Plot: 5 out of 5
Character: 5 out of 5
Setting: 4 out of 5
Cover: 2 out of 5
Overall Rating: 4 out of 5
Let me just start by saying that I had no expectations going into this book and I barely knew anything about the plot.
First, let us talk about the plot. I love the fact that’s there is not that much romance at all going on except for Whit’s love for his girlfriend. This leaves more room for action and suspense in the plot. I normally tend to stay away from books involving magic due to the fact my favorite books of all time have magic in them, and I tend to compare right away. However, I do have to say that I really enjoyed the magic in this book just for the fact that they did not know that they had any nor know how to use it. Now, in this society there’s this overlord called “The One Who is the One,” who is trying to make the perfect society. Throughout the book, you realized that these kids are not thrown in jail and put to death just because they might be “witches and wizards,” it is, at least in my eyes, because they are kids. This element throws the reader into a “what would you do” kind of feeling, and really gets you thinking of what will happen next.
The two main characters of this story are Whit and Wisty Allgood. The sister/brother aspect of the main characters is what turned me on to the book. I don’t think I have ever read a book where the two main characters are related. I have found that I really like when a story is told in different, alternating perspectives, this gives you more of an insight of what running through their minds as the events are occurring. I really like the voices of our main characters. Wisty was the spunky sarcastic little sister who had perfect timing with her remarks and was funny as all hell. She made this gloomy, dark book full of lightheartedness and laughter. On the other hand, you have Whit, the mature, strong older brother. He was the voice of reason and strength, when faced with danger, but when it came to the love of his life, he showed his venerable side. Now you don’t see or hear much from our main villain until about the end, but from what you hear about him, he can be somewhat scary, at least from a kid’s perspective. He’s not my favorite villain, that goes to Lord Ido in Eon, not for the fact that he’s not evil enough it’s just I thought he should have been around more.
There are a few different settings goin on in this book. The worlds that you experience through the siblings are unique and add a completely new level to this book. The descriptions of these would let your mind wonder what it would look like to be there. I think I still would have liked to learn more about some of these places, like the shadow lands.
Now let’s get to the cover, which you can see by my rating, is not my favorite. I do like that the W is on fire, like what happens to one of the siblings, and that there are two faces, one at each end of the W. I really like his Maximum Ride covers and I was hoping that this cover would be as good, but I guess not.
This book overall was good. I liked how the ending was not really a big cliffhanger but it did make think and want to see what happens next to the brother/sister duo. Despite the few things I have against it, I cannot wait until I pick up the next one in the series.
***= what i think
Wouldn’t pick up again
Library only
Worth the splurge***