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url 2020-07-13 08:45
Data Analytics Outsourcing Market Analysis By Manufacturers Accenture, Capgemini SE, Cognizant Technology Solutions., Fractal Analytics

Data analysis is a complicated process where data analysts gathers data from various sources, analyzes the data, find facts and figures of the gathered data, review those facts and figures, and finally conclude with possible solution. Moreover, to carry out all this process companies require a team of data analysts, who are well skilled and with proper knowledge of data analytics. Furthermore to install this whole setup, company needs to spend large amount and time on this team of data professionals. Thus, the companies prefer hiring third party data analytics outsourcing service providers to reduce cost and time of company.


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url 2020-07-13 08:35
Data Analytics Outsourcing Market by Type, by Application

Data analysis is a complicated process where data analysts gathers data from various sources, analyzes the data, find facts and figures of the gathered data, review those facts and figures, and finally conclude with possible solution. Moreover, to carry out all this process companies require a team of data analysts, who are well skilled and with proper knowledge of data analytics. Furthermore to install this whole setup, company needs to spend large amount and time on this team of data professionals. Thus, the companies prefer hiring third party data analytics outsourcing service providers to reduce cost and time of company.

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text 2020-04-04 12:02
Learn Apache Spark Training in Bangalore With Intellipaat

Intellipaat offers the industry-recognized one of the best spark training in Bangalore that combines corporate training, online training, and classroom training effectively to fulfill the educational demands of the students worldwide. Apache Spark is a term applied to innovations that encourage taking care of generously enormous datasets. These datasets are huge to such an extent that they can't be handled utilizing regular or conventional information preparing instruments. With this big data analytics course conducted by well-experienced trainers of Intellipaat, you can easily learn the components of the Hadoop ecosystem, such as Hadoop 2.7, HDFS, Yarn, MapReduce, Pig, Impala, Flume, HBase, Apache Spark, and more. Designed by well-trained industry experts, this best apache spark certification provides in-depth knowledge on Apache Ecosystem tools and Spark. We also offer real-time training on apache nifi tutorial with case study-based projects that provide hands-on experience of the subject. The curriculum includes Scala, object-oriented, functional programming, integrations, Spark core, Spark SQL and Spark MLIB. Our detailed syllabus, flexible timings, and practical training are the best in the city. You can find us at all the popular localities in Bangalore and commuting is just a breeze.
What is Apache Spark?
Apache Spark is an open-source framework for creating applications to work across clustered systems or networks. Apache Software Foundation developed Apache Spark to speed the processing tasks in Hadoop systems. Spark primarily helps in boosting the performance of big data applications and converting big data files to fit into the system memory. It functions as an API with tools for managing big data files. Spark library includes Spark Core, Spark SQL, Spark Mlib, GraphX, and Spark streaming. The application works on the primary language Scala which is designed for data analysis.

Source: intellipaat.com/big-data-hadoop-training-bangalore
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text 2020-01-09 09:10
Know the Latest Study of the Global Hadoop Big Data Analytics Market 2019 in the Industry with Prominent Players

The research report mainly introduced the global hadoop big data analytics market basics: a market overview, classifications, definitions, applications, and product specifications and so on. The global analytical report has been made by using significant data research methodologies such as primary and secondary research.


Download Exclusive Sample of this Premium Report at https://market.biz/report/global-hadoop-big-data-analytics-market-2017-mr/159503/#requestforsample


The report also targets important facets such as market drivers, challenges, latest trends, and opportunities associated with the growth of manufacturers in the global market for Hadoop Big Data Analytics. The report provides the readers with crucial insights on the strategies implemented by leading companies to remain in the lead of this competitive market.


Competitive landscape


Global Hadoop Big Data Analytics Market study covers a comprehensive competitive analysis that includes detailed company profiling of leading players, characteristics of the vendor landscape, and other important studies. Hadoop Big Data Analytics report explains how different players are competing in this report.


Hadoop Big Data Analytics Market Manufactures:



  • Sap Se
  • Pentaho Corporation
  • IBM Corporation
  • Datameer
  • Marklogic Corporation
  • Microsoft Corporation
  • Tableau Software
  • Pivotal Software
  • Hewlett-Packard Enterprise
  • Mongodb
  • Datasift
  • Cloudera
  • Qubole
  • MAPR Technologies
  • Memsql Inc
  • Amazon Web Services


Market Segmentation


The global Hadoop Big Data Analytics market is segmented on the basis of the type of product, application, and region. The segmentation study equips interested parties to identify high-growth portions of the global Hadoop Big Data Analytics market and understand how the leading segments could grow during the forecast period.


Product Segment Analysis by Types



  • Risk & Fraud Analytics
  • Internet of Things
  • Customer Analytics
  • Security Intelligence
  • Distributed Coordination Service
  • Merchandising & Supply Chain Analytics
  • Operational Intelligence
  • Linguistic Analytics
  • Offloading Mainframe Application
  • Application of Hadoop Big Data Analytics Market are


  • BFSI
  • Government & Defense
  • Healthcare & Life Sciences
  • Manufacturing
  • Retail & Consumer Goods
  • Media & Entertainment
  • Energy & Utility
  • Trsportation & Scm
  • IT & Telecommunication


Following regions are analyzed in Hadoop Big Data Analytics at a provincial level



  • North America
  • Europe
  • China
  • Japan
  • The Middle East & Africa
  • India
  • South America


Inquire more about this report @ https://market.biz/report/global-hadoop-big-data-analytics-market-2017-mr/159503/#inquiry


The reports help to find the answers to the following questions:


• What is the present size of the Hadoop Big Data Analytics Market in the top 5 Global & American countries?

