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review 2013-04-06 06:25
Growing a Healthy Home: Focus on the Family Guide
Growing a Healthy Home: Focus on the Fam... Growing a Healthy Home: Focus on the Family Guide - Growing a Healthy Home: Focus on the Family Guide by Mike Yorkey (?)
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review 2010-05-28 00:00
How to Feed Your Whole Family a Healthy, Balanced Diet: Simple, Wholesome and Nutritious Recipes for Family Meals
How to Feed Your Whole Family a Healthy Balanced Diet, with Very Little Money and Hardly Any Time, Even If You Have a Tiny Kitchen, Only Three Saucepans ... - Unless You Count the Garlic Crusher... - Gill Holcombe I agree with the premise of this book- there IS time to cook, provided you don't get all wrapped up in 14 page recipes and goofy little gadgets. The recipes felt very British, not surprising since the author lives in London! Beans on toast is one of my favorite foods, I was thrilled to see it here. Kedgeree not so much.I'd give this book as a gift to a college graduate, a couple with children to feed, and anyone who would like to improve their nutrition without too much stress. Meat-heavy, but again- British.
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