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photo 2019-12-03 07:31
Five Benefits Of AP Automation

AP automation is a simple way to improve your accounting and bookkeeping. You can use these programs to expedite all the work that you do. There are five benefits listed below that make AP automation a good decision for your company. Make sure that you have worked with a programmer who knows how to help your company, and ensure that you have taught your staff how to manage the system.

Source: www.insightssuccess.com/five-benefits-of-ap-automation
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url 2019-11-18 10:17
4 ways to protect a small business from cybercrime
Cybercrime is a notorious disease that infects many businesses every year. If you don’t know what it is, cybercrime is a list of all criminal activities which are carried out via computer on the internet with which criminals hack bank accounts, steal valuable information and conduct multiple frauds. Most large businesses already prepare for cybercrime because they have the money and resources to do so. However, most small businesses are naïve and young to withstand any cyber-attack. Stats suggest more than 79% organizations got hit by some cyber-attack back in 2017 which suggests criminals are not going to pull back their punches.
Following are ways with which small businesses can prepare for cybercrime:
One of the easiest ways for hackers to steal valuable information and conduct cyber-attacks is via code defects. Companies that have old and outdated software systems often fall prey to cyber predators. So if you do not regularly update your computer systems, your servers will very likely get attacked by criminals sooner or later. People who are on a mission to exploit can go to every length to affect the system. However, if you incorporate the latest software for your computer systems, you will easily be able to keep away from cyber-attacks.
Even if you have the latest antivirus software installed in your system, you won’t be fully protected unless you don’t train your staff about its use. You will get shocked to know more than 90% of security breaches happen as a result of naïve employees opening the doors for hackers. Ever heard of phishing e-mails? It is a modern method via which hackers gain access to the computer systems of small and large businesses. Even if you can’t afford to repeatedly conduct seminars, you must conduct a one-time program to let your staff know about ways with which they need to tackle such a situation.
Refrain from allowing employees to take concrete data to their homes if they don’t need it. Make sure you have a hold of every employee’s laptop password. Unless the company doesn’t approve of certain software, employees shouldn’t install it in their computer systems. Cybersecurity is a rampantly growing issue, which is why it is crucial to put strict restrictions on the usage of company equipment. If one of your employees steals important company information, that could cause massive damage to the company.
If you think company data might get stolen, you must keep a backup of it and store it in a discreet place. Secondly, divide the data which has to be transferred online. For example, if you want to send important information to a different company through e-mail, divide the information into multiple parts and send it mail by mail. Refrain from injecting too much important information in one e-mail. cybersecurity for small businesses has become topical since such small scale businesses often overlook cyber threats.
Lastly! It is crucial to invest in a reliable VPN. Millennial business owners are opting for incorporating VPN at workspaces since it maintains a secure connection between employee’s computer systems and the company’s internet connection.
Source: www.insightssuccess.com/4-ways-to-protect-a-small-business-from-cybercrime
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url 2019-11-18 10:16
5 Tips for Improving Cybersecurity for Your Small Business
If you think that your small business cybersecurity is not at risk, then you are making a mistake. In 2017, the Better Business Bureau reported that smaller businesses that were a target of cyberattacks suffered an overall annual loss of $80,000. If you are not taking the security into account, then you are exposing your business to cyberattacks and making your clients’ data vulnerable to theft. Therefore, to ensure proper protection, you must make cybersecurity of your small business a priority to avoid any loss in the future. Below in this article, we’ve mentioned a few simple tips to improve your business’s security. To find out, stick to this article!
You must create and implement a policy that requires to set strong and secure passwords for all users. A strong password should contain lower-case letters, capitals, a special character, a number, and should be minimum 10 digits long. Teach all your staff members how to create a strong password and enforce this policy throughout the office. Sometimes, it can get a little difficult to remember passwords that are created so strong. So, to escape the tension of remembering them, use a password manager.
Another best way to ensure the security of your business is by giving regular security awareness training to your employees. Even if you have technical support staff, sometimes employees can mistakably cause breaches if they are not trained appropriately. Training is probably the only way you can set the culture of cybersecurity for small business of yours. It will cover all the basics of security, including how to handle sensitive data, safe use of the internet, creation of a strong password, how to keep mobile devices secure, etc.
For ensuring the security of your business, you need to have professional-grade current antivirus and antimalware software in all the systems. Check if all the devices and systems used by your staff members have the latest version of operating systems and software. If not, then be sure to install them in all the systems. If your devices have them, but they are not upgraded, then install the upgraded version today.
It is quite obvious, but worth mentioning. Having a good backup policy is significant for every business and organization. In the event of any disaster or some sort of ransomware attack, you should be able to recover all the critical data. Backups allow you to recover the data in case it is lost. However, it is important to run a test through your backups to make them they can be recovered if needed. You can implement the strategy of the 3-2-1 approach. It translates to three copies of backup, on two different media, and one copy securely stored offsite.
