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review 2018-01-12 03:13
The Cajun Doctor: A Cajun Novel (Cajun Books) - Sandra Hill

Actually one of the better of the series, which I freely admit is not a favorite.


Highlights - Tante Lulu's interference is minimized. Oh, it's there, but it's overshadowed by a bunch of other crap that force our prospective lovebirds to change their perspective.


Lowlights. Uh...there was a lot of crap that was just kinda rushed through all at once to set the stage for the H/h to actually decide they wanted to get together for real. The h's ex is taken care of permanently, the mob after her stepbrother gets taken down the same day, so there's no reason for her to stay at his place. Which means that she leaves unexpectedly and he has to come to grips with the realization that he wants her there permanently...and vice versa. Now, granted, I like that they got together on their own terms (none of that ridiculous public humiliation routine that usually characterizes books in this series), I just wish all the problems forcing them to cohabit hadn't been deux ex machina'd. I mean; I do read romantic suspense so a plot that somewhat reads like a comedy version of that genre should at least make an attempt to have a little drama beyond the whole "I need to hide" bit and the taking out of the ex (which was quite dramatic, to be sure).


There was also the lack of a real discussion about his not wanting to get involved, which was why she gave him the brush-off just prior to that dramatic bit. She never pointed out that he was the one who wanted a one night stand, you see. OTOH, I suppose their pseudo-discussion while she was in the harem costume (which was Tante Lulu's BTW) about him not doing one night stands was a bit of air clearing.

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review 2017-06-03 03:14
The Cajun Doctor by Sandra Hill
The Cajun Doctor: A Cajun Novel (Cajun Books) - Sandra Hill

This review can also be found at Carole's Random Life in Books.

This was just an okay read for me. I got off to a pretty rough start with this book and seriously considered giving up on it. I am glad that I stuck with it because the actual romance between Daniel and Samantha was really well done. Once the romance really got going and because the total focus of the book, I really did enjoy it. I actually ended up reading the book pretty quickly once I got over the difficult start.

Daniel and Aaron LeDeux are twins that come to Louisiana to meet their father's family after their mother's death. Daniel is a pediatric oncologist, which is an emotionally draining job for him. After his mother's death and a very difficult case at his work, he decides to leave medicine. They stay in Louisiana and Aaron pushes his twin into buying an old mansion that needs a lot of work.

Samantha is from a very wealthy family but she hasn't always had it easy. She works hard at the family business, Starr Foods, and seems to have it all together. Her ex-husband is always after her for more money despite the fact that he should be making a good living himself as a doctor. After her divorce, she starts to take in animals needing rescued and has quite the interesting menagerie, including a depressed pig and a bird with a dirty mouth.

I really liked Daniel and Samantha together. They just seemed to fit and they had a lot of chemistry. In the past the pair didn't get along very well but they soon figure out that what they each thought of the other wasn't very accurate. I liked how quickly Daniel jumped in to help when Samantha asked. They really seemed to work well as a pair while they were dealing with the larger issue.

There were some things that I really didn't like about the book. I hate to say it but Tante Lulu would have to top my list. I know that her parts of the book were supposed to be funny but I found them to be over the top and ridiculous. She is a very prominent character for the first part of the book and I couldn't stand reading about her. I was so glad when she faded from the story and I started to really enjoy the book. Hundreds of pages went by and then she entered the book again. I didn't think her character took over the story at the end of the book as she did at the beginning. A lot of the conversations in this book are written in the Cajun dialect which I found difficult to read after a while. I simply didn't enjoy reading so many creatively spellings. I am very thankful that Daniel and Samantha didn't have the same strong Cajun accent that some of the other characters had.

I am really not sure if I would recommend this book to others. This book is number 10 in the Cajun series and while it read fine as a stand alone, I do think that readers who know some of the characters from the earlier books will appreciate their appearance much more than I did. I am really not sure if I will be picking up any future books in this series.

I received an advance reader edition of this book from Avon Books via Edelweiss.

Initial Thoughts
This was an okay read for me. The main couple in the story were really the highlight of the book but some of the other characters were just too much. I actually came really close to marking this one as a dnf at the beginning just because of how annoying I found some of the other characters. I really didn't care for how much of the book is written in dialect. I understand that they are Cajun but some of the oddly spelled words are just hard to read.

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review 2013-06-12 00:00
The Story of Doctor Dolittle (Books of Wonder)
The Story of Doctor Dolittle - Hugh Lofting Dr. Doolittle is awesome! I loved this book when I read it as a kid, and I still love it. The one problem with reading it on kindle is that you don't get all the cool drawings Lofting embedded with his tale.

This is the first of the series. Dr. Doolittle's parrot teaches him to talk to animals. Once he has mastered this skill, he becomes an animal doctor and is asked to go to Africa where there is an epidemic of sickness among the monkeys. The doctor and his entourage are imprisoned by an African king, captured by pirates, become destitute a number of times, but triumph in the end (and, of course, cure the monkeys).
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review 2013-04-03 23:19
The Books of Kells (Doctor Who: The Eighth Doctor Adventures, 4.04)
Doctor Who: The Book of Kells - Barnaby Edwards Not as entertaining as the latest, I just don't think Tamsin is very engaging, I suppose.
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review 2012-10-12 00:00
The Story of Doctor Dolittle - Hugh Lofting A charming twist: last night my daughter read aloud to me, since I was feeling a little under the weather.
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