Despite several protests, the Trump administration has approved millions of acres of land in the Arctic Refuge region for oil drilling.
Despite several protests, the Trump administration has approved millions of acres of land in the Arctic Refuge region for oil drilling.
Paris agreement strategically deals with the greenhouse gas emissions mitigation, finance, and adaptation as well. It was sanctioned in 2016.
Bodyguard Kris Herzog with Jessica Alba
The sick things people sent to movie stars in the mail, in addition to assassination attempts. Scary.
The interview coincides with my novel, Gun Kiss, which features a specialist protection agency guarding a movie star.
These guys do more than the average bodyguard. The stuff these guys do is close to how I had described in Gun Kiss. Kris had also protected some of the U.S. presidents, children of Saudi royalty, foreign dignitaries and top businessmen.
To join The Bodyguard Group of Beverly Hills, you must be a specialist police officer, ex-Navy Seal or other elite units.
As has become usual, none of these are traditionally or self published and instead are all from Amazon imprints.