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review 2024-02-06 16:29
Das Summen zwischen den Atomen
Himmelwärts - Karen Köhler

Tonis Mutter ist seit etwa drei Monaten tot. Die Zehnjährige vermisst sie sehr. Deshalb fasst Toni zusammen mit ihrer besten Freundin YumYum den Plan, der Verstorbenen mit einem selbstgebastelten kosmischen Radio eine Nachricht zukommen zu lassen. In einer sternenklaren Sommernacht wollen die beiden Mädchen ihr Vorhaben heimlich umsetzen…


„Himmelwärts“ von Karen Köhler ist ein Buch für Kinder ab zehn Jahren.


Meine Meinung:

Das Buch besteht aus kurzen Kapiteln, die rückwärts nummeriert sind und mit ihren Überschriften eine Art Countdown darstellen sollen. Erzählt wird im Präsens und in chronologischer Reihenfolge in der Ich-Perspektive aus der Sicht von Toni.


Der freche, flotte Schreibstil passt sehr gut zur jungen Zielgruppe. Die Kombination aus Wortneuschöpfungen, Lautmalereien und spritzigen Dialogen ist unterhaltsam und wirkt dennoch authentisch. Stilistisch ist das Buch ebenfalls abwechslungsreich. Zwischen den Kapiteln gibt es Einschübe aus Tonis Notizbuch und dem Freundschaftsbuch.


Die modernen, farbintensiven Illustrationen von Bea Davies empfinde ich ebenfalls größtenteils als gelungen. Sie greifen Aspekte der Geschichte auf kreative Weise auf.


Die zwei Protagonistinnen sind interessante und klischeefreie Charaktere. Während sich Toni für Fußball begeistern kann, ist YumYum technisch und mathematisch begabt. Damit sind beide tolle Vorbilder dafür, dass auch Mädchen auf diesen Gebieten gut sein können.


Inhaltlich dominieren zwei Themenkomplexe: Trauer und Astronomie. Tonis Verlust wird behutsam, kindgerecht und sehr berührend geschildert. Gut gefallen hat mir, dass Technik und Astronomie verständlich erklärt werden und die junge Leserschaft nebenbei noch etwas in diesen Bereichen lernen kann.


Auf rund 190 Seiten wird die Geschichte in einer unaufgeregten Art und ohne Effekthascherei ausgebreitet. Dennoch kommt dank einer Wendung und interessanten Einfällen beim Lesen keine Langeweile auf.


Cover und Titel des Kinderbuches sind ansprechend. Sie passen hervorragend zum Inhalt.


Mein Fazit:

Auch mit ihrem Kinderbuch hat mich Karen Köhler überzeugt. Für mich ist „Himmelwärts“ eine ebenso unterhaltsame wie bewegende Lektüre mit begrüßenswerten Botschaften, die sich angenehm aus der Masse hervorhebt.

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review 2022-01-06 01:54
Audio Review: Game for Tonight (Game for It) by Karen Erickson, Narrated by Cassandra Myles
Game for Tonight (Game for It, #3) - Karen Erickson






Game for Tonight by Karen Erickson

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Audio Review: Game for Tonight (Game for It) by Karen Erickson, Narrated by Cassandra Myles

Have always been a fan of Karen Erickson. No one does sassy and sensual like she does. However, Erickson in audio is a new experience for me. Myles turns Aubrey Cooper into a lively firecracker that knows how to make an impression. Add in an alpha in training and the flickering of sparks become a full formed flame. Game for Tonight is a spicy temptation that gives the heart and senses quite a workout.

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review 2021-11-15 00:00
To Win Her Heart
To Win Her Heart - Karen Witemeyer Actual Rating: 4.5

This one was recommended to be recently, and I'm so glad I picked it up! Historical Romance tends to be a bit hit-or-miss for me, as romance as a plot doesn't always grab my attention. This is a clean Christian Romance, but I really enjoyed the writing style and getting to meet these characters!

I admit, while I did like Eden, her uppity tendencies and prejudice ideals did gets old quick at times. More so, as the readers already know about Levi's past, and that she's about to find out too... I loved Levi's parts through-out though, and really loved seeing his gentile ways and patient nature slowly change the way the town dealt with their fears and concerns as his past, and the church's Bible funds drive start to make sense.

I also can't write a proper review with at least mentioning Chloe and Duncan! I loves several of the townspeople in this one (and honestly wish it was part of a series...Stand alones are find, but part of me wishes to return to this town a while longer...) I loved both of these supporting-characters and really enjoyed seeing how Chloe's story helps Eden learn to trust and open-up to the idea that her past, and her thoughts on forgiveness and redemption can change over time without her being naïve or loosing a part of herself in the process. She has long thought that if she allowed the events of her past to be anything but a guiding force to prevent repeated heart-break, that she would be less than the woman she strived for years to become or considered 'broken' regardless of what anyone else tries to teach her.

I also loved the library scenes, each one! I also loved how a love of books and literature is one of the things that connected these characters!

Overall, I found this one a charming and entertaining read. While there were a few places there I wished it would *hurry up and move to the next scene already!* I did enjoy this one and loved meeting these characters! I really enjoyed this story of finding one's place, love, redemption, and new beginnings. I also really enjoyed how the events around the side-characters and townsfolk also plays a role in changing up the MCs' perspectives a bit toward each other, and others from less fortunate upbringings or past mistakes that have followed them by way of stigmas. I also loved the detailed descriptions in this one! The writing style flows and is picturesque at times, with beautiful fields of wildflowers, cozy library afternoons, and lively exchanges around town!
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review 2020-12-26 16:05
One Of Us Is Next by Karen McManus
One of Us Is Next - Karen M. McManus
So this was good, but not as good as I hoped it would be.
This story has us reading about the same kids. This time there is a new game to be played, though no one wants to play. Revenge is the name of the game. 
I did like the twists and that I did not have a clue who was the mastermind working with the guy hosting the game. When all was revealed, I was shocked and amazed! Then a side twist made it even more shocking!
Still, the first half of the story was a little boring. I felt like it took a minute to gain momentum. And the very end felt like it sped up really fast just to get the story over with. Maybe it's me, but consitency is key.
I don't know that I would read another if this series had a book 3. It's kind of done over now. Y'know what I mean?!
Source: www.fredasvoice.com/2020/12/one-of-us-is-next-by-karen-mcmanus-65.html
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text 2020-07-01 21:07
June 2020 Wrap-Up
Maerlin's Storm - Nav Logan
Crystal Zodiac - Katie Huang
The Brothers York - Thomas Penn
The Secrets of Ayurveda - Harish Chandra Verma,Gopi Warrier,Karen Sullivan

I haven't bothered with these monthly wrap-up posts in recent months because I've got so little reading done and with moving my account, it just got lost in the shuffle.


So anyway, four books finished in June. Only one fiction that I chose to read and it was pretty good. Three non-fiction from Netgalley. I seem to have a backlog of those all of a sudden. Some of them are a bit woo but I do take an interest in all sorts of things.


I'm reading several books at once so I may have more books done by the end of July. I'm still getting back to normal reading after the end of the world in march so I'm just glad to be reading again!

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