The Holiday Gig, by Erin Brady, tells the tale of an aspiring young attorney, Taylor Barnes, who is a workaholic trying to make her way to partnership at a prestigious New York firm. The trouble begins when Taylor, to impress her boss, Mr. Charles Wigs, and to show him that she is not “all work and no play,” tells Mr. Wigs that she does indeed have a beau. Caught in the moment, Taylor makes up a story and a name—a name straight out of movie: Tom Maguire. But, of course, Taylor must then make good on the tale and deliver Mr. Maguire to a couple of holiday firm functions. The most important event will be the New Years’ Eve celebration where Mr. Wigs will announce the firm’s newest partner. Taylor publishes an ad to fill the temporary position. Enter, Hunter Ryan. Little could Taylor have expected that Hunter would turn out to be the one person able to make Taylor appreciate her family and find value in taking time from work. As Taylor and Ryan wind their way through difficult family gatherings and firm events, the romance plays out.
Erin Brady has delivered, in The Holiday Gig, a fun and light story for the holidays, complete with laugh out loud scenes and amusing predicaments. Knowing more than a little something about law firms and the sacrifices that Taylor was making, I was able to readily identify with Taylor’s checking her emails on a continuous basis, bringing her files along when she went to visit her family, and struggling with how to find a balance between her work and her personal life. But the bow on the package for readers of this story will be in finding that Taylor Barnes has the wherewithal to make things right where she is able, both with her family and ultimately, with Hunter. In the process, she learns a great deal about herself and about giving to others. Those who enjoy romantic comedies, feel-good stories and happy endings are sure to find some holiday cheer in The Holiday Gig.
Learn more about Erin Brady and The Holiday Gig at GoodReads and on Erin's website at http://erinbradyauthor.com. Find Erin on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/fansoferinbrady (and be sure to like her there!). The Holiday Gig is available on Amazon.