You didn’t see this coming, right? But it is one of the great ways to find out the weaknesses of your security system. You can consult with any appropriate IT firm or experts to assess your system in search of vulnerabilities. Once you determine the flaws of your security system, you can start to make better changes to protect your network, business, and clientele.
Source: www.insightssuccess.com/5-tips-for-improving-cybersecurity-for-your-small-business
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url 2019-11-18 10:14
5 benefits of API for developers | Application programming interface
API stands for an application programming interface. Lately there has been a lot of conversation regarding the benefits of API for developers. There’s no escape from the fact, APIs benefit the company in a way that all professionals are also at the receiving end of many benefits. In this article we will talk about few advantages of API for developers.
They allow developers to manage the company relationships with stakeholders in a way that the latter remains informed about any possible change in the entire system. Keep reading to know the benefits;
This is the first most concrete benefit of using API. Instead of people, computers will do the work, hence cutting down the total time. With the help of APIs, developers can manage work faster and update the workflows in a way that they become more productive in a short time. Many companies equip their developers with API’s because it is a fast approach to completing a task and also requires less human effort.
The irony behind using any modern interface is to paddle information in a short time in the safest way possible. By incorporating API into the system, an application layer can help to distribute information smoothly to other systems and introduce services to new customers. The intriguing part about this interface is it allows developers to create a personalized service for new audiences. Therefore, API is the need of the hour and has the power to bring dynamic change in the company systems.
Once you get access to the API, it is easy for the new content to get published fast. The system publishes the content automatically and makes it available for every channel. Therefore, the content gets shared with massive audience easily. This feature is also less time consuming and less costly as compared to traditional marketing. Good efficiency is one of the main reasons why a lot of companies incorporate API to yield better results.
Every system needs to be changed over time, and API helps in changing the system fast. For many companies, it takes a lot of time and money to introduce a new change in the system. If you incorporate this technology into the system, you will experience better data migration, and the information can also be reviewed better. Had another interface been incorporated, the results would have never been great as compared to API.
The best thing about API is its amazing feature of social equality. Whenever there’s information to be shared with all the citizens of the state, API shares it with every person and not selected people from few cities or towns. However, if this responsibility were to be given to another system, things would have been completely different. For this to happen, you must incorporate a suitable API into the system. Google popular API to get a list of all top-notch instances available.
Millennial businesses are installing API in their computer systems, for it yields good results in a short time.
Source: www.insightssuccess.com/5-benefits-of-api-for-developers-application-programming-interface
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url 2019-11-18 10:12
Top 4 Ways to Find a Job of Your Dreams
Did you know that about 172 million people are unemployed globally? Job hunting can be an ordeal, and with the rise in population, it’s getting worse. We now face competition from so many people from all over the world. You just don’t know when, and by who you may be replaced by. In today’s article, we’ve discussed the top 4 ways to help you find a job. These are basically small tips we’ve provided you to help you get started. Please note that there are many other things you can do when searching for a job, but these are the ones we believe to be the most striking, yet helpful in landing a job of your dreams.
One of the smartest ways to begin your job search is to create an account on job search engine sites like LinkedIn, Indeed, Glassdoor, and more. Just upload your CV and create your profile. These search engines help introduce you to new job openings, employers that are seeking driven employees, companies in your areas and more. You will even be able to see what current employers have to say about the companies they work for. They are great platforms to help you get started, and they’re mostly free of charge!
How can you possibly expect to get a good job when you don’t have a good resume to sell yourself? Your CV is your first impression that you lay on your employer. If this isn’t good, then you won’t even be considered for an interview. When fabricating a CV, make sure that you highlight your achievements and any awards, mention all the skills you have, write down any internships you have undertaken, and more. However, make sure you keep your CV short and succinct . No employer wants to read 10 pages of your job background; they’ll simply skip to the next CV in such a case.
Did you know that staff referral is the most potent factor in helping you land a job? Connecting with people you know would be a great approach to helping you find a job. This is because people who you know will know your skills and your personality and can help you find something that will be apt for your needs. They may even be in touch with people from other companies that can help provide a referral, or they themselves may be working for a company that they can refer you too.
When you wish to pass a test, you first need to prepare for it. Hence, when looking for a job, make sure to prepare for the interview. There are several ways by which you can prepare for an interview, for example, research the industry and company you applied to, create a list of all the questions you would like to ask the interviewer, prepare for the most common interview questions, and more. Nevertheless, always remember to be yourself because originality is key, and employers always look to hire people who will add diversity to their staff.
Source: www.insightssuccess.com/top-4-ways-to-find-a-job-of-your-dreams-landing-a-job-of-your-dreams
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