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text 2014-07-27 02:17
Krypton Radio covers San Diego Comic-Con 2014 (and Me!)

The masses descend on San Diego! The mad-dom (far beyond 'madhouse') begins! Friday, after I sat on the "LGBT Comics for Young Readers" with creators like the writer for the LumberJanes (Boom! Comics) and Kevin Keller (Archie Comics) artist, Dan Parent, I had the pleasure of taking respite with steampunk and swingtastic deejay Willow Leafstorm of Krypton Radio in the SDCC press room.


THERE, she asked me all sorts of keen questions about Charm School's world and Artifice of my Dark Victorian series. It was a jolly pleasant tyme, I say! ^,.,^


READ an in-depth write-up of the interview by the equally keen Aly Runke HERE:




And activate your live-streaming of Krypton Radio's broadcasts for a recap of their SDCC coverage (including my chat with Willow Leafstorm) at 1030pm PACIFIC. Click the upper right hand button to LISTEN IN!


Because they got more to come. TONIGHT, more madness descends on San Diego; many, many crazy happenings, including the Masquerade. :-o

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text 2014-07-23 18:30
( It's Preview Night, which means ~ ~ )
Pretty in Ink: North American Women Cartoonists, 1896-2013 - Trina Robbins

It Begins! (TRUMPETS)


My San Diego Comic-Con schedule: (besides *hopefully* catching Trina Robbins and Lily Renee !!! at Fantagraphics--Pretty In Ink is Trina's latest 'herstorian' book!)


2-3pm Rm 28DE FRI, I'll be joining the panel "LGBT Comics for Young Readers".
4-6pm Booth 2144 FRI, Prism Comics, come see me, the new Charm School Graphique, and my Dark Victorian books!


Everyone have a Great and Safe tyme! ^v^

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text 2014-07-21 22:05
Del Rey/Hydra taking pitches at SDCC:

'Ello! They are taking pitches! I wouldn't mind trying my hand (probably would stumble the pitch, it takes practice), but I won't be there the Saturday. :-(



Heading to San Diego Comic Con? You should swing by booth #1514 and say hi to Team Del Rey! We have a lot of exciting panels and signings lined up, as well as a San Diego Comic Con exclusive giveaway of Bryan Lee O'Malley's latest graphic novel, Seconds.

We'll also be doing book pitch sessions at the convention! On Saturday, July 26th, you can meet with Del Rey/Hydra editor Sarah Peed to pitch your original science fiction, fantasy, and horror stories. Don't forget to sign up at the booth to reserve your 5-minute session!

For the full schedule of Del Rey Spectra/Hydra events, click here.

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text 2013-06-20 03:37
(Gotta do that olde tyme Ballyhoo!) Mighty Con!
The Wobbit: A Parody (Of Tolkien's The Hobbit) - Paul Erickson
The Dark Victorian: Risen Volume One - Elizabeth Watasin
The Dark Victorian: Bones - Elizabeth Watasin

Get your geeek on! EVENT! I will be a Guest at MIGHTY CON 2013, this June 22-23, in Chicago, IL! I usually don't come out yonder (ha ha) so come by, say hi! Get comics, books, toys, do your cosplay, Enjoy!


And yes, I'll be bringing me books, Dark Victorian: RISEN and BONES.


Friday is Preview Night, but I get the feeling I won't reach the con until very late (due to a late flight). But certainly come and score your goodies. 


Saturday I'll be on a panel with Paul Erickson, author of the Hobbit parody, The Wobbit, talking about publishing.


Sunday I'll be at my table, meeting You. :)


I won't be surprised if I'm the only Steampunk or chick wearing a top hat there! ;) (But hey, all expenses paid, so I'm not complaining!).


See you THERE.



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