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text 2019-11-26 22:33
Nanowrimo 2019: Day 26

Unfortunately my health was suffering too much so I had to quit nanowrimo for this year. I get exhausted really easily, which leads to ill health and between this and my studies, something had to give, And lets be honest, my degree is much more important than nano. I've won the last 2 years, so I'm not as pissed as I would have been otherwise. I would love to be normal and healthy and have been able to do it, but I'm just not and I accept that. Hopefully my health will improve in the coming months and it'll turn out that not being able to complete nano this year was a factor in motivating me to get better. I'm going to go to the remaining nano events in Belfast, though and hopefully reach 35K. Thanks for the support everyone.


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text 2019-11-22 22:47
Nanowrimo 2019: Day 22

Today I wrote a grand total of 0 words. Instead I spent the day with my much better half and went to see the fantastic film, 'Sorry We Missed You', directed by the inimitable Ken Loach. It was a fantastic critique of the gig economy and the depravity suffered as a a direct cause of zero-hours contracts. I would recommend it to all, if for once you want to see something other than cute cat memes. :)



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text 2019-11-21 23:16
Nanowrimo 2019: Day 21
Today I had an abysmal writing day and only managed 341 words. It seems I paid for pushing myself yesterday. Well, I've learnt my lesson and won't do another productive thing tonight, lest I pay for it tomorrow!
On the plus side I hung out with my writing friends and had fun.
Overall word count: 27,958 words
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text 2019-11-20 22:32
Nanowrimo 2019: Day 20
I got up early today, wrote 500 words before breakfast, then wrote a further 1200 words after. I did philosophy work after that, some yoga and chilled out until I joined a live stream on the official nanowrimo channel on youtube. While watching I wrote another 500 words, making a total of 2173 words for the day. I've had a really productive day, so I'm very pleased, however I'm no longer concerned about hitting 50K. I'd rather feel good and I feel best when I take pressure off myself, so I'll just continue to write what I can. I now have 27587 words.
Thanks for reading!
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text 2019-11-19 23:18
Nanowrimo 2019: Day 19
As soon as I got up this morning I started study and for most of today I continued with that.
This evening, what with the televised election debate (there's an election coming up in the U.K), I didn't get much time to write. I did get 614 words, though.
What with all this philosophy study and an essay due on the 6th of December I really don't know if I'm going to continue with the goal of reaching 50K. I'll still go to the rest of the Nano events in Belfast and continue to write as much as I can, but I'm really not sure whether to continue with the 50K goal. I'll need to make my mind up very soon, because I'm getting further and further behind. I think I'll just try to get as many words down as possible, but concentrate on my degree. Any thoughts welcome.
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