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url 2017-03-14 08:23
Peppa Pig books banned in China
Books Of Opposites (Peppa Pig) - Liz Catchpole
Peppa Pig The Tooth Fairy - Neville Astley,Mark Baker
Peppa Pig and the Lost Christmas List - Candlewick Press,Neville Astley,Mark Baker
Peppa Pig: Let's Go On A Treasure Hunt - Neville Astley,Mark Baker,Susie George
Peppa Pig: Let's Make A Snowman! - Neville Astley,Mark Baker,Sadie Chesterfield
Peppa Pig and Her Best Friend - Neville Astley,Mark Baker,Gail Herman
Lost Glasses (Peppa Pig) - Neville Astley,Mark Baker
Peppa Pig School Bus Trip - Neville Astley,Mark Baker

Why would grown men in the Chinese government feel threatened by Peppa Pig?


If anyone say the Chinese government is fine, don't believe this person. How could a government be fine while feeling threatened by children books about pink pigs. 



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