reread thoughts: I still get all the chills reading this.
english review
audible audiobook
*warning this review is written while I have some headcold going on. I can't breathe and can't hear properly. If my review doesn't make sense or doesn't seem thought out really well, blame it on the huge cloud around my head*
This was such a chilling read for so many different reasons.
That case is all kinds of disturbing. BUT it was told in such a great way. Seriously, the writing. (Also, I truly enjoyed the way the audio book was produced).
The last few chapters. Especially the letter towards the end just gave me all the chills.
I also loved the (kinda) discussion part at the end about how much that book helped find the son of a bitch, or if it didn't help at all. That was...interesting.
I HIGHLY recommend this book!!!
Even though I'm super into True Crime, I think that was the first time I actually read a book about it. I have some serious catching up to do. But this one set the bar really high.