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review 2014-05-20 21:47
Review: Starkissed by Brynna Gabrielson
Starkissed - Brynna Gabrielson

Starkissed is a fun, light, quick read. Great for when you just want something light to pass time with, something to warm your heart and make you smile.
I'm actually the most stupid person ever. I received this book months ago, back when I wasn't a blogger. The author opened a discussion on GR giving away copies, and I requested one; got it; saved it; forgot all about it.
I know - I'm horrible. I honestly think I should be hang for it, but at least I got to it in the end.  

I liked this book a lot, as stated above. In fact, I finished it in one sitting. It was very easy to get lost in the pages of this book, and I looked forward to finding out how things would get resolved. 

I liked Sydney's character; how she was so "normal" but was never swayed by apparent popularity and people disguising themselves as her friends only when it suited them. She was also rather unusual by her response both to being kissed by Grant and the spectacle it led to.Not a fame seeker, nor a girl who wealth and power appeals to, she likes her quiet and ordinary life. 

I also liked how she was the average sister among five exceptional ones, a thing that promised she'll somehow turnout to be the most extraordinary of them all. 

Sydney's five sisters first looked very bad...


**To read the rest of the review, click the title!!**

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review 2013-09-15 00:00
Starkissed - Lanette Curington I don't really have anything to say about this story. It was just kinda... there. Not bad, not great. Weird sex. *shrug*
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review 2013-06-16 00:00
Starkissed - Brynna Gabrielson okay, it's official, I FREAKING hate this book. Period.

Recalling the torturous hours I have spent on this book, all I could say is that it freaking FRUSTRATED me!

I was like..


And then I was like...


But then I felt like..


To round it off, the whole time I was reading the book, the only emotion it managed to trigger is:

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review 2013-02-05 00:00
Starkissed - Brynna Gabrielson So yeah ok...Maybe in the biggest picture this book souldn't exactly be getting 5 stars but I go with the feeling each book leaves and this particular was quite satisfying! Sure the story was nothing original and the heroes were the regular "cute but underestimated" girl and the "fabulous yet adorable" guy but hey, there is a reason they are so widly used -"It actually works!"-.
I have to admit that I was kind of dissapointed that Caroline didn't get her happy ending but god did I love the closing of the book...I had a total fit of giggles over the "Jonas brother" thingy!
I know I am kind of old for teen romances but hey...who cares!
I look forward to reading something more from the author..The only thing that I didn't really enjoy in the book was the "first person-present tense" style but it realy never worked for me and it is deffinitely not a fault so I strongly recommend the book for people who want something light and adorable!
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review 2013-01-13 00:00
Starkissed - Brynna Gabrielson “I’m more of a Dan Brown or Robert Ludlum kind of guy.”“I love The Da Vinci Code,” I tell him.He laughs.“But Angels and Demons was better,” we both say in unison.“Starkissed” è il classico libro che ho scovato su Goodreads, che mi ha colpito per la sua trama vicina al mio gusto personale di una simpatica ya romance e che ho iniziato a leggere per riprendermi dallo stress emotivo scatenatomi da uno dei libri più belli che abbia mai letto “Me before you”. Btw è servito perfettamente allo scopo, anche se devo essere sincera mi aspettavo molto di più, e la storia totalmente assurda, non è stata all’altezza delle mie aspettative.Un libro divertente, senza impegno, che vi farà divertite e vi intratterrà con la sua ironia, leggerezza, ma anche tanti sentimenti autentici e melassa, che in una bella romance ci vuole, soprattutto in una dove si parla di realizzazione dei sogni.Recensione completa sul mio blog:http://pleaseanotherbook.tumblr.com/post/50648463585
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