Get your geeek on! EVENT! I will be a Guest at MIGHTY CON 2013, this June 22-23, in Chicago, IL! I usually don't come out yonder (ha ha) so come by, say hi! Get comics, books, toys, do your cosplay, Enjoy!
And yes, I'll be bringing me books, Dark Victorian: RISEN and BONES.
Friday is Preview Night, but I get the feeling I won't reach the con until very late (due to a late flight). But certainly come and score your goodies.
Saturday I'll be on a panel with Paul Erickson, author of the Hobbit parody, The Wobbit, talking about publishing.
Sunday I'll be at my table, meeting You. :)
I won't be surprised if I'm the only Steampunk or chick wearing a top hat there! ;) (But hey, all expenses paid, so I'm not complaining!).
See you THERE.