Laws of Attraction - Sarah Title
Is a 1.5 harsh? Perhaps.
What's really too bad is I feel I've read two middle of the road books from her and there's potential to have a breakout, stand apart book for me. Apparently, the opposite also holds.
This book did nothing for me. And I'm not convinced it was even well written. It felt like a bunch of scenes slapped together with no arc. Let me explain (and don't read further if you, like, care to find out for yourself):
Girl has sworn to BF that it's time for one night stands and no more nice boring guys. And no lawyers!
Boy walks into a bar to meet some old college friends. They have lame nicknames. Guy has beard and is wearing flannel, thus the ultimate conclusion is lumberjack. They click, woohoo! And he seems like a good candidate for a drunken sex-fest. So she accompanies him back to his posh apartment (he's subletting) evades some questions about his profession (why? Because he's a lawyer and all the ladies come round for lawyers and he doesn't want to be wanted for that ya know?), and the p-in-v is rushed and occurs on page...11.
Can you guess what happened then? There's a hotshot....
genius (they mentioned a few times) lawyer starting. But oh no. It's mister one night stand. He's shaved so he's a bit difficult to recognize. And now he's a lawyer and a genius, which are two no-nos. Her family is made up of geniuses, see, and she's not close with her family. And they don't respect her profession as a law librarian. Anyway, he seems a thorough lawyer, and he is new so he asks her questions. Her responses to these questions, are, well, bitchy. Even if you have told associates that, if he's asking you a question...I you get to give him the brush off? (This was after he attempted to ask her on a date-but no. Because genius lawyer. It's also why she doesn't like him. Makes sense.) I didn't interpret this as him seeking her out-just trying to keep it professional.
Here's the thing. I have no sense of the main characters. I have a better sense of secondary characters and then the story attempted to build on that. It..didn't work.
More plot points...Then she catches him singing horribly late in the library. Without protection, after being a utter bitch to him, yet still attracted to him, he goes down on her and gives her 3 orgasms.
Then he asks her to Thanksgiving. To fend off his mom who is forever setting him up with women. He said this is cause he's a catch...and she scoffs. At this point, I think, yeah, he seems annoying to work with but he's not a bad guy--is he? But she goes, they get snowed in. Or was it rain? I was so bored I think my eyes were just moving across the page. They have some pot brownies to relax and he brushes her hair back and she makes her move. And they do it. And then decide to be dating. YAY!
But he's got work to do. There's a conflict of interest but only kind of but they take a break (she offered he accepted) for appearances...some shit goes down with his sister. there's a dog. Her sister and the hero have a nice heart to heart and when his sister asks what he likes about Becky (the heroine's name, I almost forgot) he says a whole bunch of stuff that the author didn't show the work for in the book and he realizes he loves her. Grand gesture. Love confession. The End. Oh, there's another dog.
Didn't like this couple. Didn't like the story. Didn't like the heroine, didn't like the hero.
It was short though.