• How is the Hadoop Big Data Analytics market separated into various product segments & sub-segments?

• How is the market expected to grow in the future?

• What is the market potential compared to other countries?

• How are the overall Hadoop Big Data Analytics market and different product segments developing?




1. Global Aesthetic Lasers And Energy Devices Industry Market Research Report


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text 2019-12-30 13:13
How AI Is Helping In Healthcare Analytics

Healthcare analytics deals with big data in healthcare and seeks to make it accessible. The data tsunami is also approaching in the healthcare sector: Users want to analyze near-real-time data from the rising flood of data and data sources as diverse as telemedical sensors, patients and case files, cancer research or insured person's administrative data. What are the challenges and opportunities offered by Healthcare Analytics for the healthcare IT industry, clinics, and health insurances?


There is a gold rush mood when it comes to big data. Already terms such as "petroleum of the future" circulate in relation to the inexhaustible potential that promises the analysis of the enormous amounts of data, which are now collected by new technologies such as sensors, RFID, ambient intelligence, smartphones, etc.


Big data applications not only bring great economic potential, but can also help solve social problems, but consumers can only be accepting of these new technologies if the data protection is ensured at a high level. This applies in particular to the health sector - whether they are health insurers, clinics or research institutions, it is always about sensitive patient data. But not only the nature of the data, but also the enormous amount of collected data, present special challenges. With the expanding use of information systems in hospitals and research facilities, an overwhelming volume of data has been collected in recent years.


All the organizations that make up what we call the Health sectors (hospitals, research institutes, foundations, etc.) generate and accumulate huge amounts of data daily and incrementally. This trend is driven by the obligation to maintain records and the double desire to improve the quality of assistance and reduce its cost. All this data, which until recently was stored on paper, is clearly oriented towards digitalization. And its immense generation of information, because it does not go into excessive details, becomes part of what is known as “Big Data”.


To understand it better, we must specify a little more: what do we talk about when we do “Big Data” in Health? It is a multitude of different elements: clinical data that is not from computer systems (written notes of the physician, prescriptions, diagnostic images, laboratory tests, pharmacy, ...); patient information in your digital medical record (EHR); data generated by sensors for monitoring vital signs; genomic data; even information originating from social networks and many others less specific, but also important, such as data from caregivers or specialized articles.


We must not devote much effort to understand the value and complexity of the information we are talking about. Most of the data generated are not structured and the adaptation of health analytics used in other sectors has yet to face significant technological challenges in the Health sector. Let's mention just a few of the many there are:


  • Promote the integration and interoperability of the huge “data lakes” (with technical, legal and management problems).
  • Be able to generate or adapt the documentation without creating additional efforts for professionals (which would not be advisable in Health Systems already overflowed).
  • Enrich unstructured content with semantic annotations and transform management information into strategic (hospitals, for example, accumulate not only information related to individuals in their population, but also aggregated statistics of the actions taken. Data such as the number of patients attended by service, consultations, average stays, surgical interventions, diagnostic tests, etc. are generally used only as management meters).
  • Adopt natural language processing technologies.


Digital Health Records data along with health data that can be obtained and offer unprecedented opportunities to advance further research.


With imaginative use of this integrated information and the best use of healthcare analytics, we would have efficient means to be able to do such incredible things as:


  • Develop trends and anticipatory analysis with new modeling and prediction techniques.
  • Create new large-scale monitoring and surveillance modes for health incidents.
  • Track the progression of diseases in real time in specific populations that we could structure at the moment.
  • Improved identification of population groups of patients that can be considered in future clinical trials.
  • Discover associations and health synergies in an automated way thanks to the application of neural calculation systems (imagine the leap we will take in this regard when we can have quantum computation).
  • Improve the detection of biomarkers based on molecular origin data that facilitate the classification of patients based on their response to treatments.
  • Identify new pharmacological interactions (with the objective, for example, of discovering whether a treatment can stop acting effectively or in an unexpected way in the presence of another)
  • Facilitate the detection of health fraud.
  • Create new analytical modes for public health (example: evolution of pathology based on the analysis of data published on networks, generating early warnings and even automated awareness campaigns and recommendations)
  • Develop new population segments based on dynamic variables.


They are just a few examples to indicate how health analytics and AI can make sense of the sheer data volume. There are hundreds more and as we have more technology applied and more dedicated professionals, the possibilities will be immense. The technology associated with Big Data analysis is irreplaceable in the future of Health. And so, because, in short, we talk about improving care, reducing errors and variability in clinical practice, delving into the path of desirable personalized and evidence-based medicine and, although it sounds less high, but equally important, reducing costs of doing all this.

Source: www.clinithink.com
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