Frustratingly fun, always intriguing and totally unpredictable. Unpredictable is Fitz's greatest asset and she proves herself worthy of the title.
Dog-Eared Delinquent (Pet Whisperer P.I. #4) - The crew is back and this time it's serious. Fun takes a back seat to danger. Dog- Eared Delinquent steps away from the humor, but keeps the ability to be unique. (4 star)
The Cat Caper (Pet Whisperer P.I. #5) - Octo-cat is on the move and it's up to Angie to get him back where he belongs. Her best asset has become her greatest weakness. Will the dynamic duo find their way back to each other? Fitz continues to score gold points with one of the most unusual sleuthing duos in print. (4 star)