(reblogged from Entertaining Stories)
Hi everyone, and welcome to the first ever, premier episode of Lisa Burton Radio. This is the show where we feature the characters that make books come alive. I’m your host, Lisa the robot girl.
I have special guest Delilah Delibes, who appears in the Blake Hetherington Mysteries.
Our sponsor today is Live and Let Bee, by D. S. Nelson. Let’s go to the phone. Hi Delilah, you’re on the air with Lisa Burton.
“Hi Lisa, I’m so excited to be on your show, thank you so much for inviting me. You’ll have to excuse the state of my hair; I’m on a dig at the moment. Oh, wait … you can’t see me, right? Oops … (laughs)”
“It sounds like you have a pretty exciting life, Delilah. You’re an archaeologist who gets to travel all over the world. Tell us about how your archaeological experience helps you solve murders.”
“I know! I love it! I’m not sure Rob does though, that’s my boyfriend. He’s a police sergeant and he hates me getting caught up in situations. Like the one last year on Salderk. We were on a remote island, I was bored out my head; of course I was going to get involved and as you say, being an archaeologists means I’m hardly afraid of a dead body or two. I might even be able to help. The past often holds the key to the present. Blake thinks a young lady like me shouldn’t be interested in murder, but he’s just as bad. It doesn’t take much encouragement to get him on the case too.”
“That’s really interesting, Delilah. So you and Rob live in different towns. Is this a long distance relationship, or are these more like country villages that are close by each other? How serious are you two?”
“Oh not far at all, about thirty minutes. I live in a little village just outside Tuesbury, that’s where Blake lives, and then Rob lives in the next town, Bestall. Rob and I have been dating for about two years. He’s a great guy; a little serious sometimes but he keeps me grounded.
“At the wedding we went to last Summer I wanted him to wear a tie that matched my wonderful fascinator and dress. It was a really plain dress though, why D S couldn’t have found something with a little more, you know je ne sais quoi; seriously! It’s always about the hats with her though. Rob wasn’t sure about the whole tie thing at first but I think it’s important for us to look right together.
“He wanted me to move in with him last year after the incident with Bertie and that crazy Cartwright brother Jay, he’s in prison now. Exes, right Lisa? Seriously sheesh, the guy just wouldn’t give up. Rob’s a sweetie but I like my space. I haven’t been away on a dig for a while now. I’m getting itchy feet and it’s good to be able to come and go as I please.”
“So you’ve identified him to the world as your boyfriend. That makes perfect sense. It’s too bad your author couldn’t come up with a better dress to go along with your fascinator. When I’m traveling incognito, I sometimes wear some terrible things. That’s why I suit myself the rest of the time.
“We have something else in common too. There are days when my pet rabbit, Bunny, feels like my only friend. I’m sure our listeners would love to know about Bertie. Animals are so important in stories.”