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text 2017-09-18 21:57
Review: Chaser by Rick R. Reed
Chaser - Rick R. Reed


*no rating*

OMG I have never read about such shallow characters.... I'm astonished.

I'm not a person to DNF but honestly I can't do this knowing what's coming my way...



I'll just skim the last chapter to get closure and won't be rating this furthermore.

P.S. Bobby, I hate you!!! You're despicable.

"Are you really so stupid? Bobby is all about being the best: the best looking, the best lover, the best cocksucker, the best power bottom, the most wanted.

He would take Kevin - or any man - away from you in a heartbeat if he thought he had the chance, if he thought it gave him some kind of crazy edge, boosted his self-esteem a little more.



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review 2017-04-03 19:14
Review: Wedlocked (PresLocke #3) by Ella Frank and Brooke Blaine
Wedlocked - Brooke Blaine,Ella Frank


* 5 one-and-only stars*

Still have not recovered from this. It was like Christmas morning. Felt like unwrapping all these gifts



Ace & Dylan
Derek & Jordan
Finley & Brandon and let’s not forget
Logan & Tate

This was such a joy to read. After some hurdles Ace and Dylan had to take, they are finally ready to get their Happily Ever After. It was amazing.



It was that amazing that I can only ramble, quote and post some various pics of this swoon worthy book.

The reunion with Logan f***ing Mitchell was so good!! I just love that guy and dammit if this book doesn’t make me want to read Logan & Tate’s story again, again and again….

“Nice to finally meet you. Have to say, I was wondering when Ace would finally grow some balls and admit that the stick he always seemed to have shoved up his ass was actually just a poor substitute to what he really wanted up - ”

~~ Logan

Then of course Ace and Dylan’s bachelor party. Ooooh would I have loved to have been a fly on the wall. Ace and Dylan’s itinerary for the weekend for their friends was hilarious.

We now know how to climb a palm tree!! Yay Quinn.



The cake sampling

RED VELVED CAKE. For the ones who read this, I don't have to say more!!



But sjeessh, the boys give Logan and Tate a run for their money.
*dirty f***ers

I’ve gotta say something about Dylan’s parents Sunshine & Ziggy.
I really loved them. They were so supportive of the couple. And the way they welcomed Ace to the family was so emotional.
*teary eyes.

“We thought it was time you took your place beside our Daydream, both tomorrow on your big day and here, where our family’s heart is. Where you can always come home to whenever you need to.”

Then… Last but not Least.
The Wedding




It was so freaking sweet. I loved every part of it. Dylan’s possibly “trippin and dyin act” for Ace was adorable. And Derek, Dylan’s best man…. I just love him. I may have to re-read his story with Jordan too!!

Dylan, you’re about to marry Ace fucking Locke. You better have a smile big enough to please the entire world of disappointed fans who thought they stood a chance. Both the men and the women.”

The wedding vows brought me to tears. Gawd they were beautiful;

You, Ace, are the most generous, selfless man I’ve ever met. You give of your time, your money, yourself to everyone around, and I’m so incredibly lucky to be the one you come home to. You love hard and fiercely, and I never feel more safe than I do in your arms.”




The wedding Party;



The throwing of the bow-ties in stead of the bouquet had an astonishing result. No spoilers here cause you just have to read for yourself. But a note to Ella Frank; I would totally dig a follow up story about the man who caught the bow tie,.
*just saying

The Wedding night

What to say about that other than that is was scorching hot of course.

“You want me?”
“How much do you want?”
“I want you to give me everything.Everything, Dylan.”


Then….. That epilogue. That was perfection and again it only makes me greedy for more of their future!!





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text 2017-03-29 21:35
Reading progress update: I've read 1%.
Wedlocked - Brooke Blaine,Ella Frank







BR with the girls Julie and Teri.


We're ready for the wedding of the year!!!

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review 2017-02-19 17:50
Review: Gone for You by Riley Hart
Gone for You (Wild Side Book 1) - Riley Hart




Love everything of Riley Hart's so far!!

Great friends-to-lovers story!



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text 2017-02-08 21:54
Reading progress update: I've read 81%.
Gone for You (Wild Side Book 1) - Riley Hart


"I am so goddamned lost inside you."


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