17
Favorite books of 2018 part 1
Nimona - Noelle Stevenson
the princess saves herself in this one - Amanda Lovelace
One True Loves: A Novel - Taylor Jenkins Reid
Taming Him - Kennedy Fox
Restore Me - Tahereh Mafi
Radio Silence - Alice Oseman
Moxie: A Novel - Jennifer Mathieu
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix - J.K. Rowling
Bottoms up - Holly Renee
A Court of Wings and Ruin - Sarah J. Maas


Part  2  comes  December  31  



What  were  your  favorites  of this  year   .


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