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review 2018-12-21 03:46
A Look at Life through the Eyes of a 9-year-old Girl
The Everlasting Story of Nory - Nicholson Baker
Sometimes the problem with telling someone about a book was that the description you could make of it could just as easily be a description of a boring book. There's no proof that you can give the person that it's a really good book, unless they read it. But how are you going to convince them that they should read it unless they have a glint of what's so great about it by reading a little of it?

When I read these musings of a little nine-year-old girl, all I could think was, "Welcome to my world, kid." Seriously, what book blogger hasn't had that thought at least once a week? If this hadn't been set in the mid-90's, Baker might have been tempted to have his protagonist take to blogspot to talk about her favorite books (which I absolutely would have read).


Nory, her parents and her two-year old brother have moved to England from Palo Alto, CA, where she attended a Chinese Montessori School. She's now attending a Roman Catholic school with grades and a structured curriculum. Which isn't an easy transition for her (as you'd expect). As she's an "Americayan" with a strange accent and difficulty understanding British phrases, she's on the outside of her school's social structure.


This is rough for her, but I think it'd be rougher for other kids. Nory has an incredibly vivid imagination and tells herself stories (some of which she writes down, some she enacts with dolls and toys, some of which she just says to anyone who might be around). They are intricate, inventive, and as entertaining as the parts of the book that are about Nory (arguably more so). When times are tough, when she's bored, when she needs to entertain her brother, when she has trouble sleeping -- these stories are there for her. The reader gets to go along for the ride with her -- which is a nice bonus.


When she's not making up stories (or opining on the construction of them), she's struggling through school and through the mine field that is making friends, and searching for a best friend. There's a girl who frequently seems to like Nory, but would appreciate it if Nory would change a few things. There's another girl who is bullied, teased, and generally disparaged by the rest of her class. Nory very unsuccessfully tries to defend her, but mostly just tries to be friendly to her.


And that's the bulk of the book -- there's some "slice of life" stuff with her family, some parts where Nory remembers Palo Alto and the Chinese Montessori school -- that kind of thing. But mostly it's the tale of a few months of a 9 year-old looking for a friend, trying to stay out of trouble in a school she doesn't understand and playing with her dolls.


Nory is a girl of opinions -- some of them very strong. She has very definite ideas about storytelling, and what's necessary to a successful story or book. Ironically, this book fails Nory's own tests due to its lack of plot, and relatively small stakes. That's probably an intended irony, and Baker's really saying that people like me that want plots like Nory insists on have child-like tastes. I don't know that to be the case, but I'd be willing to put money on it.


It's told in third-person, but the narration is very stream of consciousness, very nine-year-old stream of consciousness -- bouncing all over the place with a short attention span, and nine-year old misunderstandings of life around her. It's delightful to read, and only a little annoying when you pause to reflect on what's happening (or better, what's not happening). In the moment, it's just fun to surround yourself with Nory's thoughts.


I won't say this is a must-read, but if you give it a shot, I can't help but think you'll be rewarded. It's perfectly safe for anyone Nory's age or older to read, but I can't imagine many people Nory's age will appreciate it (but I could be wrong). It's better appreciated by those of us who can remember some of what it's like to be her age. I liked it, am glad I tried it and I expect you will be, too.

Source: irresponsiblereader.com/2018/12/20/the-everlasting-story-of-nory-by-nicholson-baker-a-look-at-life-through-the-eyes-of-a-9-year-old-girl
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review 2014-12-02 05:45
The Anthologist
The Anthologist - Nicholson Baker

I disagreed with Baker's base Poetics (rhyme is not and has never been what draws me to poetry & I actually really enjoy iambic pentameter), and I often found his prose as purple as the plum on the cover--but even so I adored this book, as I adore practically everything else Baker has written. He never writes about much--tackling the subject & love of poetry is actually quote ambitious for a novelist who usually works on the scale of the beauty of staplers and the difficulty of heating up a bottle of milk for an infant--but he does it with such verve and unabashed excitement that I am always caught up in the emotion of it all. This book is actually a bit of an anomaly if I remember correctly: it's got a sort-of plot, with actual character arc and everything. Even if it hadn't I'd probably still love it. Baker has an incredible sense of joy that is so often dampened, or lost completely, in the stuffy pretentious of modern fiction. It's glorious to see this enthusiasm keyed on poetry, a subject that I actually care about. I'd reread this in a heartbeat--it really galvanized my (at the time) flagging faith in Literature.

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text 2014-11-19 10:01
Top 10 books about reading
U and I - Nicholson Baker
To the River: A Journey Beneath the Surface - Olivia Laing
Portrait of a Novel: Henry James and the Making of an American Masterpiece - Michael Gorra
The Possessed: Adventures With Russian Books and the People Who Read Them - Elif Batuman
How to Live: A Life of Montaigne in One Question and Twenty Attempts at An Answer - Sarah Bakewell
How Proust Can Change Your Life - Alain de Botton
Out of Sheer Rage: Wrestling With D.H. Lawrence - Geoff Dyer
Parallel Lives: Five Victorian Marriages - Phyllis Rose
The Magician's Book: A Skeptic's Adventures in Narnia - Laura Miller
A Jane Austen Education: How Six Novels Taught Me About Love, Friendship, and the Things That Really Matter - William Deresiewicz

The Guardian Books has picked the top 10 books about reading, would you add anything to this list? 


Here's the interesting quote from the author of the Guardian article, Rebecca Mead:

My favorite books about books, or about reading, are those in which the writer has not felt it necessary to hide his or her own personal involvement in the subject – or to limit its disclosure to a preface or afterword – but instead has taken his or her own investment as a starting point. Reading isn’t a terribly dramatic activity to write about, admittedly. But since all real writers are also readers, it is, for some of us at least, a compelling, indeed unavoidable, subject. I bet if skydivers could skydive about skydiving, they would. (via)

Source: www.theguardian.com/books/2014/nov/12/top-10-books-about-readers-nicholson-baker
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review 2014-01-02 19:33
A Box of Matches by Nicholson Baker
A Box of Matches - Nicholson Baker

bookshelves: published-2003, paper-read, lifestyles-deathstyles, hardback, winter-20132014, bellybutton-mining, amusing, giftee, lit-richer

Read in January, 2014

Dedication: For Margaret

Opening: Good morning, it's January and it's 4:17am, and I'm going to sit here in the dark

Emmett (I am sure that means 'ant' in Cornish!) is an editor of medical textbooks and is married to a Claire, who likes to read in bed at night.

pub 2003
paper> hardback
belly-button> OCD> existenstial angst
duck worry

My first quibble came early and it had to do with the blurb not the book itself: 'A man gets up earlier and earlier each day': he doesn't, and that ant query seems to be spot-on: see page 163.

This is a perfect New Year's eve book - each chapter read outloud by a different person whilst the others watch the fire and sip brandied coffee, giggle, and contemplate emulating the New Year's Dawn Watch with hot flasks and doubled-up mittens. This whimsical story has made for a beautiful collective consciousness for some close friends at the last embers of a dying year.

slow tv - perfect accompaniment

The music is James Taylor


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review 2013-10-13 09:06
The Mezzanine - Nicholson Baker This minute observation has autistic elements in it that made it for me very hard to read. Intellectually a great piece, not necessarily enjoyable for me.
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