Book: Read a book featuring a strong female character (or characters), by an author from any minority group, a story about a minority overcoming their oppressors, or revolving around the rights of others either being defended or abused, a book set in New York City, or a book originally written in a language other than English and / or your mother tongue or by anyone not Anglo-Saxon.
Tim Rackley is a marshal who is married and has a daughter. His world fall apart when his daughter was raped and killed by someone who escaped justice before.
Now a shadow group approach him and said they got tips that his daughter's killer has an accomplice. This group is into vigilantism and want to recruit him to be the executioner.
That's the start of the story. It is about defending others people, especially from those why preyed on them. To defend someone is hard, especially justice depends so much on evidence and how professionally law enforcement agents do their job.
It explored the idea of this and go further to see how grief has changed the person.
It is because of human rights that know that we have to accept that some bad persons might escape justice, even with the best of efforts. It is the good people who watch out for other people that we admired. It is not necessary those who wear any form of uniform. Tim acted out not as a marshal but as a person, a father, a husband and a person who insist on doing the right thing.
4.5 stars read.