I fell in love with this setting, the feel of the story and the fact that it was very Downton Abbey-ish. I am a sucker for a main female character whose dreams come true. Poor Winnie had a horrible afternoon, her life completely changed in an afternoon so she binge watched her favorite show, Beauchamp Hall, after all watching this show was like comfort food to her. Then Winnie decides hey I have no real ties here and a bit of savings so why not go to England and see where my fave show is filmed. What follows is a bit like a fairy-tale , with some ups and downs of course, for Winnie. Winnie meets and interacts with many of her idols from the show. What I absolutely love about Danielle Steel’s books is that they can be a bit like a fairy-tale escape for me and this just took me away to a place were dreams come true for Winnie. The story is not all wishes coming true and happy endings, Winnie needs to make things happen and work through a few relationship issues but still this book was a great escape.