There was a lot to figure out in this book. Does a vacant house troubled with the history of an unsolved triple homicide sound appealing to you? I would think that most individuals would have done some type of research before buying such a home. Let me introduce Nora, Keith and their family. This husband and wife packed up their California home, along with the 2 teenage daughters, their dog and they found such a house in Brooklyn. Trying to grasp why this family would make such a move was just the beginning of my inquiries as the mysteries grew the minute this family took possession of their new home.
Told from a variety of viewpoints, I found this family a bit different. Nora doesn’t waste much time after the move to sneak off and privately use her phone to call Teddy. Who this Teddy is, I had no idea, but their conversation sure was close and personal. Who is Teddy? Their daughter Stacey enjoys true crime and once the whole family becomes aware of the home’s history, Stacey becomes obsessed with it. She was definitely into figuring things out including who the individual was, that she’s saw watching their house. Individuals get introduced and strange things start to occur that I needed to straightened out. How did this all pertain to the storyline? I liked how some of the characters were able to make some discoveries on their own and how they acted sensible and clever instead of being crazy and stumbling around. There were a few parts in the book that were slow but I did enjoy trying to figure out the various mysteries in the book. I also thought that the ending of the book was rushed and cut-off, it just didn’t fit, compared to how the rest of the book was written. The ending was a big disappointment. 4.0 stars
I received a copy of this book from Scene of the Crime Early Read, Harper Collins, and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you.