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text 2019-07-11 10:21
10 Ways Data Visualization Helps Decision Making


Data visualization can make the task easier for the employees and the organization as a whole. One can take the right decision easily with the insights gained from the pictorial representation of data. Read this blog to know how data visualization can help organizations in a better decision-making process.

Source: www.thomsondata.com/blog/how-data-visualization-helps-you-make-better-decision
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review 2014-11-04 17:58
Not Something I Found Usefull
Optimal Living 360: Smart Decision Making for a Balanced Life - Sanjay Jain

There is a little of everything covered in this book. A short basic outline for life. How to watch your health, your time, your nutrition, your religions an investment. The author has you constantly check you ROI, Return on Investment. I did not like the way it was presented, it felt like a business course and had very little person touch. It was a bit too simplistic and formulated for me to want to review back to it. This might be something a High school student might find useful but for most adults I think the answers here are obvious.

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review 2012-06-18 00:00
The Process of Decision Making in Chess: Volume 1 - Mastering the Theory
The Process of Decision Making in Chess: Volume 1 - Mastering the Theory - Philip Ochman I loved this book - not even that much because of the plot but because of how it was written. This is Russian language at its best - clearly written, sophisticated, not simplistic but also without intellectual excesses. This is what I call a well-written book - a rare thing in the world where Dontsova & Co rule.The ending was weird but gives you much to think about. I guess I would be more disappointed if the author chose a standard ending of the Hollywood type but he did not and I'm very thankful for that.I liked Metro 2033 a lot but this book was, although less gripping, much better - it was "tastier" in style, in the choice of words, in the overall atmosphere.
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