Title: Heart Of Texas: The Series
Author: K. L. Hemley
Published: K.L.H.
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: 5
"Heart of Texas: The Series by K.L. Hemley was a good well written romantic series in the 'Wild West' in Texas for Ms.Mabel Milton. After the death of her parents, Mabel was found running her ranch single handed owning 'one of the most successful ranches in the area.' Thing change somewhat for Mabel when she meets Jesse Lockwood and finds his 'constant jokes were tiring' but he did know what he was taking about when it came to cattle. After meeting Jesse they both agree to drive her cattle to Kansas. While in Dodge City problems arrive for Jesse's men, however, they are able to make it back to the ranch. After arriving back on the ranch from the cattle drive as winter came on
and it was one of the 'harshest winters on record.' Would Mabel be able to survive on her ranch in the harsh winter weather without the help of Jesse? Would Mabel and Jesse be able to 'co-operate together?' Well it seems like things were going well for Mabel until a new arrival neighbor by the name of Max Harper arrives in town. Now, what will Max bring into this picture? What will Mabel over hear from Max that will change her life as she thought it would have been? This is where I say you must pick up this read to get all of these questions answered and see how this author will bring it all out to the reader. I really enjoyed the read that included 'The Series.' There are five books from the series: Life, Love and Longhorns, For Love or Not at All, Love Comes Later, To the Max and Lies and Laughter. If you are in for a sweet romantic read you have come to the right place for "The Heart of Texas: The Series would be recommended to you.