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text 2020-07-01 07:47
How to Reinstall AOL Desktop Gold

AOL Desktop Gold is the software that is gaining huge popularity because of its amazing features. This desktop software can be used for browsing the web, accessing the email and for entertainment and games. However, there are times when people face issues while using this desktop software and some of these errors can give you a real nightmare. These errors can be slowing running of the desktop software, or when AOL Gold is not responding. You can resolve this issue efficiently once you Reinstall AOL Desktop Gold on your system after removing the previously installed version.


Steps to Uninstall AOL Desktop Gold

For uninstalling the desktop software from your system, you need to follow the below-mentioned steps:

- Close all the running programs and then go to Control Panel.

- Click on the Programs > Programs and Features >Uninstall a Program.

- You can see the list of installed programs on your system and then look for AOL Desktop Gold software.

- Right-click on it and then choose the option of Uninstall.

- You will see a pop up that says ‘Do you wish keep your personal data that is related with AOL Desktop Gold?

- After clicking yes, the process of un-installation will start.

- Restart the system once un-installation is complete.


Steps to Reinstall AOL Desktop Gold

Once you have entirely removed the AOL Desktop Gold software from your system then you can follow the steps to install the software again on your system:

- Go to the official website of AOL and look for the AOL Desktop Software.

- Click on the download link to download the latest version of the desktop software on your system.

- Save the downloaded file in a secured location.

- Click on the saved setup file to run it as an Administrator.

- The installation wizard will run, and you have to agree to the privacy pop up that appears on the screen.

- Once the desktop software is installed, you need to login to your account.


However, at the time, you may find issues while installing the software in your system, but you need to make sure that you are following the system requirement. Don’t forget to update AOL Desktop Gold software installed on your system from time to time so that no error arises.


Read more: - How to Reinstall AOL Desktop Gold

Source: www.reinstall-desktop-gold.com/how-to-reinstall-aol-desktop-gold
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text 2020-06-17 09:16
How to Fix AOL Password Reset Not Working Problem

Being one of the popular email services, AOL email is known to be used by a large number of people all over the world. However, there are times when you cannot get a hold on your email account because you have forgotten the password of your account. Forgetting email password is common these days, and you can easily reset the password of your email by following a few quick steps. First of all, AOL Desktop Gold Install and try to login. However, if the AOL password reset is not working then you can get in touch with the experts by calling AOL support then your problem can be fixed efficiently.


Steps to Fix the AOL Password Reset Not Working

Before resetting the password, you have to fix the issue where AOL password reset is not working. You can fix this issue by following tips mentioned below:

- First, try to refresh the web- browser where you have opened the AOL email page.

- Try to restart your system.

- Sometimes, malicious malware is responsible for not working issue of AOL password reset, so you need to scan the system with antivirus.

- Remove all the junk files and temporary files from your system.

- Make sure to use the updated web browser for accessing your email


Steps to Reset the AOL Email Password Using Recovery Phone Number

- You need to visit the AOL sign-in page.

- Here you have to enter your username and then click on the option that says ‘forgot my password’.

- You can enter your registered phone number for getting the password resetting code.

- Once you receive the code, you can enter it on the space provided on the page and then click on Verify Code button.

- You will be redirected to the new page where you have to create the new password of your AOL email account.


There are two methods by which you can reset the password of your account, and they are using the recovery email address of answering the security question. If at any point you find it difficult to follow the steps given below then AOL Desktop Gold Reinstall once again or call AOL experts for resolution.


Read more: - Fix AOL Password Reset Not Working Problem

Source: aol-desktopgold-download.blogspot.com/2020/06/how-to-fix-aol-password-reset-not-working-problem.html
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